Famous Quotes About famous

View famous Famous Quotes by top authors from around the globe and their meanings.

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What are the most famous Famous Quotes?

Here are some of the most famous Famous quotes by top authers around the globe;

  • But to this day I am convinced that the real reason we met was because Alexander is from Nebraska, and he was completely fascinated that I was about to go off and make a movie with Brando - perhaps the most famous Nebraskan of all.
  • The actual truth about Gad is it's one of the original 13 tribes of Israel, so you can actually trace my lineage back to, like, those guys who had, like, a hand in the Bible and have since become very famous from that. So I come from very famous lineage. Granted, they didn't have cameras back then, so none of them had TV shows.
  • I do not like being famous. I like being normal.
  • I've always been more drawn to being normal than being famous.
  • It's not my goal to be a famous actor.

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