Mast - مست meanings in English
Mast - مست meanings in English are drunk, hot, indifferent, inebriant, intoxicated, lascivious, mad, overjoyed, petulant, happy go lucky, excited, drunkard, lecherous, lewd, lustful, muzzy, rapt, ruttish, tipsy, careless, rampant Mast - مست in English. More meanings of mast - مست, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
drunk hot indifferent inebriant intoxicated lascivious mad overjoyed petulant happy go lucky excited drunkard lecherous lewd lustful muzzy rapt ruttish tipsy careless rampant
Mast - مست Definitions
Please find 50 English and definitions related to the word Mast - مست.
- (adjective satellite) : effortless and unstudied
- (adjective) : marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness; not careful
- (adjective satellite) : (usually followed by of') without due thought or consideration
- (noun) : someone who is intoxicated
- (noun) : a chronic drinker
- (adjective) : stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol)
- (adjective satellite) : as if under the influence of alcohol
- (adjective satellite) : producing a burning sensation on the taste nerves
- (adjective satellite) : very fast; capable of quick response and great speed
- (adjective satellite) : of a seeker; very near to the object sought
- (adjective satellite) : given to excessive indulgence in sexual activity
- (adjective satellite) : suggestive of or tending to moral looseness
- (adjective satellite) : driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires
- (adjective satellite) : driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires
- (adjective satellite) : vigorously passionate
- (adjective satellite) : characterized by lust
- (adjective satellite) : affected with madness or insanity
- (adjective satellite) : roused to anger
- (adjective satellite) : very foolish
- (adjective satellite) : marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
- (adjective satellite) : indistinct or hazy in outline
- (adjective satellite) : confused and vague; used especially of thinking
- (adjective satellite) : feeling great rapture or delight
- (adjective satellite) : unrestrained and violent
- (adjective satellite) : (of a plant) having a lush and unchecked growth
- (adjective satellite) : rearing on left hind leg with forelegs elevated and head usually in profile
- (adjective satellite) : feeling great sexual desire
- (adjective satellite) : slightly intoxicated
- (adjective satellite) : unstable and prone to tip as if intoxicated
- (noun) : a chronic drinker
- (adjective satellite) : marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
- (adjective satellite) : (of e.g. a molecule) made reactive or more reactive
- (adjective satellite) : (of persons) excessively affected by emotion
- (adjective) : in an aroused state
- (adjective satellite) : cheerfully irresponsible
- (adjective satellite) : marked by a lack of interest
- (adjective satellite) : showing no care or concern in attitude or action
- (adjective satellite) : neither too great nor too little
- (adjective satellite) : being neither good nor bad
- (adjective satellite) : characterized by a lack of partiality
- (adjective satellite) : marked by no especial liking or dislike or preference for one thing over another
- (adjective satellite) : fairly poor to not very good
- (adjective satellite) : (usually followed by to') unwilling or refusing to pay heed
- (adjective satellite) : (often followed by to') lacking importance; not mattering one way or the other
- (adjective satellite) : having only a limited ability to react chemically; chemically inactive
- (noun) : a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent
- (adjective) : stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol)
- (adjective satellite) : as if under the influence of alcohol
- (adjective satellite) : driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires
- (adjective satellite) : easily irritated or annoyed
Example Sentence
Future | مستقبل |
More words related to the meanings of Mast - مست
More words from English related to Mast - مست
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Mast - مست meanings in English in English.
abandoneddissolutefornicator n lecherousviciousablativehotafireabstractedabsentmindedcarelessdisregardfullistlessneglectfulnegligentslatternlythoughtlessasleepcomatoseheedlessimprudentinadvertentincautiousindiscreetneglectorobliviousunconsciousunmindfulunthinkingnegatoryigniferousignorantimpassiveinsensiblestupidunawareuninformedincautiouslyinelaborateunawakenedunawedunelaborateunelaboratedunformeduninquiringunseaworthyunsownunwearyunwearyingcluelessly ... unacquaintunavowedlyunclovenundawningunearthsunknightedunobeyedunqueenlyunquoteunquotedunquotingunsafetyunspeakingunwakedunwaresunweakenedunwreakedinexpiateunacquaintanceunacquaintednessunafiledunbewareuncovenantedunexpedientunreformationentranced raptabsorbedmusingcaptivatedcharmeddeletionengrossederasedfascinatedparodyingactactscarjoblewdmanufacturedutyemploymentmissionprofessionundertakinguseutilityworkagogardentferventwarmcrowdedpipingruttishthermalbriskeagerexcitedglowingheatedheat uphot upwarmedhetehotchhotchedhotenhottedhotteredwarmswarmfulapoplexycatalepsispauseparalysisswoontrancearchrampantvaultarchnessmihrabarchesarchonsarchwaysbastardyadulteryinfidelityadulterineadulteriesbawdynastyobsceneobscenityexorbitantfoul grossraunchyunblushingpornopornographicvulgarianlustickobscenerobscenestoraculouspornospornsvulcansvulgariansvulgarisedvulgarisesvulgarsvulgatesvulnvulnedvulningvulnslusticlustricallasciviousblessedcantyhappy go luckybrutaloutrageousheinousmacabrebarbaricbubodiabolicdisevilfeloniousillimmoralimpiousnaughtnaughtybadjadishnefariouswickedburglarembezzlerlurcherrobberthieffilcher intoxicatedpilfererpowderedtiredyeggburgherburglarprooflifterburghalburghersburglarslieferthievesdisinterestedfree mindedirresponsiblesupinecarefreegayinsouciantunconcernedfree from worryunconcernedlyunconcerningcasemateembrasuremiscreantprofligaterantipolewantonblackguarddrunkardfreethinkerlibertinerakerakishtopervagabondrindsrundcheekyfunnymalapertvividwaywardboldbrightcockycoltishdeepfacetiousflippantflirtfriskygarishinsolentkittenishmercurialmischievousperkypertpetulantplayfulsaucysportfultoysomevolatilewittycontumaciousdisobedientimpenitentmuzzyobstetricdisloyalerrant headyindocileindomitableinexpungibleinsubordinateinsurgentloftyobstreperousrebelliousrefractoryrestiveuncontrollableunmanageablewildrebelliouslycriantrevulsivehirtellouscorrosivephlogisticcorruptadultererfornicatorsinnertransgressordefluenttransgressedtransgressionaltransgressivecorrupterfomentermutineermutinousfirebrandinfectiousinstigatorpeccantvillainousmucificcross biteear ring evasion guileminoroverabovemadultrauponyoungsterbalasballowcrazyfanaticmaniacdementeddemoniacdottyinsanelunaticmadcapmadmanmanicmoonstruckdriveller foolphreneticrabidcrackerscrackpotdeliriousdementderangeddippydistressedfoolishhalf bakedkooklocoloonymoronicnutssillywackywhackycrazedcrazilycrazyweedmadakemaddenedmaniocamankyobsessedcraziercraziescraziestinsanestinsaniemadbrainmadcapsmaddedmaddersmaddestmaddingmadgemadlingsphreniticrabicstoutishmanihoccreepyrabblebasecheapcheesydegeneratedegradingindifferentinferiorlow classscurrilousshoddytriteabrocomebramblingcloddishclompcrapulentcrapulousjarfuljerk offjiggeredjugfulknaweltrepidlycloddyclodscrasslycravatteddolorouslyhawkishlyjarredjeridjerquingjiggedjigglyjugulatedjugulatesjugulatingknubblyknubbyknucklynidamentalnodousroridsatchelledscrummedscrummysorriestwrangledadipousadjectitiousarrosionclumerogatednidulatedpandiculatedprickyscitamineousscornysqueamousstramstranycuttingracysulkyelegantfine piercingpungentsmartspicysprightlyfiercefuriousgliblyimpetuousmordaciouspiquantrallysharp pointedspeedytarttangytempestuoustremendoustrenchantvehementviolentacidacridactiveacutebrainycausticcleveredgyfastfeistyfieryglibintensekeenkeen wittedlivelyloudnippingpoignantquickrapidsharpshrillspryspunkstrongswankwing footedyarezappyzippyacceleratedaculeatedbrakybrisantbrisk upbriskenexpeditiousfipplefurringhecticheft upimpoundingintensifiedlarcenouslasherostensivequickersharpenedsharpyshirtysnappyspadefulspankerspankingspeedingspirantspunkytorrentialacuminatedagoutybriskedbriskenedbriskeningbriskerbriskestbriskingeerierexpeditedexpeditivefadyfastishfastuousfeasterferreousfientflattishflintilyfliskfliskyflongflouncyflukingfurfurousfurzygliskhypurallarkylusklustiermusaceouspaceypalpatedpanderlypanderouspanduratedpandyingpiskyplouteredpulverousquakyquiverishripplierripplinglyripplyruddyingsharkedsharnysharpedsharperssharpishsmittlespanglerspanglingspankinglyspankingsspathulatespatteespatularspatulespeaningspedspeededspeedfulspeedlessspeeredspeiredspewedspewinessspewyspielingspikingspiratedspirewisesplentsplentingspoliatoryspongioussprightingsprucingspuddyspurryspurtlesteedysteenedsteeredstreamystridstriddenstrodestroutingsurfeitedsurgefulswardyupblowinguppingaccouteringblustrousdashydrastyfascetfastigiatedferulaceousimpanatedincendiousincensiveinfandouslusteringpiaculouspulverulentradiousriparioussharp wittedsharplingspatiatespeecespirablespritefulspritelythrettyspeeded updaftidotidiotmoodywackobesottedcrankyfatuousgawkkookymaenadicpottyqueervisionaryferalimmoderateimpertinentinordinateintractableirrestrainableloose cannonoutspokenromanticunbridleduncontrolledunbarrelledunbigoteduncombableuninspiringunmovingunmutilatedunruffledunstiltedunstintingunstintinglyunstrainunstringunstrungunsympathisinguntimberedfirmlessplaintlessreinlesssurgelessunassayedunbetteredunbittedunbridlesunbridlingunbrokenlyunbruisedunguardunladedunpillowedunreturnedunruffleunscrupledunsoddenunstayedunstayingunsteelsunsterileunstilledunstowingbribelesscurdlessinexecutioninexhaustiveinextensionirresistlessstainlesslystipendlessstricklessunboweleduncorruptibleuncustomableuninteressedunmercilessunremorselessunstillunstingribaldvillaindissipatedlecherprostituderakehelldebaucheelicentiousluxuriousdedicated to pleasureroistervoluptuousonlookerdrinker drunkmaltwormtavern haunterwassailerbibberboozyinebriatetipplervinowine bibberalcoholicalcoholisedrunken revelerdrunken revellerdrunken revelrydrutherswineyalcoholicsdrongoesdrubbeddrubbingsdruckendrunkardsdrunkerdrunkestliquorishventilsdrubberdrunkenheaddrunkenshipdrunkshipdullduffergabygawkyhumdrummomenaturalnerdnumskullpig headedputshallow brainedwant witasinineblock headboneheadboobycuckoodensedonkeygagagoofgoofyinaneinsensatejayknuckle headmoronnitwitnumbskullnuttyvacuouswitlesszanyzombiestuporousdrunkeninebriantvarvelledveligerstipsyearth bredflashgrovellermirymiserlyabjectcontemptibledogfalleniniquitousinsultablemenialscumsnideunderfootverminousvilewormywretchedhumifieddegreaseddegummeddemisslyhumilianthummabledisglorifiedecstaticenrapturedsenselessepicuresensualistsexylustfulsalacioussexualerotetictemptingaphrodisiacgoluptiouslusciousfain gladgladsomejocundjollyjoyfuljoyousjubilantblithehilariousembruedembrutedfatiguedlackadaisicallanguidsicklyadulterersforniceshooliganruffiangoonhoodlumyobmalefactorunchasteimpassibleimperceptiblenumbpurblindapatheticcold bloodeddeaddeafhardenedheartlessinanimateindelicateindurateinsensitiveinsentientlazynervelessstolidtorpidunfeelingzonkedapatheticallyapheticinderalinsensatelyinsensiblyinsensitivelyunaestheticunsympatheticallyenhydrousinsensuousnumbednumbestnumbinglyunsympathyanisopetalousanodynousapatheticalcrassfemme fataleharlotkamicommysorghumjarkjarljarlsjarslukewarmbleakcoldfrigidunenthusiasticlustlecherysexual desireselfishsensualvoluptaryeroticviolinjasmine sambacbelahsellabellapunch drunkneutralimpartialunbiasednon restrictiveunconstrainedseductiontemptationabductionkidnaperabductedkidnapstraducingstraductiontraductshitnarcoticfoolhardynonchalantrecklessunscrupulousdisregardlessunsilencedunvariedunbareuncloakingunvisoringavoidlessfrouncelessrepulselessunmotheredanilebozogoopimbeciletomfoolwild childdizzygiddymeanskittishtottyunsteadystupefiedhoarseroughrudeunciviluncourteous
Idioms related to the meaning of Mast - مست
What are the meanings of Mast - مست in English?
Meanings of the word Mast - مست in English are careless, drunk, hot, lecherous, lewd, lustful, mad, muzzy, rapt, rampant, ruttish, tipsy, drunkard, excited, happy go lucky, indifferent, inebriant, intoxicated, lascivious, overjoyed and petulant. To understand how would you translate the word Mast - مست in English, you can take help from words closely related to Mast - مست or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Mast - مست synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Mast - مست. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Mast - مست in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Mast - مست in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Mast - مست with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by mast?
Meanings of mast are careless, drunk, hot, lecherous, lewd, lustful, mad, muzzy, rapt, rampant, ruttish, tipsy, drunkard, excited, happy go lucky, indifferent, inebriant, intoxicated, lascivious, overjoyed and petulant
Whats the definition of mast?
Definition of the mast are
- effortless and unstudied
- marked by lack of attention or consideration or forethought or thoroughness; not careful
- (usually followed by of') without due thought or consideration
- someone who is intoxicated
- a chronic drinker
- stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol)
- as if under the influence of alcohol
- producing a burning sensation on the taste nerves
- very fast; capable of quick response and great speed
- of a seeker; very near to the object sought
- given to excessive indulgence in sexual activity
- suggestive of or tending to moral looseness
- driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires
- driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires
- vigorously passionate
- characterized by lust
- affected with madness or insanity
- roused to anger
- very foolish
- marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
- indistinct or hazy in outline
- confused and vague; used especially of thinking
- feeling great rapture or delight
- unrestrained and violent
- (of a plant) having a lush and unchecked growth
- rearing on left hind leg with forelegs elevated and head usually in profile
- feeling great sexual desire
- slightly intoxicated
- unstable and prone to tip as if intoxicated
- a chronic drinker
- marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
- (of e.g. a molecule) made reactive or more reactive
- (of persons) excessively affected by emotion
- in an aroused state
- cheerfully irresponsible
- marked by a lack of interest
- showing no care or concern in attitude or action
- neither too great nor too little
- being neither good nor bad
- characterized by a lack of partiality
- marked by no especial liking or dislike or preference for one thing over another
- fairly poor to not very good
- (usually followed by to') unwilling or refusing to pay heed
- (often followed by to') lacking importance; not mattering one way or the other
- having only a limited ability to react chemically; chemically inactive
- a liquor or brew containing alcohol as the active agent
- stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol)
- as if under the influence of alcohol
- driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires
- easily irritated or annoyed
What is the synonym of mast?
Synonym of word mast are بے پروا, لا پروا, بے فکر, بے خبر, غافل, اچیت, بے دھیان, بے پرواہ, لاابالی, مست
What are the idioms related to mast?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word mast.
- Mad people think others mad
- One mad action is not enough to prove a man mad
- Hot and hot
- A careless watch invites the vigilant foe
- A drunkard purse is a bottle
How to use mast in a sentence?
Here are few examples on how to use mast in a sentence.
- Future — مستقبل