Famous Quotes About best

View famous Best Quotes by top authors from around the globe and their meanings.

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What are the most famous Best Quotes?

Here are some of the most famous Best quotes by top authers around the globe;

  • I'm full of fears and I do my best to avoid difficulties and any kind of complications. I like everything around me to be clear as crystal and completely calm.
  • Where I am today... I still have my ups and downs, but I take it one day at a time and I just hope that I can be the best that I can possibly be, not only for myself, but also young people that are out there today that need someone to look up to.
  • The Supreme Court has insulted you over and over again, Lord. They've taken your Bible away from the schools. They've forbidden little children to pray. They've taken the knowledge of God as best they can, and organizations have come into court to take the knowledge of God out of the public square of America.
  • The best doctor is the one you run to and can't find.
  • Don't despair too much if you see beautiful things destroyed, if you see them perish. Because the best things are always growing in secret.

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