Larai - لڑائی meanings in English

Larai - لڑائی meanings in English are battle, batt, battledoor, battling, fattrels, fightbacks, fightings, fights, frayings, strifes, strift, outfight, bunfight, battue, broil, conflict, discord, dissension, duel, feud, fighting, quarrel, battledore, battlement, strifts Larai - لڑائی in English. More meanings of larai - لڑائی, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

battle batt battledoor battling fattrels fightbacks fightings fights frayings strifes strift outfight bunfight battue broil conflict discord dissension duel feud fighting quarrel battledore battlement strifts

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Larai - لڑائی Definitions

Please find 30 English and definitions related to the word Larai - لڑائی.

  • (verb) : heat by a natural force
  • (noun) : cooking by direct exposure to radiant heat (as over a fire or under a grill)
  • (verb) : cook under a broiler
  • (verb) : be very hot, due to hot weather or exposure to the sun
  • (verb) : be different from one another
  • (verb) : be different from one another
  • (noun) : disagreement among those expected to cooperate
  • (noun) : disagreement among those expected to cooperate
  • (noun) : lack of agreement or harmony
  • (noun) : lack of agreement or harmony
  • (noun) : a harsh mixture of sounds
  • (noun) : a harsh mixture of sounds
  • (noun) : strife resulting from a lack of agreement
  • (noun) : strife resulting from a lack of agreement
  • (noun) : disagreement among those expected to cooperate
  • (noun) : a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters
  • (noun) : any struggle between two skillful opponents (individuals or groups)
  • (noun) : a prearranged fight with deadly weapons by two people (accompanied by seconds) in order to settle a quarrel over a point of honor
  • (verb) : fight a duel, as over one's honor or a woman
  • (noun) : a bitter quarrel between two parties
  • (verb) : carry out a feud
  • (adjective satellite) : engaged in or ready for military or naval operations
  • (verb) : have a disagreement over something
  • (noun) : an arrow that is shot from a crossbow; has a head with four edges
  • (noun) : a light long-handled racket used by badminton players
  • (noun) : an ancient racket game
  • (noun) : indiscriminate slaughter
  • (noun) : a hunt in which beaters force the game to flee in the direction of the hunter
  • (noun) : (Briticism) a grand formal party on an important occasion
  • (verb) : to fight better than; get the better of

More words related to the meanings of Larai - لڑائی

Battleلڑائی Larai جُدھ رن ran رن Run جنگ jang جنگ و جدل رزم razm کار زار معرکہ markah معرکہ Maarka لڑنا larna لڑنا Larhna جُدھ کرنا لڑائی لڑنا جنگ کرنا jang karna حرب harb لڑائ laraa i مبارزہ mubaarizah
Broilجھگڑا jhagra جھگڑا Jhagda لڑائی Larai دنگا Danga ہنگامہ hangaamah ہنگامہ hangaamh ہنگامہ Hungama فساد fasaad کوئلوں پر پکانا بھوننا bhuunna بھوننا Bhunna
Conflictٹکرانا takraana ٹکرانا Takrana ٹکر کھانا دھکا لگنا dhakka lagna بھڑنا Bhrna لڑنا larna لڑنا Larhna مقابلہ کرنا muqaabilah karna لڑائی Larai جَھگڑا تنازع tanaaza تنازع tnazaa تنازع Tanazay حرب harb جدل jadal جھگڑا jhagra جھگڑا Jhagda لڑائ laraa i مڈ بھیڑ mud bheyr مجادلہ mujaadilah نقیذ naqiiz
Discordناموافقت naa mowaafiqat ناموافقت Namawaqifat نااتفاقی naa ittefaaqi ناچاقی Naachaaki فساد fasaad ان بن an ban تنازع tanaaza تنازع tnazaa تنازع Tanazay جھگڑا jhagra جھگڑا Jhagda خلش khalish خلش Khalash خلش Khalush نزاع لڑائی Larai بے اتفاقی bey ittefaaqi چخ chakh اختلاف ekhtelaaf اختلاف ikhtelaaf اختلاف ikhtilaaf فتور futuur فتور Fatoor فتور Fatur کھچاؤ khichaa o کھچاؤ Khichao نفاق nafaaq نفاق Nifaaq پھوٹ phuut پھوٹ phoot
Dissensionقضیہ qaziyah قضیہ Qaziya لڑائی Larai جھگڑا jhagra جھگڑا Jhagda مخالفت mukhaalifat مخالفت Mukhaalfat ان بن an ban نااتفاقی naa ittefaaqi نزاع لفظی تکرار takraar ردوبدل Raddo badal مباحثہ mubaahisah مباحثہ mubaahesah مباحثہ Mubahisa اختلاف ekhtelaaf اختلاف ikhtelaaf اختلاف ikhtilaaf بگاڑ bigaar بگاڑ Bigaarr اختلاف رائے نَزاع جَھگڑا اِختَلاف راۓ رَنجِش شَکَررَنجی Shakarranji پُھوٹ اَن بَن فساد fasaad پھوٹ phuut پھوٹ phoot
Duelمبارزت Mubarzat یکیکی Yakyaki دنگل dangal کُشتی مُقابلہ Muqabla لڑائی Larai مجادلہ mujaadilah
Feudفریق fariiq فریق Fareeq دھڑا dhara دھڑا Dharha خاندانی رَقابَت قبائلی دُشمَنی لڑائی Larai جھَگڑا فَساد جھگڑا jhagra جھگڑا Jhagda خاندانی جھگڑا khaan daani jhagra خون خرابا khuun kharaaba
Fightingمُقابلہ Muqabla جنگ jang لڑائی Larai لڑاکا laraaka لڑاکا Laraka مار پیٹ maar piit مقابلہ muqaabilah مقابلہ Muqabila
Quarrelجھگڑا jhagra جھگڑا Jhagda لڑائی Larai اَن بن نا اِتفاقی شکایت shikaayet شکایت shikaayat شکایت Shikayat اعتراض eteraaz اعتراض Aetraz اعتراض Aeytraaz جھگڑنا jhagarna لڑائ کرنا laraa i karna لڑنا larna لڑنا Larhna الجھنا ulajhna ان بن an ban اختلاف ekhtelaaf اختلاف ikhtelaaf اختلاف ikhtilaaf فساد fasaad فضیحت faziihat فضیحت Fazeehat حجت hujjat حجت Hijjat جھمیلا jhameyla کھٹ پٹ khat pat لڑائ laraa i نااتفاقی naa ittefaaqi تنازع tanaaza تنازع tnazaa تنازع Tanazay پھوٹ phuut پھوٹ phoot پرخاش pur khaash قضیہ qaziyah قضیہ Qaziya تکرار takraar توتومیں میں tu tu maen maen ادھم udham
Battledoreلڑائی Larai
Battlementلڑائی Larai
Battueلڑائی Larai
Bunfightلڑائی Larai
Outfightلڑائی Larai
Battلڑائی Larai
Battledoorلڑائی Larai
Battlingلڑائی Larai
Fattrelsلڑائی Larai
Fightbacksلڑائی Larai
Fightingsلڑائی Larai
Fightsلڑائی Larai
Frayingsلڑائی Larai
Strifesلڑائی Larai
Striftلڑائی Larai
Striftsلڑائی Larai

More words from English related to Larai - لڑائی

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Larai - لڑائی meanings in English in English.

abutconflictfoul hurtleaccursecomplaintgrievancequerulousnessquarrelaccusationailmentgrumblingillnessplaintquerimonycomplaisancecomplainsgroutiestargumentationdiatribediscussion disputedissension controversydebatebattleescharbattlefieldbattlegrounddolewarrinfightingcombatfightbelligerencebelligerencyjungwaringwarrycampaigncontendmilitateclashcollidecontestgo to warstrike againstwage warwrangle ...

Idioms related to the meaning of Larai - لڑائی

Adverse fortune brought forth discordبُرے وقت کا کوئی ساتھی نہیں
A full belly neither fights nor flies wellلڑنا اور بھاگنا دونوں آدھے پیٹ ہو سکتے ہیں
A soldier fights upon his stomachبھوکا سپاہی خاک لڑے گا
It is no use fighting against destinyتقدیر کے آگے تدبیر نہیں چلتی
Live like the fighting cocksاچھی خوراک حاصل کرنا
On painting and fighting look afar offتصویر اور لڑائی کو دور ہی سے دیکھنا چاہیئے
A good beginning is half the battleنیک آغاز نِصف فتح ہوتی ہے
Excellent with his tongue but his right hand remiss in the battleباتوں میں ہوشیار کام میں خوار
Fair battle leaves no bitterness behindلڑائی کے وقت اگر کوئی ممنوع فعل سرزد نہ ہو تو صلح کے بعد دِلوں میں کدورت نہ رہے گی
Join battleجھگڑا
Line of battleلڑائی کے لیے صف بندی کرنا
Order of battleجنگ کی تیاری کا حکم
Pitched battleدو گروپوں کے درمیان مقابلہ
To live is to do battleزندگی کشمکش کا نام ہے
Wager of battleلڑائی سے فیصلہ کرنا
Be not the first to quarrel nor the last to make it upلڑائی میں کبھی پہل نہ کرو اور صُلح کے لیے ہر وقت تیار رہو
Brother quarrel like thieves inside a house but outside their swords leap out in each other's defenceبھائی بھائی ہی رہیں گے
Brothers quarrel like thieves inside a house but outsideپھوٹے گھڑے میں پانی نہیں ٹھہرتا
Come and welcome go by and no quarrelآوٴ تمہارا گھر جاوٴ کوئی جھگڑا نہیں
Do not quarrel vehemently about other people's businessدوسروں کے جھگڑے میں اپنا سر گنوانا
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What are the meanings of Larai - لڑائی in English?

Meanings of the word Larai - لڑائی in English are battle, broil, conflict, discord, dissension, duel, feud, fighting, quarrel, battledore, battlement, battue, bunfight, outfight, batt, battledoor, battling, fattrels, fightbacks, fightings, fights, frayings, strifes, strift and strifts. To understand how would you translate the word Larai - لڑائی in English, you can take help from words closely related to Larai - لڑائی or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Larai - لڑائی synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Larai - لڑائی. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Larai - لڑائی in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Larai - لڑائی in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Larai - لڑائی with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by larai?

Meanings of larai are battle, broil, conflict, discord, dissension, duel, feud, fighting, quarrel, battledore, battlement, battue, bunfight, outfight, batt, battledoor, battling, fattrels, fightbacks, fightings, fights, frayings, strifes, strift and strifts

Whats the definition of larai?

Definition of the larai are

  • heat by a natural force
  • cooking by direct exposure to radiant heat (as over a fire or under a grill)
  • cook under a broiler
  • be very hot, due to hot weather or exposure to the sun
  • be different from one another
  • be different from one another
  • disagreement among those expected to cooperate
  • disagreement among those expected to cooperate
  • lack of agreement or harmony
  • lack of agreement or harmony
  • a harsh mixture of sounds
  • a harsh mixture of sounds
  • strife resulting from a lack of agreement
  • strife resulting from a lack of agreement
  • disagreement among those expected to cooperate
  • a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters
  • any struggle between two skillful opponents (individuals or groups)
  • a prearranged fight with deadly weapons by two people (accompanied by seconds) in order to settle a quarrel over a point of honor
  • fight a duel, as over one's honor or a woman
  • a bitter quarrel between two parties
  • carry out a feud
  • engaged in or ready for military or naval operations
  • have a disagreement over something
  • an arrow that is shot from a crossbow; has a head with four edges
  • a light long-handled racket used by badminton players
  • an ancient racket game
  • indiscriminate slaughter
  • a hunt in which beaters force the game to flee in the direction of the hunter
  • (Briticism) a grand formal party on an important occasion
  • to fight better than; get the better of

What is the synonym of larai?

Synonym of word larai are لڑائی, جُدھ, رن, جنگ, جنگ و جدل, رزم, کار زار, معرکہ, لڑنا, جُدھ کرنا

What are the idioms related to larai?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word larai.

  • Adverse fortune brought forth discord
  • A full belly neither fights nor flies well
  • A soldier fights upon his stomach
  • It is no use fighting against destiny
  • Live like the fighting cocks