Famous Quotes About health

View famous Health Quotes by top authors from around the globe and their meanings.

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What are the most famous Health Quotes?

Here are some of the most famous Health quotes by top authers around the globe;

  • Five years ago we were working on a new album when my health began failing.
  • America enjoys the best health care in the world, but the best is no good if folks can't afford it, access it and doctor's can't provide it.
  • I can support co-ops if they want to do it as we've known co-ops in America for 150 years - where they serve the purposes of the consuming public, whether it's health care or whether it's co-ops as we know them in the Midwest, providing electricity or to sell supplies to farmer.
  • Decades ago, women suffered through horrifying back-alley abortions. Or, they used dangerous methods when they had no other recourse. So when the Republican Party launched an all-out assault on women's health, pushing bills to limit access to vital services, we had to ask: Why is the GOP trying to send women back... to the back alley?
  • By offering individuals ownership and control of their health care coverage, we return control to the patients and that is exactly where it should be.

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