Nafsaani khuwahishaat ki ghulami sab say buree ghulami bay in English
nafsaani khuwahishaat ki ghulami sab say buree ghulami bay - نفسانی خواہشات کی غلامی سب سے بُری غلامی ہے in English means;
serving one's own passions is the greatest slavery
Words meanings used in Nafsaani khuwahishaat ki ghulami sab say buree ghulami bay
Meanings of the Urdu words used in nafsaani khuwahishaat ki ghulami sab say buree ghulami bay - نفسانی خواہشات کی غلامی سب سے بُری غلامی ہے are;
Idioms related to the words in nafsaani khuwahishaat ki ghulami sab say buree ghulami bay
Here is a list of some of the idioms that are either related to the nafsaani khuwahishaat ki ghulami sab say buree ghulami bay or use words from this idiom.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is nafsaani khuwahishaat ki ghulami sab say buree ghulami bay meaning in English?
nafsaani khuwahishaat ki ghulami sab say buree ghulami bay - نفسانی خواہشات کی غلامی سب سے بُری غلامی ہے
What are the idioms related to nafsaani khuwahishaat ki ghulami sab say buree ghulami bay?
Here are the idioms that are related to the nafsaani khuwahishaat ki ghulami sab say buree ghulami bay idiom.
- Nafsaani khuwahishaat hee sab kuch banaati aur bigarti hain - نفسانی خواہشات ہی سب کچھ بناتی اور بگاڑتی ہیں
- Mohlik tareen waba nafsaani khuwahishaat hain - مہلک ترین وبا نفسانی خواہشات ہیں
- Khud parasti kay siwaye burhapa aur sab nafsaani khuahishon ko zaaya kar deta bay - خود پرستی کے سواۓ بڑھاپا اور سب نفسانی خواہشوں کو ضائع کر دیتا ہے
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