Cheesy meanings in Urdu
Cheesy Definitions
Please find 1 English and definitions related to the word Cheesy.
- (adjective satellite) : of very poor quality; flimsy
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بے ہودہغیر قابل انفکاکنکٹھبالبگڑنابيڈانبوہبے حستَہبدکردارباطلکم خرچدو کوڑی کابے قدرناکافیخفیفپنیر کی طرحدھوراقلب زانورسواہ کنمضرکُہنَہسستینیچشیطانیناتواںکھوٹاسطحیناقابل اصلاحیاناخستہ حال ہونابراجم گھٹغیر جانب دارجڑبد کارکالعدمبازاریبيکارناچیزفاترکم عمرشکستہاپورنگھٹنے کی ہڈیذلت آمیزشریرپُرانابد تر –badذلیل ... نداردنچلا طبقہادھوراغیر مساویکہترحقیرخستہ حالبَدقَندسرد مہربنیاد ڈالنافاسدساقطہلکا پھلکانِکَمّانامکملنگوڑینارسیدہکمناقصزانوبے ربطزبوںبداِخلاقی کا عادیزیرموازنہمطلوببد شکلابترغیر یکساںاصغرحمل گرانے کی دوامعمولیناخلفبدعام شَکَّرنادرستکمینہقابل اعتراضبیمارپُر خطاءعریاںخامنکمیصغیر سنقلیلقبل از وقتاُجڈغیر منطقیبُنيادبدکاربنجرسستامحتاجبے کارنابرابراسفلملاوٹیگربھ پات اوکھدکاسہ زانوپستغیرفَرسُودَہکم قیمتخسیسسفاکلاچارغلطی پرنقلیجس کو چھڑا نہ سکیںردیبالاخراب ہوناخراببے قابو حجومبے پرواہبنیادقابِل ملامتبے وقتارزاںمُہمِلفرو مایہگندہکم درجے کابیکاکچاچینیسوقیانہقبیحمَعمُولیکقیمتقائدہغیرحاضرجھٹکامجرمشکرچھوٹاادنیٰبگڑا ہوابُراایک قَلمی مُرَکّبمستقاعدہبد خصلتمعدومہلکابِلا قَدَر و قيمَتنگوڑالرزانخرد سالعیب دارابتدائقلبغلطسیاہ کارگھسا پٹاماتحتمیزانیہغائبنچلہ طبقہادھ بنافضُولغیر متوازیکمترکم ترخواراچھے کا ضِدکھانڈڈھیلیگھٹیانااہلاپاہجگبھراہٹناتمامنکمانابالغقاصرناکارہلوگوں کا مجمعبل دلیلاساسفاسقبانجھبجٹدرکاربد وضعاکارتلاجوابکوچکمسقطصغیراوچھابگڑاگھَٹیاالٹکم ظرفقابل ملامتکم زورعیبی
Idioms related to the meaning of Cheesy
What are the meanings of Cheesy in Urdu?
Meanings of the word Cheesy in Urdu are سستا - sasta, گھٹیا - ghatiya, ناقص - naa qis, پنیر کی طرح, چینی - chiini and ارزاں - arzaan. To understand how would you translate the word Cheesy in Urdu, you can take help from words closely related to Cheesy or it’s Urdu translations. Some of these words can also be considered Cheesy synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Cheesy. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Cheesy in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Cheesy in Urdu as possible so you could understand its correct English to Urdu translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Cheesy with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by cheesy?
Meanings of cheesy are سستا - sasta, گھٹیا - ghatiya, ناقص - naa qis, پنیر کی طرح, چینی - chiini and ارزاں - arzaan
Whats the definition of cheesy?
Definition of the cheesy are
- of very poor quality; flimsy
What is the synonym of cheesy?
Synonym of word cheesy are cheapie, jiggly, inferrable, base, deficient, adjectitious, jarful, wonky, cheaper, jigged
What are the idioms related to cheesy?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word cheesy.
- Grubb street
- Rest comes from unrest and unrest again from rest
- Heaven is a cheap purchase whatever it cost
- Much bruit little fruit
- Best is cheapest
What are the quotes with word cheesy?
Here are the quotes with the word cheesy in them
- Okay, let's talk about cartoon labels for half a second - some people think anything with a dog or a car or a colorful alien is garbage, which is not true. Look at Big Moose Red. It's, like, a $6 wine with a cheesy label, and it's actually a solid wine. — Gary Vaynerchuk
- I miss my Dad. My Dad loved cheesy monster movies, so we'd have Godzilla movie marathons. Those are some of my favorite memories, laughing at how the monster outfits were so bad, like black garbage bags for heads. — Ahmet Zappa
- The kids out there want something they can relate to, something that's real most of that whiny stuff isn't real. The cheesy pop songs just bore me to death. — Jonathan Davis
- Not to sound overly cheesy but I really appreciate the freedom we have in America - especially as a female. — Katy Perry