Famous Quotes About success

View famous Success Quotes by top authors from around the globe and their meanings.

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What are the most famous Success Quotes?

Here are some of the most famous Success quotes by top authers around the globe;

  • Well, certainly one of the ironies of the success of affirmative action is that the middle class within the black community no longer lives within 'black community' by and large.
  • The historical basis for the gap between the black middle class and underclass shows that ending discrimination, by itself, would not eradicate black poverty and dysfunction. We also need intervention to promulgate a middle-class ethic of success among the poor, while expanding opportunities for economic betterment.
  • I sort of understood that when I first started: that you shouldn't repeat a success. Very often you're going to, and maybe the first time you do, it works. And you love it. But then you're trapped.
  • The very first step towards success in any occupation is to become interested in it.
  • You really have to work hard and apply yourself and by applying yourself and working hard and being diligent, you can achieve success.

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