Expose meanings in Urdu
Expose meanings in Urdu are وا کرنا, راز فاش کرنا, پردہ اٹھانا, پردہ فاش کرنا, کھولنا, بے پردہ کرنا, افشا کرنا Expose in Urdu. More meanings of expose, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
وا کرنا راز فاش کرنا پردہ اٹھانا پردہ فاش کرنا کھولنا بے پردہ کرنا افشا کرنا
Expose Definitions
Please find 8 English and definitions related to the word Expose.
- (noun) : the exposure of an impostor or a fraud
- (verb) : abandon by leaving out in the open air
- (verb) : remove all or part of one's clothes to show one's body
- (verb) : expose or make accessible to some action or influence
- (verb) : expose while ridiculing; especially of pretentious or false claims and ideas
- (verb) : reveal to view as by removing a cover
- (verb) : to show, make visible or apparent
- (verb) : expose to light, of photographic film
More words related to the meanings of Expose
More words from Urdu related to Expose
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Expose meanings in Urdu in Urdu.
سامنے لاناکھولاناعام کرناچیرنا پھاڑنادھنوالاعیاں کرناابالہویدا کرناپھیلناصریحپٹ کھولنادریدہکیا بے کیا کر دیناخلاصی دینالِباس اُتارنامُنتشر ہوناراستہ دیناافشا ہوناالم نشرحسستپھوڑنافاش کرناہیجانامتحانراہافشا کرناپردہ اٹھاناآشکار کرناوسیع ہوناواضحپردہ اٹھا دیناوا ہوناتباہ و برباد کر دیناسلجھناکپڑے اتارنابھٹک جاناغداری کرناابلناراہ دینابینآزادیباز کرناسلجھانااضطرابپھوٹنااظہارمشہور کرناوضاحت کرناپرکاش کرنابندھنوں سے آزاد ... چوڑاناپیدا کرناطشت از بام کرنااسنناگرہ کھولناچیرناپٹیمنحرف ہوناگلاناعیاں یا علانیہ کرناپھیلاناہویدارہا کرناانکشاف کرنااکارت کر دیناچُھڑاناچھین لیناانتشار پاناروزنفاش ہونابیجکجھولاپھلانااگھڑناجوش دیناقلعی کھولناچاک کرناسوراخکہناپھوڑااکھاڑناوسیع کرناپیداخلاصیدیکھنے دینابازکھول دیناتخلیص کرنابرہنہ کرناکُھلناکہ ڈالنامشتہر ہونافہرستپھس پھساپھولناظاہر کرناابال کر پکاناکاٹ کوٹ کرناہوا نکلنے کا راستہاعلانیہ کہناپھنسیروشن کرناچوڑا ہونااجاگربھانڈا پھوڑناکشادہکیئے پر پانی پھیر دیناحل کرنابے پردہ کرنامنحرف کرناانڈیلناکھدبداناکھولنااظہرڈھیلا کرناکڑکنااظہار کرناکھولاہٹچھترنادروازہپرگھٹ کرناتعبیر کرناواضح کرنابھر بھرابڑھاناظاہرننگا کرناابالناالگ کرناکاٹناکھینچناکھلناراز فاش کرناجوش میں آنانکالنافاشچھوٹوا کرناجھگڑے یا جھنجٹ سے نکالنالوٹ لینامنتشر ہونانکاسظاہر ہوناالگکڈھیلاکشادہ کرنااجاگر کرناظاہر کر دینااسیجنابتاناتشریح کے لئے چیرناچھوڑنابتلانادنبلصاف صاف دکھاناچوڑا کرناکھلاچھٹیمنکشف کرناکالعدم کرنانجات دلاناننگا کر دیناپُھوٹناشگافعیاں ہوناتعلیقہٴ مال تجارتکچاوسعت دیناوا
Idioms related to the meaning of Expose
What are the meanings of Expose in Urdu?
Meanings of the word Expose in Urdu are کھولنا - khaulna, افشا کرنا - afsha karna, پردہ اٹھانا - pardah uthaana, وا کرنا - waa karna, بے پردہ کرنا - bey pardah karna and راز فاش کرنا - raaz faash karna. To understand how would you translate the word Expose in Urdu, you can take help from words closely related to Expose or it’s Urdu translations. Some of these words can also be considered Expose synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Expose. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Expose in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Expose in Urdu as possible so you could understand its correct English to Urdu translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Expose with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by expose?
Meanings of expose are کھولنا - khaulna, افشا کرنا - afsha karna, پردہ اٹھانا - pardah uthaana, وا کرنا - waa karna, بے پردہ کرنا - bey pardah karna and راز فاش کرنا - raaz faash karna
Whats the definition of expose?
Definition of the expose are
- the exposure of an impostor or a fraud
- abandon by leaving out in the open air
- remove all or part of one's clothes to show one's body
- expose or make accessible to some action or influence
- expose while ridiculing; especially of pretentious or false claims and ideas
- reveal to view as by removing a cover
- to show, make visible or apparent
- expose to light, of photographic film
What is the synonym of expose?
Synonym of word expose are unpicking, unwrap, loose, unlatches, unmask, diverge, unwind, unclose, dissect, unspell
What are the idioms related to expose?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word expose.
- It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it open
- Tell tales out of school
- To raise the veil
- Wash dirty linen in public
- A foult once denied is twice committed
What are the quotes with word expose?
Here are the quotes with the word expose in them
- Not to expose your true feelings to an adult seems to be instinctive from the age of seven or eight onwards. — George Orwell
- It is absolutely impossible to transcend the laws of nature. What can change in historically different circumstances is only the form in which these laws expose themselves. — Karl Marx
- Dating is different when you get older. You're not as trusting, or as eager to get back out there and expose yourself to someone. — Toni Braxton
- We'll be going to the fish market and a farmer's market this afternoon to get what we need to make and eat dinner as a family. I'm trying to expose my kids to going to a farmers market or the fish market and learning what that's all about. — Emeril Lagasse