Famous Quotes About best

View famous Best Quotes by top authors from around the globe and their meanings.

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What are the most famous Best Quotes?

Here are some of the most famous Best quotes by top authers around the globe;

  • But one of the things I learned is that when you fight for something you believe in and you tell the truth and you do your best, you can always hold your head up high and no one can take that away from you.
  • The best way to turn a woman's head is to tell her she has a beautiful profile.
  • Among the best traitors Ireland has ever had, Mother Church ranks at the very top, a massive obstacle in the path to equality and freedom. She has been a force for conservatism... to ward off threats to her own security and influence.
  • The best protection any woman can have... is courage.
  • The best thing to do is stare it in the face and move on. We have to face our fears and plow through. I think taking chances takes a lot more courage than staying stagnant and doing what's safe and comfortable.

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