Carnal meanings in Urdu

Carnal meanings in Urdu are نفسانی, جنسی Carnal in Urdu. More meanings of carnal, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

نفسانی جنسی

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Carnal Definitions

Please find 2 English and definitions related to the word Carnal.

  • (adjective satellite) : marked by the appetites and passions of the body
  • (adjective) : of or relating to the body or flesh

More words from Urdu related to Carnal

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Carnal meanings in Urdu in Urdu.

What are the meanings of Carnal in Urdu?

Meanings of the word Carnal in Urdu are نفسانی - nafsaani and جنسی - jinsi. To understand how would you translate the word Carnal in Urdu, you can take help from words closely related to Carnal or it’s Urdu translations. Some of these words can also be considered Carnal synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Carnal. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Carnal in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Carnal in Urdu as possible so you could understand its correct English to Urdu translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Carnal with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by carnal?

Meanings of carnal are نفسانی - nafsaani and جنسی - jinsi

Whats the definition of carnal?

Definition of the carnal are

  • marked by the appetites and passions of the body
  • of or relating to the body or flesh

What is the synonym of carnal?

Synonym of word carnal are sensualistic, sensual, ency, sexualized, sextiles, sextile, sexual, genetic

What are the idioms related to carnal?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word carnal.

  • Go in unto
  • All the passions are extinguished with old age self love dies never
  • All the passions are extinguished with old age; selflove dies never
  • It is passions which make and unmake everything
  • No more deadly pest has been given to men by nature than sensual pleasure

What are the quotes with word carnal?

Here are the quotes with the word carnal in them

  • And my first film was Carnal Knowledge, another amazing experience, largely because of Mike Nichols, who would tell me you can't do anything wrong because you're doing everything right. — Carol Kane
  • O that unbelievers would learn of faithful Abraham, and believe whatever is revealed from God, though they cannot fully comprehend it! Abraham knew God commanded him to offer up his son, and therefore believed, notwithstanding carnal reasoning might suggest may objections. — George Whitefield
  • My mom took me to see Carnal Knowledge and The Wild Bunch and all these kind of movies when I was a kid. — Quentin Tarantino
  • 'For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge' took a year to record that's why the playing on it might sound somewhat labored. 'Balance,' on the other hand, was written and recorded in only four months, so the whole process was quicker and more immediate. — Eddie Van Halen