Famous Quotes About success

View famous Success Quotes by top authors from around the globe and their meanings.

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What are the most famous Success Quotes?

Here are some of the most famous Success quotes by top authers around the globe;

  • To get down to the quick of it, respect motivates me - not success.
  • Hip-hop is more about attaining wealth. People respect success. They respect big. They don't even have to like your music. If you're big enough, people are drawn to you.
  • Yes I have made a lot of money and I have a lot of respect, my films have done well, and I know there are loads of loads of people who look up to me and really love me. I really just thought this is like a strange dream. I have never thought this is a success - I don't have a standard.
  • Success turns a lot of people off. I have a pretty solid sense of joy and respect that irritates people, and can irritate me, too.
  • The vampire was a complete change from the usual romantic characters I was playing, but it was a success.

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