Bey lagaam - بے لگام meanings in English
Bey lagaam - بے لگام meanings in English are unsting, unsterile, unsteels, unstaying, unstayed, unsodden, unscrupled, unruffle, unreturned, unpillowed, unladed, unguard, unbruised, unbrokenly, unbridling, unbridles, unbitted, unstilled, unstowing, unstill, unremorseless, unmerciless, uninteressed, uncustomable, uncorruptible, unboweled, strickless, stipendless, stainlessly, irresistless, inextension, inexhaustive, inexecution, curdless, bribeless, unbettered, unassayed, unbarrelled, wild, unmanageable, uncontrolled, unbridled, romantic, rampant, outspoken, obstreperous, loose cannon, irrestrainable, intractable, inordinate, impertinent, immoderate, feral, unbigoted, uncombable, surgeless, reinless, plaintless, firmless, untimbered, unsympathising, unstrung, unstring, unstrain, unstintingly, unstinting, unstilted, unruffled, unmutilated, unmoving, uninspiring, disobedient Bey lagaam - بے لگام in English. More meanings of bey lagaam - بے لگام, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
unsting unsterile unsteels unstaying unstayed unsodden unscrupled unruffle unreturned unpillowed unladed unguard unbruised unbrokenly unbridling unbridles unbitted unstilled unstowing unstill unremorseless unmerciless uninteressed uncustomable uncorruptible unboweled strickless stipendless stainlessly irresistless inextension inexhaustive inexecution curdless bribeless unbettered unassayed unbarrelled wild unmanageable uncontrolled unbridled romantic rampant outspoken obstreperous loose cannon irrestrainable intractable inordinate impertinent immoderate feral unbigoted uncombable surgeless reinless plaintless firmless untimbered unsympathising unstrung unstring unstrain unstintingly unstinting unstilted unruffled unmutilated unmoving uninspiring disobedient
Bey lagaam - بے لگام Definitions
Please find 57 English and definitions related to the word Bey lagaam - بے لگام.
- (adjective) : not obeying or complying with commands of those in authority
- (adjective satellite) : unwilling to submit to authority
- (adjective satellite) : wild and menacing
- (adjective) : beyond reasonable limits
- (adjective satellite) : improperly forward or bold
- (adjective satellite) : not pertinent to the matter under consideration
- (adjective satellite) : characterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality
- (adjective satellite) : boisterously and noisily aggressive
- (adjective satellite) : noisily and stubbornly defiant
- (adjective satellite) : unrestrained and violent
- (adjective satellite) : (of a plant) having a lush and unchecked growth
- (adjective satellite) : rearing on left hind leg with forelegs elevated and head usually in profile
- (noun) : a soulful or amorous idealist
- (adjective) : belonging to or characteristic of romanticism or the Romantic movement in the arts
- (adjective satellite) : expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance
- (noun) : an artist of the Romantic Movement or someone influenced by Romanticism
- (adjective satellite) : not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic
- (adjective satellite) : without civilizing influences
- (adjective satellite) : intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with
- (adjective satellite) : (of colors or sounds) intensely vivid or loud
- (adjective satellite) : located in a dismal or remote area; desolate
- (noun) : a wild primitive state untouched by civilization
- (adjective satellite) : in a state of extreme emotion
- (adjective) : in a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated
- (adjective) : marked by extreme lack of restraint or control
- (adjective satellite) : deviating widely from an intended course
- (adverb) : in a wild or undomesticated manner
- (adverb) : in an uncontrolled and rampant manner
- (noun) : a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition
- (adjective satellite) : fanciful and unrealistic; foolish
- (adjective satellite) : beyond normal limits
- (adjective) : not tractable; difficult to manage or mold
- (noun) : a person who is expected to perform a particular task but who is out of control and dangerous
- (adjective) : not in a barrel
- (adjective satellite) : not opinionated
- (adjective satellite) : not restrained or controlled
- (adjective satellite) : not capable of being combed
- (adjective) : not being under control; out of control
- (adjective) : depressing to the spirit
- (adjective) : hard to control
- (adjective satellite) : incapable of being controlled or managed
- (adjective satellite) : difficult to solve or alleviate
- (adjective) : difficult to use or handle or manage because of size or weight or shape
- (adjective) : not arousing emotions
- (adjective) : not in motion
- (adjective) : free from physical or moral spots or stains
- (adjective satellite) : (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves
- (adjective satellite) : free from emotional agitation or nervous tension
- (adjective satellite) : flowing naturally and continuously
- (adjective satellite) : very generous
- (adverb) : in an unstinting manner
- (verb) : cause to feel relaxed
- (verb) : remove the strings from
- (adjective satellite) : emotionally upset
- (adjective satellite) : not showing or expressing sympathy
- (adjective) : lacking timbers
- (adjective satellite) : without trees
More words related to the meanings of Bey lagaam - بے لگام
More words from English related to Bey lagaam - بے لگام
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Bey lagaam - بے لگام meanings in English in English.
abandonedbrazen facebrazenfrontlessqueanrakehellshameproofbare facedbrashimmodestimpertinentimpudentindecentindelicatemalapertunashamedunblushingvulgarincestuousimmomentousdaringfearlessoutspokentemerariousaudaciousconfidentforthrighthigh spiritedintrepidunconstrainedundauntedbrazen browedablativeaflameprvokingarousedflagrantwildaggravatoragitatingagitativeenervatedinfuriatedoutragedperked upuproariouslyagazedagistedagisteragisters ... agistingagistorsagistsagitatesaguedenragesenragingfeaguedinditedragedragefulrasedriveredupbroughtuprouseduprousingagatiferousaggravativeaggroupedanserousabove measuredisproportionalimmeasurableimmeasurablyimmenselyimmensurableoutreendless inordinateinterminableunlimitedarchrampantvaultarchnessmihrabarchesarchonsarchwaysarduousoperoseoppressiveticklishdifficulthardinconvenientintractablelaborioustryingartificialfabulousfalsehypotheticimaginarylegendarymoralassumedfictitioushypotheticalimperativemythicalnominalobligatoryputativeromanticsupposedfictitiouslyhypotonichypotacticnictitateshypognatoushyponitroushypothecatedawfullyconsiderablefreely generallygreatlymanymicklemoremostmuchnumerousultraverydamnablylotsternatelyhuchtuchbarbarianbrutalferineferocioustruculentanimalbarbarousbeastcrazycruelfierceheathenishimmaneinhumansavageunciviliseduncultivatedunculturedyahoobarbarianssavagedsavagedomsavagesbarbigerousbarbariousferalrusticuncouthuntamedwildingjanglyjunglyjunglijunglierwildestwildishjangleryoutrageousheinousmacabrebarbaricobstinateasininebluffcheekyimpertinenceinsolentobdurateremorselesssaucyshamelessunabashedbull headedcontumaciousimportuneobstetricopinionedpiggishself willedwaywardadamantdoggeddourheadstrongmulishopinionatedpertinaciousrefractoryreluctantstiffstubbornsturdytenaciousunbendinguncompromisingstubbystumerstumersbullyobstreperousrowdytermagantcandidstraightforwardfrank upfrontclear headedimmoderatelydisrespectfulimpoliteirreverentribaldblasphemerclodinsubordinateregardlessrudeuncourteousunmannerlyviolatorcraturelessdisobedientmutineernaughtyinfringernon compliantundutifuldisobligedunobedientdisobeisantdisobeyerimprolificimpenitentmuzzydisloyalerrant headyindocileindomitableinexpungibleinsurgentjadishloftyrebelliousrestiveuncontrollableunmanageablerebelliouslycriantrevulsivehirtellouscut throatinduratevalorousdauntlessdoughtyunafraidunblenchedvaliantberserkberserkerdaredevilberserklyberserksdare devildanielunbiasedunexpendedimportlesssparelessexpenselessdisbelieverdisobedience awrydivergent indirectobliqueoddsquintvariantdefiantdevisordevourerenthralledwedgedcoshereddefatteddefieddeflecteddefrockeddeviateddevisabledevoiceddevoirsdisfrockeddisjecteddisrobedcolliquateddeductivelyimperiousdisorderly disconcertedimmethodicalirregularclownishindigestedjaggyjumbledmaladjustedturbidindexlessrandomisationrandomiserandomisedrandomizationrandomizerandomizedunamendedunbranchinguncombineduncomparablyunendowedunequippedunexceededunlatchedunmixedunrestrictiveunsmoothunsportingunswayedunsymbolicrandemrandemsrandierrandiestrandomiserrandomisesrandomizerrandomizesrandomsuncordunextremeunfrankedunimbuedunliquoredunmetedunmortisedunmountedunmuzzlesunnettedunqueenedunriddleunriddledunriddlersunrousedunrumpledunseldomunsmoothsunsolidlyunsounderunsparredunspedunstanchedunstitchedunstoweddissimilar genuinegrotesquenetrhapsodicdisaffectedsqueamishunadulteratedunalloyedunconnecteddisturberfomentermobbishquarrelousquarrelsomemischievousmobsterseditiousrioterriotersdrunklecherouslewdlustfulraptruttishtipsycarelessdrunkardexcitedhappy go luckyhotindifferentinebriantintoxicatedlasciviousmadoverjoyedpetulantforlorn wastedesolategauntruineddesolatelydespoilationdespoileddespoilmentdelateddesertlessdesolateddesolaterdesolatersdesolatesdesolatingdesolatordesolatorsdesertfulfree thinkermonarchdespotuncontrolledtotalitarianguiltysinnerculpritimmensurateimmoderatenumberlessinfiniteinnumerouscountlessnessimmaculatelymeasurelessunaccountablyunembodiedunnumerableincommodesnathelesssumlessunmountingunreckonedcompasslessscathlessuncuthunexcusableunincumberedunkardunmerciedobjectlessotioseextravaganthigh flyingjunkyneedlessofficiousnessredundantunavailingundueunnecessaryuselessin vainjunkiesfutilousovermuchprofusionbounteouslyenormouslyenormousnessovercredulousovergenerousoverloadedplentifullypretty muchhugeouslymuchlyoveraboundoverarchedoverarmingoverfreelyoverladedoverleapedoverlentoverstrongsoaringlytoolerwavilyarundiferousarundineousnuchoblonglyovergrowingoverhangingoverscrupulousoverstudiousoverthwartlyprevalentlyalostso muchirrelevantirrelativeunseasonablychancelessunseasonunattachedimproperprematurelyinexpedientinopportunemalapropunaptgaumlessincombustibleleadlesspeerlessraylessrimelessrimlessfamelessgatelessphraselessplumelessspanlesstamelesstoillessunhoardedunmellowedaislessbeautilessdurelessgamelesslethaldeadlyfatal internecinemortaltoughlife threateningmortalizesfatalnessloculouslitigantlitigationlitigiousrufflershrewishjanglermilitantquerulousvixenwrangleroverbearingboldburlycourageouspresumptiousdiestrousdomineeringdomineeringlybobblydaikeringdomineereddomineerssubduingdomifydomitableenbattledoverrunningsupercuriousundermoneyednon restrictiveromaniromanicromanishtermlessillimitableindefiniteindeterminateunboundedunconfinedundefinedvastnon finiteunbordereduncamphoratedwastefullywastefulnessfoolishindiscriminatemeaninglessnonsensedegeneratewickedrebelexplicitself appointedself constitutedself styledself cconsistentself createdself devisedunrestrainedanorchiaincontrovertibleunconstraintuncontaminatinguncurvingunrestrainedlyextirpatednuncupatedobtundentscapelesstrothlessuncasheduncateuncrumpleuncrumpleduncurdledunmanacleunmanaclesunquencheduntackledadauntcarpetlessdisciplesshingelessincontrollableinexhaustedinleaguinglaughterlessunbeguilingunbereavenuncautelousunceasableuncoffleuncontrovertibleuncurablyunexhaustibleunnoblyuntappiceunbridledunsatedununtriumunglossedunpleaded
Idiom related to the meaning of Bey lagaam - بے لگام
English | اردو |
Sow one's wild oats | جوانی والے کام |
What are the meanings of Bey lagaam - بے لگام in English?
Meanings of the word Bey lagaam - بے لگام in English are disobedient, feral, immoderate, impertinent, obstreperous, outspoken, rampant, romantic, wild, inordinate, intractable, loose cannon, unbarrelled, unbigoted, unbridled, uncombable, uncontrolled, uninspiring, unmanageable, unmoving, unmutilated, unruffled, unstilted, unstinting, unstintingly, unstrain, unstring, unstrung, unsympathising, untimbered, firmless, plaintless, reinless, surgeless, unassayed, unbettered, unbitted, unbridles, unbridling, unbrokenly, unbruised, unguard, unladed, unpillowed, unreturned, unruffle, unscrupled, unsodden, unstayed, unstaying, unsteels, unsterile, unstilled, unstowing, bribeless, curdless, inexecution, inexhaustive, inextension, irresistless, stainlessly, stipendless, strickless, unboweled, uncorruptible, uncustomable, uninteressed, unmerciless, unremorseless, unstill, unsting and irrestrainable. To understand how would you translate the word Bey lagaam - بے لگام in English, you can take help from words closely related to Bey lagaam - بے لگام or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Bey lagaam - بے لگام synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Bey lagaam - بے لگام. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Bey lagaam - بے لگام in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Bey lagaam - بے لگام in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Bey lagaam - بے لگام with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by bey lagaam?
Meanings of bey lagaam are disobedient, feral, immoderate, impertinent, obstreperous, outspoken, rampant, romantic, wild, inordinate, intractable, loose cannon, unbarrelled, unbigoted, unbridled, uncombable, uncontrolled, uninspiring, unmanageable, unmoving, unmutilated, unruffled, unstilted, unstinting, unstintingly, unstrain, unstring, unstrung, unsympathising, untimbered, firmless, plaintless, reinless, surgeless, unassayed, unbettered, unbitted, unbridles, unbridling, unbrokenly, unbruised, unguard, unladed, unpillowed, unreturned, unruffle, unscrupled, unsodden, unstayed, unstaying, unsteels, unsterile, unstilled, unstowing, bribeless, curdless, inexecution, inexhaustive, inextension, irresistless, stainlessly, stipendless, strickless, unboweled, uncorruptible, uncustomable, uninteressed, unmerciless, unremorseless, unstill, unsting and irrestrainable
Whats the definition of bey lagaam?
Definition of the bey lagaam are
- not obeying or complying with commands of those in authority
- unwilling to submit to authority
- wild and menacing
- beyond reasonable limits
- improperly forward or bold
- not pertinent to the matter under consideration
- characterized by a lightly pert and exuberant quality
- boisterously and noisily aggressive
- noisily and stubbornly defiant
- unrestrained and violent
- (of a plant) having a lush and unchecked growth
- rearing on left hind leg with forelegs elevated and head usually in profile
- a soulful or amorous idealist
- belonging to or characteristic of romanticism or the Romantic movement in the arts
- expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance
- an artist of the Romantic Movement or someone influenced by Romanticism
- not sensible about practical matters; idealistic and unrealistic
- without civilizing influences
- intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with
- (of colors or sounds) intensely vivid or loud
- located in a dismal or remote area; desolate
- a wild primitive state untouched by civilization
- in a state of extreme emotion
- in a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated
- marked by extreme lack of restraint or control
- deviating widely from an intended course
- in a wild or undomesticated manner
- in an uncontrolled and rampant manner
- a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition
- fanciful and unrealistic; foolish
- beyond normal limits
- not tractable; difficult to manage or mold
- a person who is expected to perform a particular task but who is out of control and dangerous
- not in a barrel
- not opinionated
- not restrained or controlled
- not capable of being combed
- not being under control; out of control
- depressing to the spirit
- hard to control
- incapable of being controlled or managed
- difficult to solve or alleviate
- difficult to use or handle or manage because of size or weight or shape
- not arousing emotions
- not in motion
- free from physical or moral spots or stains
- (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves
- free from emotional agitation or nervous tension
- flowing naturally and continuously
- very generous
- in an unstinting manner
- cause to feel relaxed
- remove the strings from
- emotionally upset
- not showing or expressing sympathy
- lacking timbers
- without trees
What is the synonym of bey lagaam?
Synonym of word bey lagaam are منحرف, سرکش, گردن کش, بے لگام, منہ زور, متمرد, نافرماں بردار, پھرا ہوا, ان آگیا کاری, عاصی
What are the idioms related to bey lagaam?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word bey lagaam.
- Sow one's wild oats