Famous Quotes About funny

View famous Funny Quotes by top authors from around the globe and their meanings.

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What are the most famous Funny Quotes?

Here are some of the most famous Funny quotes by top authers around the globe;

  • There are so many funny women in the world, and there has been for so many years, so I'll be happy when people can just move on from that, and things can just be 'comedies' and not 'female' or 'male,' and everyone gets an equal opportunity.
  • But if something funny happens, I can't resist. I have to tell the people.
  • I would like to do something modern and possibly funny.
  • I've always enjoyed making people laugh. But in order for me to be funny, I have to get ticked off about something.
  • Everyone comes up to me saying, 'Cooee, Julie! Hello!' as if I know them. Of course I don't bloody know them. Am I flummoxed by it? Sometimes. I think, 'Ooh, love, go easy.' For a time, I did feel this pressure that I had to be funny, but it passes.

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