Raheen - رحیم meanings in English

Raheen - رحیم meanings in English are gracious, humane, kind, mild, pitiful, benign, clement, merciful, ruthful Raheen - رحیم in English. More meanings of raheen - رحیم, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

gracious humane kind mild pitiful benign clement merciful ruthful

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Raheen - رحیم Definitions

Please find 20 English and definitions related to the word Raheen - رحیم.

  • (adjective satellite) : disposed to bestow favors
  • (adjective) : characterized by charm, good taste, and generosity of spirit
  • (adjective satellite) : characterized by kindness and warm courtesy especially of a king to his subjects
  • (adjective) : marked or motivated by concern with the alleviation of suffering
  • (adjective satellite) : showing evidence of moral and intellectual advancement
  • (adjective) : pertaining to or concerned with the humanities
  • (adjective) : having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior
  • (adjective satellite) : tolerant and forgiving under provocation
  • (adjective satellite) : agreeable, conducive to comfort
  • (adjective satellite) : mild and pleasant
  • (adjective) : moderate in type or degree or effect or force; far from extreme
  • (adjective satellite) : humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness
  • (adjective) : pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence
  • (adjective satellite) : kindness of disposition or manner
  • (adjective) : not dangerous to health; not recurrent or progressive (especially of a tumor)
  • (adjective) : (used of persons or behavior) inclined to show mercy
  • (adjective) : (of weather or climate) physically mild
  • (adjective satellite) : (used conventionally of royalty and high nobility) gracious
  • (adjective) : showing or giving mercy
  • (adjective satellite) : feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses

More words related to the meanings of Raheen - رحیم

Graciousکریم kariim کریم Cream آمرز گار رحیم rahiim رحیم Raheen مہربان mehrbaan مہربان mehr baan مہربان Meherbaan نرم narm نرم Naram شفقت آمیز دل فریب dil fareyb خوش نما khush numa
Humaneملائم mulaa em نرم دل narm dil حلیم haliim حلیم Haleem سلیم saliim سلیم Saleem سلیم Salim رحیم rahiim رحیم Raheen دردمند Durdmand موم دل رحم دل انسان insaan بھلا آدمی bhala aadmi شفیق shafiiq کریم النفس ہمدرد ham dard ہمدرد hamdard خدا ترس khuda taras اِنسان صِفت مہربان mehrbaan مہربان mehr baan مہربان Meherbaan نرم خُو رحمدِل Rehamdil انسان صفت insaan sifat نرم خو narm khu
Kindجنس jins ذات zaat نسل nasl نسل Nasal رحیم rahiim رحیم Raheen کریم kariim کریم Cream رحم دل مہربان mehrbaan مہربان mehr baan مہربان Meherbaan مشفق mushfiq شفیق shafiiq کرپال Karpaal دیالو Diyalu ہتکاری Hatkari بامروت Bamaroot پریمی preymi پریمی Premi ڈھب dhab نوع nau نوع Noo قبیل qabiil قسم qism قسم qasm قسم Qasam شق shaq شق shiq شق Shuaq شق Shuq صنف sinf با مروت baa murawwat دوستانہ dost aanah دوستانہ dostaanah دوستانہ Dostana مدد گار madad gaar نرم دل narm dil نیک neyk نیک Naik نیک Nek
Mildمہربان mehrbaan مہربان mehr baan مہربان Meherbaan حلیم haliim حلیم Haleem موم دل نرم دل narm dil رحیم rahiim رحیم Raheen آہستہ aahistah آہستہ Aahista دھیما dhiima دھیما Dhema ہلکا halka نرم narm نرم Naram معتدل motadil معتدل mtadil معتدل Muatadil
Pitifulملائم mulaa em موم دل رحیم rahiim رحیم Raheen دردمند Durdmand رحم دل واجب الرحم قابل ترحم درد مند dard mand درد ناک dard naak
Benignکریم kariim کریم Cream مہربان mehrbaan مہربان mehr baan مہربان Meherbaan رحیم rahiim رحیم Raheen
Clementبا مروت baa murawwat مشفق mushfiq نرم دل narm dil رحیم rahiim رحیم Raheen
Mercifulکریم kariim کریم Cream خدا ترس khuda taras رحیم rahiim رحیم Raheen
Ruthfulغمگین ghamgiin غمگین gham giin غمگین Ghamgeen پشیمان pasheymaan رحیم rahiim رحیم Raheen

More words from English related to Raheen - رحیم

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Raheen - رحیم meanings in English in English.

abashedashamedcontritepenitentremorsefulrepentantruthfulabjurecategorygenderoathvowcantongenrekindnaturepledgeplightportionsortspeciestypeswaresypeaffablegravehumanemildmodestpacificpatientlenienthymenealfavourable friendlygraciouskindlybenignmensefulniceticklishwell disposedbenevolentbenignantkind heartedkind heartednessmercerisedkinderkindestkindlers ...

What are the meanings of Raheen - رحیم in English?

Meanings of the word Raheen - رحیم in English are gracious, humane, kind, mild, pitiful, benign, clement, merciful and ruthful. To understand how would you translate the word Raheen - رحیم in English, you can take help from words closely related to Raheen - رحیم or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Raheen - رحیم synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Raheen - رحیم. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Raheen - رحیم in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Raheen - رحیم in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Raheen - رحیم with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by raheen?

Meanings of raheen are gracious, humane, kind, mild, pitiful, benign, clement, merciful and ruthful

Whats the definition of raheen?

Definition of the raheen are

  • disposed to bestow favors
  • characterized by charm, good taste, and generosity of spirit
  • characterized by kindness and warm courtesy especially of a king to his subjects
  • marked or motivated by concern with the alleviation of suffering
  • showing evidence of moral and intellectual advancement
  • pertaining to or concerned with the humanities
  • having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior
  • tolerant and forgiving under provocation
  • agreeable, conducive to comfort
  • mild and pleasant
  • moderate in type or degree or effect or force; far from extreme
  • humble in spirit or manner; suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness
  • pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence
  • kindness of disposition or manner
  • not dangerous to health; not recurrent or progressive (especially of a tumor)
  • (used of persons or behavior) inclined to show mercy
  • (of weather or climate) physically mild
  • (used conventionally of royalty and high nobility) gracious
  • showing or giving mercy
  • feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses

What is the synonym of raheen?

Synonym of word raheen are کریم, آمرز گار, رحیم, مہربان, نرم, شفقت آمیز, دل فریب, خوش نما, ملائم, نرم دل

What are the idioms related to raheen?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word raheen.

  • When god is kind the whole world is kind
  • A man who is merciful to a followman a calamity remembers
  • A pitiful look asks enough
  • Forgetting wrong is a mild revenge
  • Vengeance is mild justice