Mutazaad - متضاد meanings in English

Mutazaad - متضاد meanings in English are opprobry, contrariant, contraremonstrant, contraindicating, contraindicant, contradistinguishing, contradistinctive, contradictor, contradictive, contradictional, contradicting, contradicter, contradicted, contrastimulant, contravening, oppositifolious, inconversant, inconsistentness, heterogynous, heterogonous, hetercephalous, counterproved, counterchanged, controvertist, controverting, controverted, controverse, contractible, conterraneous, contrariwise, contrarious, contralto, contradictorily, contraclockwise, opposing, contradictory, antonym, antithetical, warring, oppositive, discrepant, contrasting, contrastive, constringing, consectaneous, conflictive, contusive, contrist, contrasted, contrahent, unsynchronous, inconsistently, counterpoised, contredanse, contrasty, contrary Mutazaad - متضاد in English. More meanings of mutazaad - متضاد, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

opprobry contrariant contraremonstrant contraindicating contraindicant contradistinguishing contradistinctive contradictor contradictive contradictional contradicting contradicter contradicted contrastimulant contravening oppositifolious inconversant inconsistentness heterogynous heterogonous hetercephalous counterproved counterchanged controvertist controverting controverted controverse contractible conterraneous contrariwise contrarious contralto contradictorily contraclockwise opposing contradictory antonym antithetical warring oppositive discrepant contrasting contrastive constringing consectaneous conflictive contusive contrist contrasted contrahent unsynchronous inconsistently counterpoised contredanse contrasty contrary

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Mutazaad - متضاد Definitions

Please find 36 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Mutazaad - متضاد.

  • (noun) : two propositions are contradictories if both cannot be true (or both cannot be false) at the same time
  • (adjective satellite) : of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true and both cannot be false
  • (adjective satellite) : that confounds or contradicts or confuses
  • (adjective satellite) : in disagreement
  • (adjective satellite) : unable for both to exist or be true at the same time
  • (noun) : exact opposition
  • (noun) : a relation of direct opposition
  • (adjective satellite) : very opposed in nature or character or purpose
  • (adjective satellite) : of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true but both may be false
  • (adjective satellite) : in an opposing direction
  • (noun) : a logical relation such that two propositions are contraries if both cannot be true but both can be false
  • (adjective satellite) : not in agreement
  • (adjective satellite) : not compatible with other facts
  • (adjective satellite) : not in accord
  • (adjective satellite) : expressing antithesis or opposition
  • (adjective satellite) : sharply contrasted in character or purpose
  • (noun) : a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other
  • (adjective) : in the direction opposite to the rotation of the hands of a clock
  • (adverb) : in a contradictory manner
  • (noun) : the lowest female singing voice
  • (adjective satellite) : of or being the lowest female voice
  • (noun) : a woman singer having a contralto voice
  • (adverb) : contrary to expectations
  • (adverb) : in a contrary disobedient manner
  • (adverb) : with the order reversed
  • (adjective satellite) : strikingly different; tending to contrast
  • (adjective satellite) : syntactically establishing a relation of contrast between sentences or elements of a sentence
  • (adjective satellite) : of words so related that one contrasts with the other
  • (adjective satellite) : strikingly different; tending to contrast
  • (adjective) : having sharp differences between black and white
  • (noun) : a type of folk dance in which couples are arranged in sets or face one another in a line
  • (verb) : perform a contradance
  • (adjective satellite) : brought into equipoise by means of a weight or force that offsets another
  • (adverb) : without showing consistency
  • (adjective satellite) : characterized by active hostility
  • (adjective satellite) : not occurring together
  • مقابلہ یا مزاحمت کرنے کے قابل

More words related to the meanings of Mutazaad - متضاد

Contradictoryبرخلاف bar khelaaf برخلاف ber khilaaf برخلاف Barkhilaaf اُلٹا ulta بردھ Burdh بپریت Bapriyat بپریت Bupriyat مخالف mukhaalif مخالف Mukhalif مناقض Manaquz متناقض Mutnaquz متبائن Mutbaen منافی Manafi ناموافق naa mowaafiq ناموافق Namawafiq مُتضاد mutazaad تَردیدی Tardeedi مُتناقض Mutnaquz خلاف khelaaf خلاف Khilaf متضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contraryمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad مخالف mukhaalif مخالف Mukhalif برعکس bar aks خلاف khelaaf خلاف Khilaf نقیذ naqiiz ضد zid ضد Idd
Discrepantمتناقض Mutnaquz متضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad مختلف mukhtalif مختلف muhktalif فرق والا
Oppositiveمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad متقابل mutaqaabil مخالفت پسند
Warringبرسرپیکار Barsare paikaar متصادم Mutasadim متخالف Mutkhalif متضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad متناقض Mutnaquz جنگی سپاہی
Antitheticalمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Antonymمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad ضد و نقیذ zidd o naqiiz
Contraclockwiseمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contradictorilyمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contraltoمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contrariousمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contrariwiseمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contrastingمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contrastiveمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contrastyمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contredanseمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Counterpoisedمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Inconsistentlyمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Opposingمزاحم muzaahim مزاحم mazaahim مزاحم Mazahim متضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad تیڑھا teyrha مخالفتی teyrha
Unsynchronousمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contrahentمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contrastedمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contristمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contusiveمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Conflictiveمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Consectaneousمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Constringingمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Conterraneousمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contractibleمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contradictedمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contradicterمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contradictingمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contradictionalمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contradictiveمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contradictorمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contradistinctiveمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contradistinguishingمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contraindicantمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contraindicatingمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contraremonstrantمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contrariantمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contrastimulantمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Contraveningمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Controverseمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Controvertedمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Controvertingمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Controvertistمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Counterchangedمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Counterprovedمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Hetercephalousمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Heterogonousمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Heterogynousمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Inconsistentnessمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Inconversantمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Oppositifoliousمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad
Opprobryمتضاد mutazaad متضاد Mutzaad

More words from English related to Mutazaad - متضاد

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Mutazaad - متضاد meanings in English in English.

abhorrentwarringagainstcontracontradictoryopponentversusconversely oppositelycontrary tocounteropposite tounlikecontraryin opposition tooppositeagainstandcontrarietyfrowardnessobduracyobduratenessopinionativenesswaywardnessantilogyantithesiscontrarinessdournesseffronteryenmityinflexibilityinverseobstinacyoppositionpersistencepertinacityantitheticantitumorantitussivestub outstubbinessanticousantistaticantitheiststubbierstubbieststubblesstubblierstubblieststubbornedstubborns ...

What are the meanings of Mutazaad - متضاد in English?

Meanings of the word Mutazaad - متضاد in English are contradictory, contrary, discrepant, oppositive, warring, antithetical, antonym, contraclockwise, contradictorily, contralto, contrarious, contrariwise, contrasting, contrastive, contrasty, contredanse, counterpoised, inconsistently, opposing, unsynchronous, contrahent, contrasted, contrist, contusive, conflictive, consectaneous, constringing, conterraneous, contractible, contradicted, contradicter, contradicting, contradictional, contradictive, contradictor, contradistinctive, contradistinguishing, contraindicant, contraindicating, contraremonstrant, contrariant, contrastimulant, contravening, controverse, controverted, controverting, controvertist, counterchanged, counterproved, hetercephalous, heterogonous, heterogynous, inconsistentness, inconversant, oppositifolious and opprobry. To understand how would you translate the word Mutazaad - متضاد in English, you can take help from words closely related to Mutazaad - متضاد or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Mutazaad - متضاد synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Mutazaad - متضاد. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Mutazaad - متضاد in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Mutazaad - متضاد in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Mutazaad - متضاد with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by mutazaad?

Meanings of mutazaad are contradictory, contrary, discrepant, oppositive, warring, antithetical, antonym, contraclockwise, contradictorily, contralto, contrarious, contrariwise, contrasting, contrastive, contrasty, contredanse, counterpoised, inconsistently, opposing, unsynchronous, contrahent, contrasted, contrist, contusive, conflictive, consectaneous, constringing, conterraneous, contractible, contradicted, contradicter, contradicting, contradictional, contradictive, contradictor, contradistinctive, contradistinguishing, contraindicant, contraindicating, contraremonstrant, contrariant, contrastimulant, contravening, controverse, controverted, controverting, controvertist, counterchanged, counterproved, hetercephalous, heterogonous, heterogynous, inconsistentness, inconversant, oppositifolious and opprobry

Whats the definition of mutazaad?

Definition of the mutazaad are

  • two propositions are contradictories if both cannot be true (or both cannot be false) at the same time
  • of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true and both cannot be false
  • that confounds or contradicts or confuses
  • in disagreement
  • unable for both to exist or be true at the same time
  • exact opposition
  • a relation of direct opposition
  • very opposed in nature or character or purpose
  • of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true but both may be false
  • in an opposing direction
  • a logical relation such that two propositions are contraries if both cannot be true but both can be false
  • not in agreement
  • not compatible with other facts
  • not in accord
  • expressing antithesis or opposition
  • sharply contrasted in character or purpose
  • a word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word, in which case the two words are antonyms of each other
  • in the direction opposite to the rotation of the hands of a clock
  • in a contradictory manner
  • the lowest female singing voice
  • of or being the lowest female voice
  • a woman singer having a contralto voice
  • contrary to expectations
  • in a contrary disobedient manner
  • with the order reversed
  • strikingly different; tending to contrast
  • syntactically establishing a relation of contrast between sentences or elements of a sentence
  • of words so related that one contrasts with the other
  • strikingly different; tending to contrast
  • having sharp differences between black and white
  • a type of folk dance in which couples are arranged in sets or face one another in a line
  • perform a contradance
  • brought into equipoise by means of a weight or force that offsets another
  • without showing consistency
  • characterized by active hostility
  • not occurring together
  • مقابلہ یا مزاحمت کرنے کے قابل

What is the synonym of mutazaad?

Synonym of word mutazaad are برخلاف, اُلٹا, بردھ, بپریت, مخالف, مناقض, متناقض, متبائن, منافی, ناموافق

What are the idioms related to mutazaad?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word mutazaad.

  • He who alleges things which are contradictory is not to be heard