Famous Quotes About best

View famous Best Quotes by top authors from around the globe and their meanings.

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What are the most famous Best Quotes?

Here are some of the most famous Best quotes by top authers around the globe;

  • In matters of conscience, first thoughts are best. In matters of prudence, last thoughts are best.
  • Since I'm always working, my best holiday memories are definitely when I can just go home and spend time with my family.
  • It's impossible, I think, however much I'd become disillusioned politically or evolve into a post-political person, I don't think I'd ever change my view that socialism is the best political moment humans have ever come up with.
  • Join me in Olympic Heros for Abstinence. The best sex is no sex.
  • Lay this unto your breast: Old friends, like old swords, still are trusted best.

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