Jhagdalu in English

jhagdalu - جھگڑالو in English means;

stand upon points

Words meanings used in Jhagdalu

Meanings of the Urdu words used in jhagdalu - جھگڑالو are;

jangler litigant litigation litigious militant obstreperous quarrelous quarrelsome querulous rowdy ruffler shrewish termagant vixen wrangler جھگڑالو Jhagdalu

Idioms related to the words in jhagdalu

Here is a list of some of the idioms that are either related to the jhagdalu or use words from this idiom.

Quarrelling dogs come halting home jhagdalu aadmi salamat ghar nahi lotta جھگڑالو آدمی سلامت گھر نہیں لوٹتا

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is jhagdalu meaning in English?

jhagdalu - جھگڑالو

What are the idioms related to jhagdalu?

Here are the idioms that are related to the jhagdalu idiom.

  • Jhagdalu aadmi salamat ghar nahi lotta - جھگڑالو آدمی سلامت گھر نہیں لوٹتا