Bar - بر meanings in English

Bar - بر meanings in English are bridegroom, broadness, spouse, at, in, land Bar - بر in English. More meanings of bar - بر, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

bridegroom broadness spouse at in land

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Bar - بر Definitions

Please find 30 English and definitions related to the word Bar - بر.

  • (noun) : a man who has recently been married
  • (noun) : a man participant in his own marriage ceremony
  • (noun) : the property of being wide; having great width
  • (noun) : a person's partner in marriage
  • (noun) : 100 at equal 1 kip in Laos
  • (noun) : a highly unstable radioactive element (the heaviest of the halogen series); a decay product of uranium and thorium
  • (noun) : a state in midwestern United States
  • (noun) : a unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot
  • (adjective satellite) : currently fashionable
  • (adjective satellite) : directed or bound inward
  • (adjective satellite) : holding office
  • (adverb) : to or toward the inside of
  • (noun) : a rare soft silvery metallic element; occurs in small quantities in sphalerite
  • (noun) : the territory occupied by a nation
  • (noun) : the people who live in a nation or country
  • (noun) : a politically organized body of people under a single government
  • (noun) : the solid part of the earth's surface
  • (noun) : extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use
  • (noun) : material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use)
  • (noun) : a domain in which something is dominant
  • (verb) : arrive on shore
  • (verb) : cause to come to the ground
  • (noun) : territory over which rule or control is exercised
  • (noun) : United States inventor who incorporated Polaroid film into lenses and invented the one step photographic process (1909-1991)
  • (verb) : shoot at and force to come down
  • (noun) : agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life
  • (noun) : the land on which real estate is located
  • (verb) : reach or come to rest
  • (verb) : bring ashore
  • (verb) : deliver (a blow)

Example Sentences

He doesn't drive وہ نہیں زبردستی دھکیلتا ہے
I don't drive ہم نہیں زبردستی دھکیلتے ہیں
We don't drive ہم نہیں زبردستی دھکیلتے ہیں
Labour day celebrated on the first Monday of every September, honors millions of hardworking across the country.مزدوری کا دن ہر ستمبر کے پہلے پیر کو منایا جاتا ہے ، ملک بھر میں لاکھوں محنت کشوں کو اعزاز دیتا ہے

More words from English related to Bar - بر

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Bar - بر meanings in English in English.

apieceeachperamongbyinintooftowithariditydrynesssiccitybarrennesscynicismdandruffdearthdroughtlandscurfvapidityaxillarydry landtercetdandereddandrifftransectsaroundatofayaveragemiddlemidstnucleusoddsbetweencentredistanceintervalmediatebachbeechbeachedbreadthbroadnessvastnesswidthbreadthwaysbreadthswidths ...

Idioms related to the meaning of Bar - بر

Every land is his native land to a brave manبُہادر کی ہر جگہ عِزَّت ہوتی ہے
To a brave man every land is a native landبہادر کے لیے ہر ملک وطن ہے
A ship should not be judged from the landتجربہ سے ہی اصلیت کھلتی ہے
Every land does not produce everythingہر مُلک کی پیداوار جُدا جُدا ہے
He that hath some land must some labourزمین سے محنت کے بغیر پھل حاصِل نہیں ہوتا
He that steals gold is put in prison he that steals land is made a kingجو زر چراتا ہے قید بھگتنا ہے لیکن جو ملک چراتا ہے بادشاہ بنتا ہے
Heaven is as near by sea as by landاللہ ہر جگہ حاظر و ناظر ہے
In the land of the blind the one eyed is kingاندھوں میں کانا راجہ
It is not allowable to build upon your own land that which may do an injury to anotherاپنے حقوق کو اس طریقے سے استعمال مت کرو کہ دوسروں کو نقصان پہنچے
Land astrayبرے راستے پر لگانا
Land of nodنیند
Land of th livingموجودہ زندگی
Land of the lealجنت
Land was never lost for want of an heirچیز ہونی چاہیئے لینے والے بہتیرے
Law of the landملک کا رائج قانون
Like master like landجیسا کسان ویسی کھیتی
Praise the sea but keep on landسمندر کی تعریف کرو پر دور سے ہی
The soil of our native land is dear to us allاپنا وطن کسے پیارا نہیں لگتا
He that steals gold is put in prison; he that steals land is made a kingجو زر چراتا ہے قید بھگتنا ہے لیکن جو ملک چراتا ہے بادشاہ بنتا ہے

What are the meanings of Bar - بر in English?

Meanings of the word Bar - بر in English are bridegroom, broadness, spouse, at, in and land. To understand how would you translate the word Bar - بر in English, you can take help from words closely related to Bar - بر or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Bar - بر synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Bar - بر. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Bar - بر in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Bar - بر in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Bar - بر with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by bar?

Meanings of bar are bridegroom, broadness, spouse, at, in and land

Whats the definition of bar?

Definition of the bar are

  • a man who has recently been married
  • a man participant in his own marriage ceremony
  • the property of being wide; having great width
  • a person's partner in marriage
  • 100 at equal 1 kip in Laos
  • a highly unstable radioactive element (the heaviest of the halogen series); a decay product of uranium and thorium
  • a state in midwestern United States
  • a unit of length equal to one twelfth of a foot
  • currently fashionable
  • directed or bound inward
  • holding office
  • to or toward the inside of
  • a rare soft silvery metallic element; occurs in small quantities in sphalerite
  • the territory occupied by a nation
  • the people who live in a nation or country
  • a politically organized body of people under a single government
  • the solid part of the earth's surface
  • extensive landed property (especially in the country) retained by the owner for his own use
  • material in the top layer of the surface of the earth in which plants can grow (especially with reference to its quality or use)
  • a domain in which something is dominant
  • arrive on shore
  • cause to come to the ground
  • territory over which rule or control is exercised
  • United States inventor who incorporated Polaroid film into lenses and invented the one step photographic process (1909-1991)
  • shoot at and force to come down
  • agriculture considered as an occupation or way of life
  • the land on which real estate is located
  • reach or come to rest
  • bring ashore
  • deliver (a blow)

What is the synonym of bar?

Synonym of word bar are دولھا, بر, بنڑا, بنا, نوشاہ, دولہا, نوشہ, چوڑائی, چکلائی, عرض

What are the idioms related to bar?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word bar.

  • Every land is his native land to a brave man
  • To a brave man every land is a native land
  • A ship should not be judged from the land
  • Every land does not produce everything
  • He that hath some land must some labour

How to use bar in a sentence?

Here is few example on how to use bar in a sentence.

  • He doesn't drive —  وہ نہیں زبردستی دھکیلتا ہے
  • I don't drive —  ہم نہیں زبردستی دھکیلتے ہیں
  • We don't drive —  ہم نہیں زبردستی دھکیلتے ہیں
  • Labour day celebrated on the first Monday of every September, honors millions of hardworking across the country. — مزدوری کا دن ہر ستمبر کے پہلے پیر کو منایا جاتا ہے ، ملک بھر میں لاکھوں محنت کشوں کو اعزاز دیتا ہے