Famous Quotes About movies

View famous Movies Quotes by top authors from around the globe and their meanings.

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What are the most famous Movies Quotes?

Here are some of the most famous Movies quotes by top authers around the globe;

  • Some movies bring out the creativity in you. Every single audience member can become creative in the face of a particular movie. If you happen to like my films, it's because my films provide a bed for you on which you can find your creativity. The Hollywood movies do not provide that for you.
  • I've made some bad movies. And I really enjoyed it!
  • I want to make movies about my country from my point of view.
  • It's always uncomfortable for me when I take off my shirt. No one else is taking their shift off. Why is everyone else in these movies bundled up in layers of clothing and I'm taking my clothes off all the time?
  • It's too expensive, that's the thing nobody wants to talk about. It is too expensive to make movies. That's not true, it is too expensive to market movies. Making movies is not.

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