Famous Quotes About mom

View famous Mom Quotes by top authors from around the globe and their meanings.

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What are the most famous Mom Quotes?

Here are some of the most famous Mom quotes by top authers around the globe;

  • I was home-schooled, was always very close with my mom and was very straight-laced and square. I was never the rebellious one, and I never threw hissy fits.
  • I was 3 when I told my mom that I knew what my dharma was and that I wanted to be an actor.
  • For a kid who's lost his mom and all the rage and grief that no one was able to talk out of me, football was a very therapeutic sport. Very.
  • But the fact is, I'm not work-identified. I'm not a lawyer or a writer. I'm a mom, and I'm a woman, and that's the kind of people I want to see in books in the starring role.
  • My father left... but I tell my mom - and I told my mom this when I was a kid - I said, 'You know what, Mom? Good thing he left because you're a strong woman.'

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