Nature meanings in Urdu

Nature meanings in Urdu are کون, کیفیت, کائنات, ذات, فطرت, وضع, عالم, طبیعت, ماہیت, طبع, ساخت, سرشت, ترکیب, قدرت, بناوٹ, قسم, پرچھاواں, نوعیت, مزاج, مایا, کردار, خو, خصلت Nature in Urdu. More meanings of nature, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

کون کیفیت کائنات ذات فطرت وضع عالم طبیعت ماہیت طبع ساخت سرشت ترکیب قدرت بناوٹ قسم پرچھاواں نوعیت مزاج مایا کردار خو خصلت

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Nature Definitions

Please find 5 English and definitions related to the word Nature.

  • (noun) : the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions
  • (noun) : the essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized
  • (noun) : a particular type of thing
  • (noun) : the natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc.
  • (noun) : a causal agent creating and controlling things in the universe

More words related to the meanings of Nature

ساختsaakhtConstitution Artificiality Affectation Fructure Constructure Substructure Structural Structure Shape Make up Getup Construction Format Configuration Forging Setup Figment Manufacture Fiction Making Fabric Make Conformation
ذاتzaatDenomination Caste Birth Substantive Strain Sib Persona Kind Essence Entity Ego Breed Very Substance Selves Hypostasis
مزاجmizaajTone Temperament Temper Pride Mood Mettle Moodishly Make Timorsome Humour Temperers Temperer Health Temperates Ginger Temperated Temperature Temperable Idiosyncrasy Moodier Gneius Meliority Disposition Tempera Trim
بناوٹbanaawatFalsification Making Face Make up Equipment Fabric Edification Exaggeration Texturizes Disposition Constitution Texturized Conformation Blandishment Texturises Concoction Affect Texturised Construction Texture Texturise Artificiality Sham Texturing Affectation Manufacture Textures Make Textless Forging Textured Figment Structural Fiction Structure Feint Simulation Feign Putting on airs
ترکیبtarkiibSyntexis Construction Syntans Configuration Syntan Composition Syntagmata Temper Synthetism Turcism Synthesis Synthesist Syntomy Mixture Syntagma Synanthesis Manoeuvre Syntagm Syntony Making Trick Syntonizes Make Ruse Syntonises Recipe Syntonise Plan Syntonies Synthronus Mode Synthetise Method Synthetics Invention Syntheses Decoction
کونkaunQue Existence Being Who Which What Fundament Whoso Kon
فطرتfitratMake Connaturality Machination Natures Artfulness Natiform Natalities Naturism Innateness Inherency Wisdom Sagacity Intrigue Instinct Deceit Creation Naturity Sliness Natureless Ruse Naturality Preposterous Connaturalness
وضعwazaConfiguration Posture Garb Founding Fashion Demeanour Cutting Sceatt Chic Modus Character Modius Behaviour Vogue Appearance Tenor Moral Mode Style Manner State Guise Stance Figure Situation
قسمqismSpecies Sort Portion Plight Pledge Kind Genre Canton Vow Oath Gender Category Abjure Sype Sware Type
طبیعتtabiiatTemperament Mood Health Disposition Gneius
عالمaalimLiterary Lettered Learned Erudite World Earth Wise Universe Scholar Savant Regions Period Learned person Knowing Knower Intellect Macrocosm Literator
مایاmaayaMaya Mya Maia Moolah Mirage Delusion
کائناتkaa enaatMinivers Cosmism Universe World Macrocosm Creation Universology Universes
کیفیتkaefiyatQuality Prospect Posture Position Particulars Narrative Mood Affection Account Stance Story Event Statement Condition Accompaniment State Situation Report Remark
قدرتqudratForce Universe Strength Power Divine power Command Capacity Authority Ability Might
کردارkirdaarRoles Role Quality Personality Persona Manner Habit Disposition Character Personage Chivalry
سرشتsarishtTemperament Disposition Make
ماہیتmaahiyatSubstance Essence
پرچھاواںpar chhaawaanShadow Evil spirit
خوkhuManners Habit Deportment Character
خصلتkhaslatTraits Temper Talent Quality Peculiarity Dispension Moral Gneius
نوعیتnauiyatType Specification Strain
طبعtabaTaborets Temperament Stamping Printing Printer Print Leaning

More words from Urdu related to Nature

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Nature meanings in Urdu in Urdu.

پہناواسبب بتاناخاصیتبالکلدرستیبچہ دینابعید از قیاسذی عقلچالاکیلقبامکاناظہارجوڑناعبارتساخت گری کرنابھوراکھبناجتنجونسازبسرَسمی کامدغاذاتمعمولپتاذوقحیلہکترائیمیلکریمساختدانشمندیدھوکے کی ٹٹیلبکِسی فَرد کا کِردارچھل بٹاآگے بڑھناصَلاحیتوجدانپھیرچال ڈھالرقمبرتاوٴشائستہنیکنیہسَنسارپلہذل ...

Idioms with the word Nature in it

Idioms related to the meaning of Nature

All strive to give to the richمایا کو ملے مایا کر کر لمبے لمبے ہاتھ
Riches have wingsمایا بادل کی چھایا۔ مایا آج میری کل تیری
Facts are stubborn thingsسچائی چھپ نہیں سکتی بناوٹ کے اصولوں سے
Opinions are like fashions beautiful when new ugly when discardedراۓ وضع کی طرح ہوتی ہے نئی نئی خوبصورت لگتی ہے پرانی کو کوئی نہیں پوچھتا
To put a new face onکی کیفیت بدلنا
Nature is beyond all teachingقدرت کو کون سکھاۓ
Good temperاچھی طبیعت
Listlessness and silence denote the loverطبیعت کی سستی اور خاموشی عشق کی علامت ہیں
A friend is another selfدوست گویا اپنی ہی ذات کا پرتو ہوتا ہے
As is the gardenuch is the gardenerباغ دیکھ کر مالی کی ذات پہچانی جاتی ہے
As is the garden such is the gardenerباغ دیکھ کر مالی کی ذات پہچانی جاتی ہے
Fly with your own wingsاپنی ذات پر بھروسہ کرنا سیکھو
A pin a day is a goat a yearکوڑی کوڑی کرکے مایا جڑ جاتی ہے
Light gains make heavy pursesکوڑی کوڑی کر کے مایا جڑتی ہے
Little and often fills the purseکوڑی کوڑی کر کے مایا جڑتی ہے
Do one's kindفطرت کے مطابق عمل کرنا
Flesh and bloodانسانی فطرت
It is natural to the human character to hate him whom you have injuredیہ انسانی فطرت ہے کہ جِس کا نُقصان کرتا ہے اسی سے نفرت کرتا ہے
Law of natureقانون فطرت
What is trueimple and sincere is most congenial to man's natureسچائی سادگی اور صاف دلی یہ سب انسانی فطرت کے عین مطابق و موافق ہیں
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What are the meanings of Nature in Urdu?

Meanings of the word Nature in Urdu are ساخت - saakht, ذات - zaat, مزاج - mizaaj, بناوٹ - banaawat, ترکیب - tarkiib, کون - kaun, فطرت - fitrat, وضع - waza, قسم - qism, طبیعت - tabiiat, عالم - aalim, مایا - maaya, کائنات - kaa enaat, کیفیت - kaefiyat, قدرت - qudrat, کردار - kirdaar, سرشت - sarisht, ماہیت - maahiyat, پرچھاواں - par chhaawaan, خو - khu, خصلت - khaslat, نوعیت - nauiyat and طبع - taba. To understand how would you translate the word Nature in Urdu, you can take help from words closely related to Nature or it’s Urdu translations. Some of these words can also be considered Nature synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Nature. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Nature in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Nature in Urdu as possible so you could understand its correct English to Urdu translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Nature with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by nature?

Meanings of nature are ساخت - saakht, ذات - zaat, مزاج - mizaaj, بناوٹ - banaawat, ترکیب - tarkiib, کون - kaun, فطرت - fitrat, وضع - waza, قسم - qism, طبیعت - tabiiat, عالم - aalim, مایا - maaya, کائنات - kaa enaat, کیفیت - kaefiyat, قدرت - qudrat, کردار - kirdaar, سرشت - sarisht, ماہیت - maahiyat, پرچھاواں - par chhaawaan, خو - khu, خصلت - khaslat, نوعیت - nauiyat and طبع - taba

Whats the definition of nature?

Definition of the nature are

  • the complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's characteristic actions and reactions
  • the essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized
  • a particular type of thing
  • the natural physical world including plants and animals and landscapes etc.
  • a causal agent creating and controlling things in the universe

What is the synonym of nature?

Synonym of word nature are constitution, denomination, tone, falsification, syntexis, que, make, configuration, species, temperament

What are the idioms with the word nature?

Here are the idioms with the word nature in them.

  • Crooked by nature is never made straight by education
  • Good nature is a great misfortune if it want prudence
  • It is a man's nature which makes him trust worthy not his wealth
  • It is the nature of men to err of a fool to persevere in error
  • It is the nature of mortals to kick a fallen man

What are the idioms related to nature?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word nature.

  • All strive to give to the rich
  • Riches have wings
  • Facts are stubborn things
  • Opinions are like fashions beautiful when new ugly when discarded
  • To put a new face on

What are the quotes with word nature?

Here are the quotes with the word nature in them

  • He who is of calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite disposition youth and age are equally a burden. — Plato
  • The stars shall fade away, the sun himself Grow dim with age, and nature sink in years, But thou shalt flourish in immortal youth, Unhurt amidst the wars of elements, The wrecks of matter, and the crush of worlds. — Joseph Addison
  • To be happy, we must be true to nature and carry our age along with us. — William Hazlitt
  • I've been very competitive by nature from a young age, whether it was eating a bowl of pasta faster than somebody else, or always wanting to be the first one in line. — Maria Sharapova