Famous Quotes About funny

View famous Funny Quotes by top authors from around the globe and their meanings.

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What are the most famous Funny Quotes?

Here are some of the most famous Funny quotes by top authers around the globe;

  • Comedy clubs can be brutal. Those people are for real, and if you aren't funny, they aren't laughing. They don't care who you are.
  • Gotta stay in the gym, stay funny, stay sharp. I just love working.
  • I think it's actually a misperception that I am a comedic actress. I do more drama than comedy but very little of it has been seen. When you are in big funny movies and they do well and your little part in it kind of explodes people perceive you as a comedian.
  • I don't think of myself as a comedian, but as an artist, a scientist and chemist who just happens to be funny. I started doing stand-up to add another level to my game. I feel that I'm a young rookie with a veteran's skill.
  • I feel cheesy when I see 'Silver Spoons.' Some of it was funny, but some of it was just cheese! My kids love it, but I look at it and cringe.

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