Bhadda - بھدا meanings in English

Bhadda - بھدا meanings in English are agrestic, inartificial, indelicate, inelegant, maladroit, squab, ugly, unbecoming, uncouth, gross, floppy, earthy, obtuse, tawdry, blowzy, clunky, crass, cumbersome, dub, vulgar Bhadda - بھدا in English. More meanings of bhadda - بھدا, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

agrestic inartificial indelicate inelegant maladroit squab ugly unbecoming uncouth gross floppy earthy obtuse tawdry blowzy clunky crass cumbersome dub vulgar

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Bhadda - بھدا Definitions

Please find 45 English and definitions related to the word Bhadda - بھدا.

  • (adjective satellite) : (of behavior) rustic and uncouth
  • (adjective satellite) : difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight
  • (adjective satellite) : not elegant or graceful in expression
  • (adjective satellite) : hearty and lusty
  • (adjective satellite) : not far removed from or suggestive of nature
  • (adjective satellite) : sensible and practical
  • (adjective) : of or consisting of or resembling earth
  • (noun) : a small plastic magnetic disk enclosed in a stiff envelope with a radial slit; used to store data or programs for a microcomputer
  • (adjective satellite) : hanging limply
  • (adjective satellite) : conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
  • (noun) : the entire amount of income before any deductions are made
  • (noun) : twelve dozen
  • (verb) : earn before taxes, expenses, etc.
  • (adjective) : before any deductions
  • (adjective satellite) : repellently fat
  • (adjective satellite) : visible to the naked eye (especially of rocks and anatomical features)
  • (adjective satellite) : lacking fine distinctions or detail
  • (adjective satellite) : without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers
  • (adjective satellite) : slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity
  • (adjective) : of an angle; between 90 and 180 degrees
  • (adjective satellite) : lacking in insight or discernment
  • (adjective satellite) : (of a leaf shape) rounded at the apex
  • (adjective satellite) : made of inferior workmanship and materials
  • (adjective) : displeasing to the senses
  • (adjective satellite) : of or associated with the great masses of people
  • (adjective satellite) : being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language
  • (adjective satellite) : lacking refinement or cultivation or taste
  • (adjective satellite) : characteristic of or befitting a slut or slattern; used especially of women
  • (adjective satellite) : lacking grace in movement or posture
  • (adjective satellite) : making a clunking sound
  • (verb) : raise (someone) to knighthood
  • (verb) : give a nickname to
  • (noun) : the new sounds added by dubbing
  • (verb) : provide (movies) with a soundtrack of a foreign language
  • (adjective) : lacking propriety and good taste in manners and conduct
  • (adjective satellite) : verging on the indecent
  • (adjective satellite) : in violation of good taste even verging on the indecent
  • (adjective) : lacking in refinement or grace or good taste
  • (adjective) : not adroit
  • (noun) : an unfledged pigeon
  • (noun) : a soft padded sofa
  • (adjective satellite) : short and fat
  • (noun) : flesh of a pigeon suitable for roasting or braising; flesh of a dove (young squab) may be broiled
  • (adjective satellite) : not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society
  • (adjective satellite) : lacking refinement or cultivation or taste

More words related to the meanings of Bhadda - بھدا

Agresticدہقانی dehqaani دہقانی daehqaani دہقانی Dehqani گنوار ganwaar دیہاتی deyhaati دیہاتی dey haati دیہاتی dehaati دیہاتی Dehati عجیب و غریب ajiib o ghariib بدنما Badnuma بدنما Budnuma بھدا bhadda
Cumbersomeگراں بار بوجھَل بھَاری بھَدا بے ڈھَنگا اٹل atal بے ڈھنگا bey dhanga بھاری bhaari بھاری Bhari بھدا bhadda کڈھب kudhab
Earthyموٹا mota بھاری bhaari بھاری Bhari مٹی کا mitti ka مٹی کا mitti kaa سفالی Sifali گِلی Gili بھدا bhadda فطری fitri
Floppyناکامی کا مُنہ ديکھنے والا ناکام naa kaam ناکام Nakaam سُست sust بھَدّا Bhudda کُند Kundd بھدا bhadda کند kund سست sust
Grossموٹا mota جسیم jasiim جسیم Jaseem تناور Tanawar قد آور qad aawar گھاگر Ghaagar بڑا bara بڑا حصہ bara hissah بڑا ٹکڑا bara tukra بے ہودہ bey huudah بھدا bhadda فاش faash فاحش faahish فحش faahish فحش fohsh فحش Fahash غیر مہذب ghaer mohazzab غلیظ ghaliiz غلیظ Ghaleez کثیف kasiif کل kul کل kal مالا مال maala maal مکروہ makruuh مکروہ Makrooh ناشائستہ naa shaa estah ناشائستہ naa shaa istah ناشائستہ Naashaista سارا saara ساری saari ساری Saarir وافر wufuur وافر waafir وافر Wafir واضح waazeh
Obtuseبے نوک نکٹا nakta نکٹا naktaa نکٹا Nacta منڈا Manda کھنڈا Khunda چپٹا chapta چپٹا chepet چپٹا Chipta بھدا bhadda گستاخ gustaakh کند kund ماند maand
Tawdryچھوٹا زیور ہلکا گہنا بد زیب bad zeyb بے لطف bey lutf بھدا bhadda بے ڈھنگا bey dhanga بھونڈا bhonda بھڑکیلا bharkiila بھڑکیلا bharakiila چمکیلا chamkiila چمکیلا cham kiila چمکیلا chamakiila چمکیلا Chamkeela
Uglyبد صورت bad suurat بد شکل bad shakl بد شکل bad shakal بھونڈا bhonda بد رنگ bad rang بے ہنگم bey hangam بھدا bhadda گندا ganda گندا Gunda کمینہ kamiinah کمینہ Kameena کریہہ kariih کریہہ Kareeha کریہہ المنظر kariih ul manzar خطرناک khatar naak خطرناک Khatarnaak ناگوار naa gawaar ناگوار naa gawwar ناگوار Nagawaar قابل نفرت qaabil e nafrat قبیح qabiih قبیح Qabeeh زشت zisht زشت Zasht
Vulgarعامیانہ aaamiyaanah عامیانہ aamiyaanah سوقیانہ sauqiyaanah سوقیانہ suuqiyaanah سوقیانہ Soqiyana بازاری baazaari پست past پست Pust تربیت سے محرُوم گنوار ganwaar ان گھڑ an ghar عوامی awaami عوامی Awami بے حیا bey haya بد لحاظ bad lehaaz بھدا bhadda کمینہ kamiinah کمینہ Kameena خسیس khasiis نیچ niich نیچ Neech عام بازاری
Blowzyبے سلیقہ bey saliiqah بھدا bhadda لال بھبھوکا laal bhabhuuka مضبوط mazbuut مضبوط Mazboot
Clunkyان گڑہ an garh بھدا bhadda بھونڈا bhonda
Crassبھدا bhadda کھردرا khurdura کھردرا Khardaar موٹا mota بے حس bey his
Dubبھدا bhadda بھونڈا bhonda پھوہڑ phuuhar پھوہڑ Phoharh
Indelicateبد نما bad numa بے باک bey baak بے حیا bey haya بے حجاب bey hijaab بے حجاب bey hejaab بے حس bey his بھدا bhadda ناشائستہ naa shaa estah ناشائستہ naa shaa istah ناشائستہ Naashaista
Inelegantبد نما bad numa بے ڈول bey daul بے ڈول bey dal بے ڈھنگا bey dhanga بھدا bhadda بھونڈا bhonda خام khaam لچر lachchar لچر Lachar
Maladroitاناڑی anaari اناڑی Anaadi بے ہنر bey hunar بھدا bhadda کاہل kaahil کاہل Kahil پھوہڑ phuuhar پھوہڑ Phoharh
Squabبھدا bhadda موٹا mota نو خیز nau kheyz شرمیلا sharmiila شرمیلا shaarmiila شرمیلا Sharmeela شرمیلا Sharmila
Unbecomingبد زیب bad zeyb بھدا bhadda برا bura غیر دلکش ghaer dil kash غیر جاذب ghaer jaazib معیوب mayuub نامناسب naa munaasib نامناسب Namunasib
Uncouthادب آداب سے نا آشنا adab aadaab sey naa aashna بد نما bad numa بے ڈول bey daul بے ڈول bey dal بے ہنگم bey hangam بے سلیقہ bey saliiqah بے تمیز bey tamiiz بینڈا beynda بھدا bhadda بونگا bonga گنوار ganwaar جنگلی jangli جنگلی jaanglu کڈھب kudhab ناتراشیدہ naa taraashiidah ناتراشیدہ naa tarashiidah
Inartificialبے بناوٹ bey banaawat بھدا bhadda بھونڈا bhonda سادہ saadah سادہ Saada غیر مصنوعی ghaer masnuui

More words from English related to Bhadda - بھدا

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Bhadda - بھدا meanings in English in English.

abandonedbrazen facebrazenfrontlessqueanrakehellshameproofbare facedbrashimmodestimpertinentimpudentindecentindelicatemalapertunashamedunblushingvulgarincestuousimmomentousdaringfearlessoutspokentemerariousaudaciousconfidentforthrighthigh spiritedintrepidunconstrainedundauntedbrazen browedabdominousbi corporalcorpulentearthy fat grossobesethickthickenerbulkyburlycoarsecrassfleshyinflatedplumppodgypursy ...

What are the meanings of Bhadda - بھدا in English?

Meanings of the word Bhadda - بھدا in English are agrestic, cumbersome, earthy, floppy, gross, obtuse, tawdry, ugly, vulgar, blowzy, clunky, crass, dub, indelicate, inelegant, maladroit, squab, unbecoming, uncouth and inartificial. To understand how would you translate the word Bhadda - بھدا in English, you can take help from words closely related to Bhadda - بھدا or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Bhadda - بھدا synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Bhadda - بھدا. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Bhadda - بھدا in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Bhadda - بھدا in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Bhadda - بھدا with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by bhadda?

Meanings of bhadda are agrestic, cumbersome, earthy, floppy, gross, obtuse, tawdry, ugly, vulgar, blowzy, clunky, crass, dub, indelicate, inelegant, maladroit, squab, unbecoming, uncouth and inartificial

Whats the definition of bhadda?

Definition of the bhadda are

  • (of behavior) rustic and uncouth
  • difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight
  • not elegant or graceful in expression
  • hearty and lusty
  • not far removed from or suggestive of nature
  • sensible and practical
  • of or consisting of or resembling earth
  • a small plastic magnetic disk enclosed in a stiff envelope with a radial slit; used to store data or programs for a microcomputer
  • hanging limply
  • conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
  • the entire amount of income before any deductions are made
  • twelve dozen
  • earn before taxes, expenses, etc.
  • before any deductions
  • repellently fat
  • visible to the naked eye (especially of rocks and anatomical features)
  • lacking fine distinctions or detail
  • without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers
  • slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity
  • of an angle; between 90 and 180 degrees
  • lacking in insight or discernment
  • (of a leaf shape) rounded at the apex
  • made of inferior workmanship and materials
  • displeasing to the senses
  • of or associated with the great masses of people
  • being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language
  • lacking refinement or cultivation or taste
  • characteristic of or befitting a slut or slattern; used especially of women
  • lacking grace in movement or posture
  • making a clunking sound
  • raise (someone) to knighthood
  • give a nickname to
  • the new sounds added by dubbing
  • provide (movies) with a soundtrack of a foreign language
  • lacking propriety and good taste in manners and conduct
  • verging on the indecent
  • in violation of good taste even verging on the indecent
  • lacking in refinement or grace or good taste
  • not adroit
  • an unfledged pigeon
  • a soft padded sofa
  • short and fat
  • flesh of a pigeon suitable for roasting or braising; flesh of a dove (young squab) may be broiled
  • not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper in polite society
  • lacking refinement or cultivation or taste

What is the synonym of bhadda?

Synonym of word bhadda are دہقانی, گنوار, دیہاتی, عجیب و غریب, بدنما, بھدا, گراں بار, بوجھَل, بھَاری, بھَدا

What are the idioms related to bhadda?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word bhadda.

  • Courtesy is cumbersome to him that knows it not
  • Rub a dub
  • Uncultured and uncouth
  • To strive with an equal is a doubtful thing to do with a superior a mad thing with an inferior a vulgar thing
  • Write with the learned but speak with the vulgar