Countries (ممالک - Mumalik) names in English & Urdu

Countries (ممالک - Mumalik) names in English, Urdu & Roman Urdu. Find a comprehensive list of Countries names & their meanings in different languages below;

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the names of animals in English?

Here is a list of names of the animals in English.

  • Barma - برما is called Burma in English.
  • Keneyd - کنیڈا is called Canada in English.
  • Chiin - چین is called China in English.
  • Anegueleyne - انگلینڈ is called England in English.
  • France - فرانس is called France in English.
  • View complete list here

What are the names of animals in Urdu?

Here is a list of names of the animals in Urdu

  • Burma کو Urdu میں برما - Barma کہتے ہیں۔
  • Canada کو Urdu میں کنیڈا - Keneyd کہتے ہیں۔
  • China کو Urdu میں چین - Chiin کہتے ہیں۔
  • England کو Urdu میں انگلینڈ - Anegueleyne کہتے ہیں۔
  • France کو Urdu میں فرانس - France کہتے ہیں۔
  • View complete list here