Relationship (رِشتہ داری - Rishtedari) names in English & Urdu

Relationship (رِشتہ داری - Rishtedari) names in English, Urdu & Roman Urdu. Find a comprehensive list of Relationship names & their meanings in different languages below;

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are the names of animals in English?

Here is a list of names of the animals in English.

  • Goad lia beta - گود لیا بیٹا is called Adopted son in English.
  • Ishq - عشق is called Affection in English.
  • Chachi - چچی is called Aunt in English.
  • Bhai - بھائی is called Brother in English.
  • Saala - سالہ is called Brother in law in English.
  • View complete list here

What are the names of animals in Urdu?

Here is a list of names of the animals in Urdu

  • Adopted son کو Urdu میں گود لیا بیٹا - Goad lia beta کہتے ہیں۔
  • Affection کو Urdu میں عشق - Ishq کہتے ہیں۔
  • Aunt کو Urdu میں چچی - Chachi کہتے ہیں۔
  • Brother کو Urdu میں بھائی - Bhai کہتے ہیں۔
  • Brother in law کو Urdu میں سالہ - Saala کہتے ہیں۔
  • View complete list here