String meanings in Urdu
String Definitions
Please find 17 English and definitions related to the word String.
- (verb) : thread on or as if on a string
- (noun) : a lightweight cord
- (noun) : stringed instruments that are played with a bow
- (noun) : (cosmology) a hypothetical one-dimensional subatomic particle having a concentration of energy and the dynamic properties of a flexible loop
- (noun) : a tie consisting of a cord that goes through a seam around an opening
- (noun) : a collection of objects threaded on a single strand
- (noun) : a sequentially ordered set of things or events or ideas in which each successive member is related to the preceding
- (verb) : add as if on a string
- (verb) : provide with strings
- (verb) : remove the stringy parts of
- (verb) : stretch out or arrange like a string
- (verb) : move or come along
- (noun) : a necklace made by stringing objects together
- (noun) : a tightly stretched cord of wire or gut, as a part of an instrument or a tennis racket
- (noun) : a linear sequence (as of characters, words, proteins, etc.)
- (noun) : a tough piece of fiber in vegetables, meat, or other food (especially the tough fibers connecting the two halves of a bean pod)
- (verb) : string together; tie or fasten with a string
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کارڈرائی سڑکتربیت دیناآوارہ گردی کرنالکڑی کا چھوٹا سا لمبا ٹُکڑالڑائمضبوط بنانابرادریفیتہپیچ دیناقطار میں لگاناجکڑناربطباندھنے کا دھاگہنسبت ریتیکشتی چلاناقرابتجالطبقہبندھنپیغام رسانی کرناہڈیڈوریآپس داریموٹا ڈوریاگاڑیلائنگوٹادھمگرہ لگا دیناناطہقورسوتتہہ لگانالڑینکیلدستہرسی سے پانی پر گھسیٹناواسطہچٹلاتانتاہم جنسجال میں پھانسناسَتلیلکیرانتسابحسب و نسبحبلريتیریل گاڑی ... پلاجہاز کے کام کا رسارَسَنگانٹھیگانہفیتہ لگاناکہانیاصلسلسلہتسمہچوٹیپالنا پوسناحدموباففتورروئیایک سادامبٹی رسیدوریرنجیر سے باندھنا یا جکڑنالگاؤسات پشتڈورگندے بالوں کی لٹقطارزدسلاخرَسَہدرجہپٹی جس سے باز بندھا رہتا ہےشیرازہ بندی کرناعقیدتحسب نسبرسی سے باندھنابھائ بندیستلیسکھاناآراستہ کرناچوٹی بندجھٹ پٹتاگاموافقپھسل پھندابل دیناستربیڑی لگاناقرینہشجرہ نسبتعلقصفناؤکھیلناسمبندھرسنمنزلپٹیدھاگا جو سینےمعاہدہآبا و اجدادتاررشتے داریگزیورزش کرناقطار درجہایک قسم کی ریشمی کنی یا گوٹشغبجکڑ دینالواحقیننواررسی بٹناصف آرائ کرنالڑسیاق و سباقپراعلاقہسر کا ڈوراچپو چلاناناتادام میں لاناسُوتدھاگاتار مہیہ کرناحسبطنابسببفائلحشمقطار باندھناکناریرَسّیبندھناقرابت داریپٹاگپخاندانرشتہپھانسیغوللبھاناہمدردیسربندناؤ کھیناہم قسمپھندے میں لاناریسماںنشان یا جھری ڈالناجوڑنسب نامہتانتپروناذیلپہنچرسیريسمانگرہڈوری میں باندھناجوڑناقصہنسلزنجیرعزیز داریمینڈھیڈوراسیدھا کرناصف بندی کرناسیلیجھگڑاچمڑےقرابتیپھنداکنڈلخطباندھناپیوستذات پاتسِلسِلہریتیڈانر لگانا یا چلانابندہلنگرسطربنددھجیاتحادگھراناکسنالاگ
Idioms related to the meaning of String
What are the meanings of String in Urdu?
Meanings of the word String in Urdu are رسی - rassi, ڈور - dor, قطار - qataar, رشتہ - rishtah, ڈوری - dori, ڈورا - dora and ستلی - sutli. To understand how would you translate the word String in Urdu, you can take help from words closely related to String or it’s Urdu translations. Some of these words can also be considered String synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word String. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use String in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say String in Urdu as possible so you could understand its correct English to Urdu translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of String with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by string?
Meanings of string are رسی - rassi, ڈور - dor, قطار - qataar, رشتہ - rishtah, ڈوری - dori, ڈورا - dora and ستلی - sutli
Whats the definition of string?
Definition of the string are
- thread on or as if on a string
- a lightweight cord
- stringed instruments that are played with a bow
- (cosmology) a hypothetical one-dimensional subatomic particle having a concentration of energy and the dynamic properties of a flexible loop
- a tie consisting of a cord that goes through a seam around an opening
- a collection of objects threaded on a single strand
- a sequentially ordered set of things or events or ideas in which each successive member is related to the preceding
- add as if on a string
- provide with strings
- remove the stringy parts of
- stretch out or arrange like a string
- move or come along
- a necklace made by stringing objects together
- a tightly stretched cord of wire or gut, as a part of an instrument or a tennis racket
- a linear sequence (as of characters, words, proteins, etc.)
- a tough piece of fiber in vegetables, meat, or other food (especially the tough fibers connecting the two halves of a bean pod)
- string together; tie or fasten with a string
What is the synonym of string?
Synonym of word string are ropy, stroup, queest, rapport, gimp, dure, rowel, lineage, twine, roping
What are the idioms related to string?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word string.
- He that hath been bitten by a serpent is afraid of a rope
- Little strokes fell great oaks
- Reduced to poverty he still affects the pomp
- Wolves lose their teeth but not their nature
- The wounded limbs recoil at even a gentle touch and a vain shadow strikes the anxious with fear
What are the quotes with word string?
Here are the quotes with the word string in them
- We cannot change our past. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. — Charles R. Swindoll
- One of the basic things about a string is that it can vibrate in many different shapes or forms, which gives music its beauty. — Edward Witten
- We used to play the underground clubs like the UFO, and Middle Earth, and they were great because they would have on things like a poet, string quartets, and then a rock band! It was kinda cool! — Alvin Lee
- These heroes of finance are like beads on a string when one slips off, all the rest follow. — Henrik Ibsen