Daaku - ڈاکو meanings in English

Daaku - ڈاکو meanings in English are bandit, bandits, dacoitage, dacoitages, dacoities, dacoits, hoods, hoodwinked, howff, robbers, robuster, rodman, bandied, scourger, dacoity, dacoit, foot pad, marauder, robber, brigand, outlaw, rover, banditti, hood, banditry, clodhopper, rooks Daaku - ڈاکو in English. More meanings of daaku - ڈاکو, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

bandit bandits dacoitage dacoitages dacoities dacoits hoods hoodwinked howff robbers robuster rodman bandied scourger dacoity dacoit foot pad marauder robber brigand outlaw rover banditti hood banditry clodhopper rooks

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Daaku - ڈاکو Definitions

Please find 23 English and 2 Urdu definitions related to the word Daaku - ڈاکو.

  • (noun) : a member of an armed gang of robbers
  • (noun) : protective covering consisting of a metal part that covers the engine
  • (noun) : a headdress that protects the head and face
  • (noun) : the folding roof of a carriage
  • (noun) : metal covering leading to a vent that exhausts smoke or fumes
  • (noun) : an aggressive and violent young criminal
  • (verb) : cover with a hood
  • (noun) : a protective covering that is part of a plant
  • (noun) : (zoology) an expandable part or marking that resembles a hood on the head or neck of an animal
  • (noun) : (falconry) a leather covering for a hawk's head
  • (noun) : a tubular attachment used to keep stray light out of the lens of a camera
  • (noun) : someone who attacks in search of booty
  • (adjective satellite) : contrary to or forbidden by law
  • (verb) : declare illegal; outlaw
  • (noun) : someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime
  • (adjective satellite) : disobedient to or defiant of law
  • (noun) : a thief who steals from someone by threatening violence
  • (noun) : an adult member of the Boy Scouts movement
  • (noun) : someone who leads a wandering unsettled life
  • (noun) : the practice of plundering in gangs
  • (noun) : a thick and heavy shoe
  • (noun) : robbery by a gang of armed dacoits
  • (noun) : a torturer who flogs or scourges (especially an official whose duty is to whip offenders)
  • جو عدالت کی پناہ کے قابل نہ ہو
  • جو شخص حفاظت قانون کا مستحق نہ ہو

More words related to the meanings of Daaku - ڈاکو

Banditڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako بٹ مار لٹیرا luteyra رہزن raeh zan قزاق qazzaaq قزاق Adaakaaren ڈکیت dakaet
Dacoitڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako ڈکیت dakaet
Foot padڈکیت dakaet بٹ مار رہزن raeh zan ٹھگ Thig ڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Hoodڈھانکنا dhaankna اوڑھنی اوڑھانا اوڑھنی orhni اوڑھنی Oorhni گھگی Ghiggi جھومپا Choompa پچھوری Pachori کنٹوپ kantop ڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Marauderلٹیرا luteyra پنڈارا Pindaara ڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako رہزن raeh zan غارت گر ghaarat gar ڈکیت dakaet قزاق qazzaaq قزاق Adaakaaren لوٹ luut لوٹ laut لوٹ lot لوٹ Loot
Outlawحمایت قانون سے باہر کرنا راندہٴ قانون قرار دینا جلا وطن کرنا jila watn karna جلا وطن کرنا jila watan karna واجب القتل جلا وطن مفرور mafruur مفرور Mafroor مفرور Mafrur اشتہاری مجرم عادی مجرم ڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako اچھوت achhuut خلاف قانون قرار دینا khelaaf e qaanuun qaraar deyna ممانعت کرنا mumaaneat karna
Robberدزد duzd دزد Dazad قزاق qazzaaq قزاق Adaakaaren بٹ مار راہزن Raahzan چور chor چور chuur ڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako قطاع الطرایق لٹیرا luteyra ڈاک daak ڈاک daaku ڈکیت dakaet غارت گر ghaarat gar راہ زن raah zan
Roverآوارَہ گَرد جَہاں گَرد ہَدَف Haduf تير اندازی کا نِشانَہ ڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako رہزن raeh zan قزاق qazzaaq قزاق Adaakaaren
Bandittiڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Banditryڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Brigandڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako ڈکیت dakaet لٹیرا luteyra قزاق qazzaaq قزاق Adaakaaren
Clodhopperڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Dacoityڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Scourgerڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Bandiedڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Banditsڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Dacoitageڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Dacoitagesڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Dacoitiesڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Dacoitsڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Hoodsڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Hoodwinkedڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Howffڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Robbersڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Robusterڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Rodmanڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako
Rooksڈاکو daaku ڈاکو Daako

What are the meanings of Daaku - ڈاکو in English?

Meanings of the word Daaku - ڈاکو in English are bandit, dacoit, foot pad, hood, marauder, outlaw, robber, rover, banditti, banditry, brigand, clodhopper, dacoity, scourger, bandied, bandits, dacoitage, dacoitages, dacoities, dacoits, hoods, hoodwinked, howff, robbers, robuster, rodman and rooks. To understand how would you translate the word Daaku - ڈاکو in English, you can take help from words closely related to Daaku - ڈاکو or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Daaku - ڈاکو synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Daaku - ڈاکو. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Daaku - ڈاکو in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Daaku - ڈاکو in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Daaku - ڈاکو with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by daaku?

Meanings of daaku are bandit, dacoit, foot pad, hood, marauder, outlaw, robber, rover, banditti, banditry, brigand, clodhopper, dacoity, scourger, bandied, bandits, dacoitage, dacoitages, dacoities, dacoits, hoods, hoodwinked, howff, robbers, robuster, rodman and rooks

Whats the definition of daaku?

Definition of the daaku are

  • a member of an armed gang of robbers
  • protective covering consisting of a metal part that covers the engine
  • a headdress that protects the head and face
  • the folding roof of a carriage
  • metal covering leading to a vent that exhausts smoke or fumes
  • an aggressive and violent young criminal
  • cover with a hood
  • a protective covering that is part of a plant
  • (zoology) an expandable part or marking that resembles a hood on the head or neck of an animal
  • (falconry) a leather covering for a hawk's head
  • a tubular attachment used to keep stray light out of the lens of a camera
  • someone who attacks in search of booty
  • contrary to or forbidden by law
  • declare illegal; outlaw
  • someone who has committed a crime or has been legally convicted of a crime
  • disobedient to or defiant of law
  • a thief who steals from someone by threatening violence
  • an adult member of the Boy Scouts movement
  • someone who leads a wandering unsettled life
  • the practice of plundering in gangs
  • a thick and heavy shoe
  • robbery by a gang of armed dacoits
  • a torturer who flogs or scourges (especially an official whose duty is to whip offenders)
  • جو عدالت کی پناہ کے قابل نہ ہو
  • جو شخص حفاظت قانون کا مستحق نہ ہو

What is the synonym of daaku?

Synonym of word daaku are ڈاکو, بٹ مار, لٹیرا, رہزن, قزاق, ڈکیت, ٹھگ, ڈھانکنا, اوڑھنی اوڑھانا, اوڑھنی

What are the idioms related to daaku?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word daaku.

  • All hoods make not monks
  • In the neighbour hood of
  • Never carry two faces under one hood
  • Two faces under one hood