Motive meanings in Urdu

Motive meanings in Urdu are تحریک, وجہ, نظر, مقصد, حرکی, تحریکی, ضمیر, باعث حرکت, واسطہ, محرک, سبب, حرکت دینے والا, مدعا, مطلب, چلنے والا, نیت, علت, حاصل کلام, ارتھ, تقریب, کارن Motive in Urdu. More meanings of motive, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

تحریک وجہ نظر مقصد حرکی تحریکی ضمیر باعث حرکت واسطہ محرک سبب حرکت دینے والا مدعا مطلب چلنے والا نیت علت حاصل کلام ارتھ تقریب کارن

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Motive Definitions

Please find 5 English and definitions related to the word Motive.

  • (noun) : the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior
  • (adjective satellite) : causing or able to cause motion
  • (noun) : a theme that is repeated or elaborated in a piece of music
  • (adjective satellite) : impelling to action
  • (noun) : a design or figure that consists of recurring shapes or colors, as in architecture or decoration

More words related to the meanings of Motive

علتillatOccasion Illness Bad habit Flaw Fault Disease Defect Charge Ailment Addiction Pretext Fash Cause Addictedness Accurse Vice Rubbish
نظرnazarDiscernment Optical Observance Kenning Ken Glased Avision Viewiness Uplook Vision Squint Sight Look Glance Eyesight Expectation Estimation Geek
وجہwajahCausewayed Caused Causey Wherefore Sake Reason Plea Ground Shameful Causation Cause Causeyed Causeuse
محرکmuharrakImpulsive Motivative Stimulable Dynamic Convexness Stimie Stimulism Convect Prootic Stimulatress Ambivalent Practive Provect Agiotage Motiving Covetiveness Actuator Motivic Convivialist Stimulus Mothered Convexedness Stimulant Mothed Trigonous Mover Motettist Trigonic Instigator Confabular Trigly Inducer Conclavist Trigamist Tempter Ambivert Stromatic Pusher Stimulative Stimuli Provocative Stimulating Stimulator Motor Motiveless Stimulancy Mordant Motivator
ارتھEffect Earth
واسطہwaastahAgency Sake Relationship Reason Nexus Middleman Medium Means Intermediary Instrument Concern Broker Agent Rapport
چلنے والاchalney waalaWalking Walker Mover Gradient
مطلبmatlabImplying Import Meanly Desire Wish Concern Aim Strained Purport Purports Construction Contents Sense Purpose Meanwhiles Object Meanies Meaning Meanes Intention Meaner Intent
سببsababBring about Causal Cause Relationship Reason Occasion Ground Effect
مقصدmaqsadPurpose Obligatory Objective Meaning Intention Intent Implication Goal Destination Desire Design Animus Purposer Aim Objectivation Mottoed Motte Ejective
نیتniyatAim Jurisprudence Conscience Would Will Resolve Purpose Meaning Intentness Intention Intent Animus
کارنKaranFor Agency
حاصل کلامhaasil kalaamSubstance Sense Meaning In short
حرکیHarkiHylarchical Dynamical Motional Kinematic Dynamic
تحریکtaehriikMotation Incitement Suggestion Movement Motivation Motion Impetus Encouragement Arousal Actuation
ضمیرzamiirConscionableness Conscienced Pronouns Mimir Volition Heart Pronoun Mind Conscience
مدعاmuddaaAdmixtion Purpose Object Intention Aim
تقریبtaqriibCeremonialness Ceremoniousness Occasion Celebration Ceremony
حرکت دینے والاPuppeteers Motor

More words from Urdu related to Motive

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Motive meanings in Urdu in Urdu.

فِہَمگنتیعقلنائبحوالہواقعہدرکملک میں لاناشہ دینے والاآڑھتکھینچ تان کر نکالا ہواآفتچالارادہ رکھنااتہامنظریپرتھویقانون دانیچارہپیش کارتجویزحرکتتحریکیمرضیپرواہتہیہ کرنادھرتیآگاہ کرواناتوڑنانیتپدارتھچلنے والااس واسطے کہطلب کرناتشريحخار و خسبڑھاوادھیان کرناالہاماسباب کے متعلقفرضقوت رفتارباتشنگیرسومرعایتالجھیڑاچمکناال حاصلکارن ...

Idioms related to the meaning of Motive

Abasiaاعصابی نظام کی گڑبڑی کے باعث چلنے سے معزوری بدر حرکی
Many owe their fortunes to their enviersبعض لوگوں کی ترقی کا سبب ان کے حاسد ہیں
All things are good untriedجب تک واسطہ نہ پڑے سبھی اچھے ہیں
From a choleric man withdraw a little from him that says nothing for everجو شخص غُصہ ور ہو اس سے پرہیز کرنا ہی بہتر ہے لیکن جو شخص زبان پر قفل لگاۓ رکھے اس کا ہر گز اعتبار نہ کرنا نہ ہی کوئی واسطہ رکھنا
From a choleric man withdraw a little; from him that says nothing for everجو شخص غُصہ ور ہو اس سے پرہیز کرنا ہی بہتر ہے لیکن جو شخص زبان پر قفل لگاۓ رکھے اس کا ہر گز اعتبار نہ کرنا نہ ہی کوئی واسطہ رکھنا
Once in ten years one man hath need of anotherآدمی کو آدمی سے سو بار واسطہ پڑتا ہے
No thanks toوجہ سے وجہ کے بغیر مدد کے بغیر
Red ragزبان یا وجہ یا فساد یا غصہ کی وجہ
To understand is to forgiveدوسرے کے نقطہ نظر کو سمجھنے کی کوشش کی جاۓ تو جس کو ہم غلطی سمجھتے ہیں وہ قابلِ معافی لغزش نظر آنے لگے
Sheep and goats sheeps eyeاچھا و برا پر امید نظر یا پر جوش نظر
Few men will be better than their interest bids themاپنے مُنافع کے لیے کس کی نیت نہیں بگڑتی
Ill will never said wellبُری نیت سے کبھی کسی کو فائدہ نہیں ہوتا
Man punishes the action but god the intentionانسان جرم کو دیکھتا ہے اللہ نیت کو
No offence is taken when none is meantنیت بُری نہ ہو تو دوسرے کو بھی برا معلوم نہیں ہوتا
The best of all gifts is the good intention of the giverسب سے اچھا تحفہ دینے والے کی اچھی نیت ہے
The mind ennobles not the bloodشرافت نیت سے ہے
To hang on the rear ofحملہ کی نیت سے پیچھا کرنا
A fool errandبے مقصد سفر
Abortive effortناکام کوشش بے مقصد بھاگ دوڑ بے حصول کوشش
Carry one pointمقصد حاصل کرنا
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What are the meanings of Motive in Urdu?

Meanings of the word Motive in Urdu are علت - illat, نظر - nazar, وجہ - wajah, محرک - muharrak, ارتھ, واسطہ - waastah, چلنے والا - chalney waala, مطلب - matlab, سبب - sabab, مقصد - maqsad, نیت - niyat, کارن - Karan, حاصل کلام - haasil kalaam, حرکی - Harki, تحریک - taehriik, ضمیر - zamiir, مدعا - muddaa, تقریب - taqriib, تحریکی - Tehreeki and حرکت دینے والا. To understand how would you translate the word Motive in Urdu, you can take help from words closely related to Motive or it’s Urdu translations. Some of these words can also be considered Motive synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Motive. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Motive in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Motive in Urdu as possible so you could understand its correct English to Urdu translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Motive with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by motive?

Meanings of motive are علت - illat, نظر - nazar, وجہ - wajah, محرک - muharrak, ارتھ, واسطہ - waastah, چلنے والا - chalney waala, مطلب - matlab, سبب - sabab, مقصد - maqsad, نیت - niyat, کارن - Karan, حاصل کلام - haasil kalaam, حرکی - Harki, تحریک - taehriik, ضمیر - zamiir, مدعا - muddaa, تقریب - taqriib, تحریکی - Tehreeki and حرکت دینے والا

Whats the definition of motive?

Definition of the motive are

  • the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior
  • causing or able to cause motion
  • a theme that is repeated or elaborated in a piece of music
  • impelling to action
  • a design or figure that consists of recurring shapes or colors, as in architecture or decoration

What is the synonym of motive?

Synonym of word motive are occasion, discernment, causewayed, impulsive, effect, agency, walking, implying, import, motivative

What are the idioms related to motive?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word motive.

  • Abasia
  • Many owe their fortunes to their enviers
  • All things are good untried
  • From a choleric man withdraw a little from him that says nothing for ever
  • From a choleric man withdraw a little; from him that says nothing for ever

What are the quotes with word motive?

Here are the quotes with the word motive in them

  • The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history. — Mao Zedong
  • It's motive alone which gives character to the actions of men. — Jean de la Bruyere
  • He is the best sailor who can steer within fewest points of the wind, and exact a motive power out of the greatest obstacles. — Walter Scott
  • The atmosphere is much too near for dreams. It forces us to action. It is close to us. We are in it and of it. It rouses us both to study and to do. We must know its moods and also its motive forces. — Cleveland Abbe