Machhli - مچھلی meanings in English

Machhli - مچھلی meanings in English are fish, pisciform, piscaries, mishmashes, fistiana, fisks, fishiness, fished, fishable, piskies, pissoirs, piscinal, piscation, friesish, fleshquake, cich pea, bearishness, sweetfish, fiscs, fiscals, lobe finned fish, fishwife, fisheye, fisc, crampfish, alligatorfish, alligator pear, muscle, may fish, piscatory, cubs, crocoisite, crockets, crampons, beeswing, sweetbriar, still fish, piscine Machhli - مچھلی in English. More meanings of machhli - مچھلی, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

fish pisciform piscaries mishmashes fistiana fisks fishiness fished fishable piskies pissoirs piscinal piscation friesish fleshquake cich pea bearishness sweetfish fiscs fiscals lobe finned fish fishwife fisheye fisc crampfish alligatorfish alligator pear muscle may fish piscatory cubs crocoisite crockets crampons beeswing sweetbriar still fish piscine fish

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Machhli - مچھلی Definitions

Please find 26 English and definitions related to the word Machhli - مچھلی.

  • (noun) : any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills
  • (noun) : the flesh of fish used as food
  • (noun) : (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Pisces
  • (noun) : the twelfth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about February 19 to March 20
  • (verb) : catch or try to catch fish or shellfish
  • (verb) : seek indirectly
  • has been an important source of protein for humans throughout recorded history. Fish is traditionally cooked in a saalan curry or fried with masala spices.
  • (noun) : authority or power or force (especially when used in a coercive way)
  • (noun) : animal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells
  • (noun) : one of the contractile organs of the body
  • (noun) : a bully employed as a thug or bodyguard
  • (verb) : make one's way by force
  • (noun) : possessing muscular strength
  • (noun) : a pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed
  • (noun) : small very elongate sea poachers
  • (noun) : any sluggish bottom-dwelling ray of the order Torpediniformes having a rounded body and electric organs on each side of the head capable of emitting strong electric discharges
  • (noun) : a secret federal court created in 1978 by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act; responsible for authorizing wiretaps and other forms of electronic surveillance and for authorizing searches of suspected spies and terrorists by the Department of Justice or United States intelligence agencies
  • (noun) : a state treasury or exchequer or a royal treasury; originally the public treasury of Rome or the emperor's private purse
  • (adjective) : of or relating to a fisheye lens
  • (noun) : someone who sells fish
  • (noun) : any fish of the order Crossopterygii; most known only in fossil form
  • (noun) : black-barred fish of bays and coastal marshes of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast of the United States
  • (adjective) : relating to or characteristic of the activity of fishing
  • (adjective) : of or relating to fish
  • (verb) : fish with the line and bait resting still or stationary in the water
  • (noun) : Eurasian rose with prickly stems and fragrant leaves and bright pink flowers followed by scarlet hips

More words related to the meanings of Machhli - مچھلی

Fishبنسی کھیلنا مچھلی کا شکار کرنا ڈگن مارنا مچھلی machhli مچھلی machli مچھی مین Meen متس Matas ماہی maahi ماہی Mahi جل تری مچھلی کا گوشت ماس مچھلی مچھلی پکڑنا machhli pakarna
Muscleپٹھا عصب asb عصب Asib عضلہ azlah عضلہ Azla مچھلی machhli مچھلی machli پٹھوا puttha
Alligator pearمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Alligatorfishمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Crampfishمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Fiscمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Fisheyeمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Fishwifeمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Lobe finned fishمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
May fishمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Piscatoryمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Piscineمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Still fishمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Sweetbriarمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Beeswingمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Cramponsمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Crocketsمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Crocoisiteمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Cubsمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Fiscalsمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Fiscsمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Fishableمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Fishedمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Fishinessمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Fisksمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Fistianaمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Mishmashesمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Piscariesمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Pisciformمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Piskiesمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Pissoirsمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Sweetfishمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Bearishnessمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Cich peaمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Fleshquakeمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Friesishمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Piscationمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli
Piscinalمچھلی machhli مچھلی machli

More words from English related to Machhli - مچھلی

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Machhli - مچھلی meanings in English in English.

Idioms related to the meaning of Machhli - مچھلی

A fish out of waterارد گرد کے ماحول میں بے چینی
All fish are not caught with fliesسب کو ایک لاٹھی سے نہیں ہانکا جاتا
All is fish that comes to his netرو میں سب روا ہے
Better small fish than an empty dishنہ ہونے سے تھوڑا بھی اچھا
Daughters and dead fish are not keeping waresبیٹیاں اور مری مچھلیاں رکھنے کی چیزیں نہیں
Dry shoes won't catch fishمحنت کے بغیر کوئی کام نہیں ہو سکتا
Fish and guests smell at three days oldایک دن مہمان دو دن مہمان تیسرے دِن وبالِ جان
Fish and guests smell out at three days oldایک دن مہمان دو دن مہمان تیسرے دن بلائے جان
Fish in troubled watersنا موافق صورت حال سے فائدہ اٹھانا
It is a silly fish that is caught twice with the same baitکاٹھ کی ہنڈیا ایک ہی بار چڑھتی ہے
It is vain to look for yesterday's fish in the house of the otherموقع کو ہاتھ سے گنوا کر پھر اس کی تلاش کرنا فضول ہے
Make fish of one and flesh of anotherامتیاز رکھنا
Neither fish nor flesh nor good red herringبے فائدہ
Neither fish nor flesh nor good red herringنہ کام کے نہ کاج کے
Neither fish nor fowlآدھا تیتر آدھا بٹیر
No choice amongst stinking fishسب ایک سمان تو چھانٹنا کیا
No man cries stinking fishاپنی چھاچھ کو کون کھٹا کہتا ہے
No one can eat gold fishزر کھایا نہیں جا سکتا
One fish infects the whole waterایک مچھلی سارے جل کو گندہ کر دیتی ہے
Pretty kettle of fishاجنبیت محسوس کرنا
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What are the meanings of Machhli - مچھلی in English?

Meanings of the word Machhli - مچھلی in English are fish, muscle, alligator pear, alligatorfish, crampfish, fisc, fisheye, fishwife, lobe finned fish, may fish, piscatory, piscine, still fish, sweetbriar, beeswing, crampons, crockets, crocoisite, cubs, fiscals, fiscs, fishable, fished, fishiness, fisks, fistiana, mishmashes, piscaries, pisciform, piskies, pissoirs, sweetfish, bearishness, cich pea, fleshquake, friesish, piscation and piscinal. To understand how would you translate the word Machhli - مچھلی in English, you can take help from words closely related to Machhli - مچھلی or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Machhli - مچھلی synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Machhli - مچھلی. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Machhli - مچھلی in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Machhli - مچھلی in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Machhli - مچھلی with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by machhli?

Meanings of machhli are fish, muscle, alligator pear, alligatorfish, crampfish, fisc, fisheye, fishwife, lobe finned fish, may fish, piscatory, piscine, still fish, sweetbriar, beeswing, crampons, crockets, crocoisite, cubs, fiscals, fiscs, fishable, fished, fishiness, fisks, fistiana, mishmashes, piscaries, pisciform, piskies, pissoirs, sweetfish, bearishness, cich pea, fleshquake, friesish, piscation and piscinal

Whats the definition of machhli?

Definition of the machhli are

  • any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills
  • the flesh of fish used as food
  • (astrology) a person who is born while the sun is in Pisces
  • the twelfth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about February 19 to March 20
  • catch or try to catch fish or shellfish
  • seek indirectly
  • has been an important source of protein for humans throughout recorded history. Fish is traditionally cooked in a saalan curry or fried with masala spices.
  • authority or power or force (especially when used in a coercive way)
  • animal tissue consisting predominantly of contractile cells
  • one of the contractile organs of the body
  • a bully employed as a thug or bodyguard
  • make one's way by force
  • possessing muscular strength
  • a pear-shaped tropical fruit with green or blackish skin and rich yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed
  • small very elongate sea poachers
  • any sluggish bottom-dwelling ray of the order Torpediniformes having a rounded body and electric organs on each side of the head capable of emitting strong electric discharges
  • a secret federal court created in 1978 by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act; responsible for authorizing wiretaps and other forms of electronic surveillance and for authorizing searches of suspected spies and terrorists by the Department of Justice or United States intelligence agencies
  • a state treasury or exchequer or a royal treasury; originally the public treasury of Rome or the emperor's private purse
  • of or relating to a fisheye lens
  • someone who sells fish
  • any fish of the order Crossopterygii; most known only in fossil form
  • black-barred fish of bays and coastal marshes of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast of the United States
  • relating to or characteristic of the activity of fishing
  • of or relating to fish
  • fish with the line and bait resting still or stationary in the water
  • Eurasian rose with prickly stems and fragrant leaves and bright pink flowers followed by scarlet hips

What is the synonym of machhli?

Synonym of word machhli are بنسی کھیلنا, مچھلی کا شکار کرنا, ڈگن مارنا, مچھلی, مچھی, مین, متس, ماہی, جل تری, مچھلی کا گوشت

What are the idioms related to machhli?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word machhli.

  • A fish out of water
  • All fish are not caught with flies
  • All is fish that comes to his net
  • Better small fish than an empty dish
  • Daughters and dead fish are not keeping wares