Famous Quotes About society

View famous Society Quotes by top authors from around the globe and their meanings.

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What are the most famous Society Quotes?

Here are some of the most famous Society quotes by top authers around the globe;

  • I could pose in fashion commercials as a high society star but politics is a new way of life.
  • I would say that no film is apolitical. There are politics in all films. Any film that is anchored in a society, any film that deals with humanity is necessarily political.
  • As a society, I think we express our cultural mores through our politics. We're trying constantly to figure out what's OK and what's not OK. And it's hard, because our society is constantly buffeted by gale force winds of technology. Things are always changing.
  • Sometimes the most positive thing you can be in a boring society is absolutely negative.
  • Some people never contribute anything positive to society, they may even drain our resources, but most of us try to do something better, to give back.

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