Gustaakh - گستاخ meanings in English
Gustaakh - گستاخ meanings in English are craterous, mollitious, perjured, perjuring, perturber, profaner, queerish, ruddied, sabred, sallied, sanglier, keened, imprecated, culter, demissive, disprized, ensiled, entoilment, erodent, forworn, gashful, gruelled, immeritous, schistous, slangiest, viscerated, clavellated, infelonious, ingracious, insteeped, mutilous, parapetalous, precipitious, slangous, smittlish, vasty, tetterous, slangular, slyish, sombrous, sorediate, sororial, sororised, sorrier, sturdied, tanyard, tervalent, thallious, consumpt, arrogant, impolite, impudent, insolent, insubordinate, irreverent, obtuse, rude, saucy, uncivil, uppity, flippant, brash, brutal, brazen, contumacious, disrespectful, frontless, malapert, misbehaved, shrewish, audacious, blunt, capful, chockful, somniferous, thoriated, apostolate, attollent, ballasted, barratrous, blabbered, blathered, blent, cheekiest, sommelier, smutty, disordered, dolorous, foul spoken, ostiary, peruked, profanatory, profaned, scandent, slangy, slumberous, chunderous Gustaakh - گستاخ in English. More meanings of gustaakh - گستاخ, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
craterous mollitious perjured perjuring perturber profaner queerish ruddied sabred sallied sanglier keened imprecated culter demissive disprized ensiled entoilment erodent forworn gashful gruelled immeritous schistous slangiest viscerated clavellated infelonious ingracious insteeped mutilous parapetalous precipitious slangous smittlish vasty tetterous slangular slyish sombrous sorediate sororial sororised sorrier sturdied tanyard tervalent thallious consumpt arrogant impolite impudent insolent insubordinate irreverent obtuse rude saucy uncivil uppity flippant brash brutal brazen contumacious disrespectful frontless malapert misbehaved shrewish audacious blunt capful chockful somniferous thoriated apostolate attollent ballasted barratrous blabbered blathered blent cheekiest sommelier smutty disordered dolorous foul spoken ostiary peruked profanatory profaned scandent slangy slumberous chunderous
Gustaakh - گستاخ Definitions
Please find 62 English and 2 Urdu definitions related to the word Gustaakh - گستاخ.
- (adjective satellite) : having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride
- (verb) : make less sharp
- (verb) : make less intense
- (verb) : make dull or blunt
- (verb) : make less lively, intense, or vigorous; impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation
- (verb) : make numb or insensitive
- (adjective satellite) : having a broad or rounded end
- (adjective satellite) : devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment
- (adjective satellite) : used of a knife or other blade; not sharp
- (adjective satellite) : (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering
- (adjective satellite) : disagreeably direct and precise
- (adjective satellite) : punishingly harsh
- (adjective satellite) : offensively bold
- (verb) : face with defiance or impudence
- (adjective) : made of or resembling brass (as in color or hardness)
- (adjective satellite) : wilfully obstinate; stubbornly disobedient
- (adjective satellite) : neither feeling nor showing respect
- (adjective) : exhibiting lack of respect; rude and discourteous
- (adjective satellite) : using foul or obscene language
- (adjective) : not polite
- (adjective satellite) : improperly forward or bold
- (adjective satellite) : characterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality
- (adjective) : showing lack of due respect or veneration
- (adjective satellite) : not revering god
- (adjective satellite) : slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity
- (adjective) : of an angle; between 90 and 180 degrees
- (adjective satellite) : lacking in insight or discernment
- (adjective satellite) : (of a leaf shape) rounded at the apex
- (adjective satellite) : belonging to an early stage of technical development; characterized by simplicity and (often) crudeness
- (adjective satellite) : socially incorrect in behavior
- (adjective) : lacking civility or good manners
- (adjective satellite) : (of persons) lacking in refinement or grace
- (adjective satellite) : (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes
- (adjective satellite) : continually complaining or faultfinding
- (adjective satellite) : disposed to venture or take risks
- (adjective satellite) : invulnerable to fear or intimidation
- (noun) : the quantity that a cap will hold
- (adjective satellite) : packed full to capacity
- (adjective satellite) : lacking orderly continuity
- (adjective) : not arranged in order
- (adjective satellite) : showing sorrow
- (adjective satellite) : showing inappropriate levity
- (adjective satellite) : disposed to or engaged in defiance of established authority
- (adjective) : not submissive to authority
- (noun) : someone who guards an entrance
- (noun) : the lowest of the minor Holy Orders in the unreformed Western Church but now suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church
- (adjective satellite) : wearing a wig popular for men in the 17th and 18th centuries
- (adjective satellite) : profaning or tending to desecrate
- (adjective satellite) : treated irreverently or sacrilegiously
- (adjective satellite) : improperly forward or bold
- (adjective satellite) : characterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality
- (adjective satellite) : used especially of plants; having a tendency to climb
- (adjective satellite) : constituting or expressed in slang or given to the use of slang
- (adjective satellite) : inclined to or marked by drowsiness
- (adjective satellite) : quiet and tranquil
- (adjective satellite) : soiled with dirt or soot
- (adjective satellite) : characterized by obscenity
- (noun) : a waiter who manages wine service in a hotel or restaurant
- (adjective satellite) : sleep inducing
- (adjective) : being or sounding of nervous or suppressed laughter
- (adjective) : lacking civility or good manners
- (adjective satellite) : presumptuously arrogant
- انتہائی اعتماد سے برتاو اور اونچی آواز میں باتیں کرنے والا
- بڑی اور دلچسپ ہونے کی وجہ سے توجہ کھینچنے والی عمارت یا کوئی چیز وغیرہ
More words related to the meanings of Gustaakh - گستاخ
More words from English related to Gustaakh - گستاخ
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Gustaakh - گستاخ meanings in English in English.
abandonedbrazen facebrazenfrontlessqueanrakehellshameproofbare facedbrashimmodestimpertinentimpudentindecentindelicatemalapertunashamedunblushingvulgarincestuousimmomentousdaringfearlessoutspokentemerariousaudaciousconfidentforthrighthigh spiritedintrepidunconstrainedundauntedbrazen browedabusiveloquaciousacrossawrystickyathwartchurlishcrookedknock kneeroughrudetransverseuncouthagresticgawkymannerlessputrandy ... rusticwant witpeasantruggeduncivilvillagerwild manyahooyokeldemurrerearthy obtusetawdryblowzyclunkycrasscumbersomedubfloppygrossinartificialinelegantmaladroitsquabuglyunbecomingairysportiveunceremonialunsensationaluncensureduncessantuncratedexcentricalinnubiloussupersensuousdabblearbitrarybrutalbutcherferociousmurderousoppressorbloodthirstybullycallouscrueldespotfell grimheartlesshectorimmaneiniquitouskindlessnighthawkremorselesstormentortyrannictyrantunjustunmercifulunsparingviperwantonwickedtyrannityrannidtyrannidaetyrannistyrannizedtyrantstyringtyrantyrannisharistocratearrogantdisdainfulbumptiousself conceitedimperiousoverbearingoverweeningpretentiousvaingloriousargenticbanglebraceletdiamonddifficultgrievousimmalleablestringentadamantankletflintyhardenedhardyharshhoarsehorridimplacableinauspiciousinexorableinflexibleinveterateloudobdurateonerousrefractoryrigidrigourousseverestrictsturdytenacioustoughtryingunluckyunyieldingviolentyeomanlybraceletsbrantlesbadassbarbarianferinetruculentwildanimalbarbarousbeastcrazyfierceheathenishinhumansavageunciviliseduncultivatedunculturedbarbarianssavagedsavagedomsavagesbarbigerousbarbarioushobill bredloutoafoafishprovincialunceremoniousuncourteousuneducatedungraciousunkemptunpolisheddehumaniseddehumanizeddeodourantindehiscentnoncivilisednoncivilizednonuniformrhapsodyunauthenticunchartereduncivilizedunfedunfermentedunhardenedunharmoniousunhumorousunmeltedunnourishedunornamentedunsophisticatedunvarnishedunwholesomenessabaseddeoxidatedillipeilluvialrutheniousuncannieruncanniestunchrisomunchristenuncinateduncloudsuncloudyuncowlundecentundulousungiftedunhandierunhandiestunhandingunhedgedunhelmedunhelmetedunhomelikeunhonestunhonouredunhoodedunhuskedunlabouredunlessonedunprimedunprizedunravishedunscouredunsiftedunsluicedunsonsyunwroughtvulgarizedincruentalirremissivenoninhabitantnonuniformistunhelmetunpedigreedunseminaredunsillyunspiritbigotedcontumaciousimportunemulishopinionedself willedwaywardbluntdisciplehoarystackwhiteblusterercheekycockynoisysaucybrusquecross grainedimpolitebluffclownishunamiableuprootalbrutishzoonanimalcularferaluntamedwildingjanglyjunglyjunglijunglierwildestwildishjanglerycongaedmarlaceousoutrageousrampantheinousmacabrebarbaricgruellybrutalitydiabolism cold bloodednessmercilessnessmurderousnessobstinateasinineimpertinenceinsolentintractableshamelessunabashedapothecialunfencedungreasedunhatchedunheededunpropheticunheedfulunjealousunmaternalunzealousdevoutlesshonorlessunchariotbull headedobstetricpiggishdoggeddourheadstrongopinionatedpertinaciousreluctantstiffstubbornunbendinguncompromisingstubbystumerstumerscalumniatoryfoul spokendisrespectfulflipfunnynaughtyvividboldbrightcoltishdeepfacetiousflippantflirtfriskygarishgaykittenishlasciviousmercurialmischievousperkypertpetulantplayfulsportfultoysomevolatilewittyirreverentribaldblasphemerclodinsubordinateregardlessunmannerlyviolatorcraturelessdisobedientmutineerinfringernon compliantundutifuldisobligedunobedientdisobeisantdisobeyerimprolificimpenitentmuzzydisloyalerrant headyindocileindomitableinexpungibleinsurgentjadishloftyobstreperousrebelliousrestiveuncontrollableunmanageablerebelliouslycriantrevulsivehirtellouscut throatinduratedandyfashion mongerfopfoppishfancifulfrivolousjauntyraffrakerakishsprightlysnootysuperciliousswelledheadbraggartconceitedhaughtyinflatednibsproudsnobuppityvainarrogatoregotisedobviatedargillousargoilearrogativeegoisticallydisregardfulindiscreetstand offishunaccommodatingunkindimprudentbestialundiscerningimmoralcantankerousdiabolicaldraconianviciouslybrutalistdismissiveedgeless vegetableyamhebetateinanimatefastidiousnessirritabilityshrewishshrewishnesstechinesstestinesswaspishnessiracundityyapflat planarcompressedflattenedlevelledflatten outflatlongflattensspicyblushlessgrainedhomelyknaggymorosesulkysullencooldry impersonalinsipidunsympathetichogignominiousimproperoutregaucheunderbredworshiplessuntunefulunsaintlymisbehavedcrudeprimitiveuncuthornlessmandamundaclodishgruffindecorousunbredbad manneredill manneredoff colourunmanneredventuresomecoquettishminxishstoutlitigantlitigationlitigiousquarrelousquarrelsomerowdyrufflertermagantjanglermilitantquerulousvixenwranglermindlessmasterfulegocentricegotistindependentpeevishvagariousmattpalliddulleclipsedfadedlacklustrematpalevagueden motherpervertedobtundtipnoselessnose cliproughneckscandalousadversedissonant indisposedmaladjustedcoarsefelongallinggrumhardoppressivesternsurlyterseflattering plausiblevolublequick witted
Idioms related to the meaning of Gustaakh - گستاخ
What are the meanings of Gustaakh - گستاخ in English?
Meanings of the word Gustaakh - گستاخ in English are arrogant, blunt, brutal, brash, brazen, contumacious, disrespectful, foul spoken, frontless, impolite, impudent, irreverent, malapert, misbehaved, obtuse, rude, shrewish, audacious, capful, chockful, disordered, dolorous, flippant, insolent, insubordinate, ostiary, peruked, profanatory, profaned, saucy, scandent, slangy, slumberous, smutty, sommelier, somniferous, thoriated, uncivil, uppity, apostolate, attollent, ballasted, barratrous, blabbered, blathered, blent, cheekiest, chunderous, consumpt, craterous, culter, demissive, disprized, ensiled, entoilment, erodent, forworn, gashful, gruelled, immeritous, imprecated, keened, mollitious, perjured, perjuring, perturber, profaner, queerish, ruddied, sabred, sallied, sanglier, schistous, slangiest, slangular, slyish, sombrous, sorediate, sororial, sororised, sorrier, sturdied, tanyard, tervalent, tetterous, vasty, viscerated, clavellated, infelonious, ingracious, insteeped, mutilous, parapetalous, precipitious, slangous, smittlish and thallious. To understand how would you translate the word Gustaakh - گستاخ in English, you can take help from words closely related to Gustaakh - گستاخ or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Gustaakh - گستاخ synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Gustaakh - گستاخ. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Gustaakh - گستاخ in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Gustaakh - گستاخ in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Gustaakh - گستاخ with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by gustaakh?
Meanings of gustaakh are arrogant, blunt, brutal, brash, brazen, contumacious, disrespectful, foul spoken, frontless, impolite, impudent, irreverent, malapert, misbehaved, obtuse, rude, shrewish, audacious, capful, chockful, disordered, dolorous, flippant, insolent, insubordinate, ostiary, peruked, profanatory, profaned, saucy, scandent, slangy, slumberous, smutty, sommelier, somniferous, thoriated, uncivil, uppity, apostolate, attollent, ballasted, barratrous, blabbered, blathered, blent, cheekiest, chunderous, consumpt, craterous, culter, demissive, disprized, ensiled, entoilment, erodent, forworn, gashful, gruelled, immeritous, imprecated, keened, mollitious, perjured, perjuring, perturber, profaner, queerish, ruddied, sabred, sallied, sanglier, schistous, slangiest, slangular, slyish, sombrous, sorediate, sororial, sororised, sorrier, sturdied, tanyard, tervalent, tetterous, vasty, viscerated, clavellated, infelonious, ingracious, insteeped, mutilous, parapetalous, precipitious, slangous, smittlish and thallious
Whats the definition of gustaakh?
Definition of the gustaakh are
- having or showing feelings of unwarranted importance out of overbearing pride
- make less sharp
- make less intense
- make dull or blunt
- make less lively, intense, or vigorous; impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation
- make numb or insensitive
- having a broad or rounded end
- devoid of any qualifications or disguise or adornment
- used of a knife or other blade; not sharp
- (of persons or their actions) able or disposed to inflict pain or suffering
- disagreeably direct and precise
- punishingly harsh
- offensively bold
- face with defiance or impudence
- made of or resembling brass (as in color or hardness)
- wilfully obstinate; stubbornly disobedient
- neither feeling nor showing respect
- exhibiting lack of respect; rude and discourteous
- using foul or obscene language
- not polite
- improperly forward or bold
- characterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality
- showing lack of due respect or veneration
- not revering god
- slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity
- of an angle; between 90 and 180 degrees
- lacking in insight or discernment
- (of a leaf shape) rounded at the apex
- belonging to an early stage of technical development; characterized by simplicity and (often) crudeness
- socially incorrect in behavior
- lacking civility or good manners
- (of persons) lacking in refinement or grace
- (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes
- continually complaining or faultfinding
- disposed to venture or take risks
- invulnerable to fear or intimidation
- the quantity that a cap will hold
- packed full to capacity
- lacking orderly continuity
- not arranged in order
- showing sorrow
- showing inappropriate levity
- disposed to or engaged in defiance of established authority
- not submissive to authority
- someone who guards an entrance
- the lowest of the minor Holy Orders in the unreformed Western Church but now suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church
- wearing a wig popular for men in the 17th and 18th centuries
- profaning or tending to desecrate
- treated irreverently or sacrilegiously
- improperly forward or bold
- characterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality
- used especially of plants; having a tendency to climb
- constituting or expressed in slang or given to the use of slang
- inclined to or marked by drowsiness
- quiet and tranquil
- soiled with dirt or soot
- characterized by obscenity
- a waiter who manages wine service in a hotel or restaurant
- sleep inducing
- being or sounding of nervous or suppressed laughter
- lacking civility or good manners
- presumptuously arrogant
- انتہائی اعتماد سے برتاو اور اونچی آواز میں باتیں کرنے والا
- بڑی اور دلچسپ ہونے کی وجہ سے توجہ کھینچنے والی عمارت یا کوئی چیز وغیرہ
What is the synonym of gustaakh?
Synonym of word gustaakh are گربھ وان, ابھیمانی, گستاخ, متکبر, مدمغ, خود سر, مغرور, دھار بند کردینا, بھترانا, دھار مارنا
What are the idioms related to gustaakh?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word gustaakh.
- A blunt wedge will do it where sometimes a sharp axe will not
- The more foolish a man is the more insolent does he grow
- A civil danial is better than a rude grant
- He that is angry at a feast is rude