Ranjedah - رنجیدہ meanings in English

Ranjedah - رنجیدہ meanings in English are disconsolate, indignant, offended, sorry, scorbutic, shrieked, rantipoled, scrieved, shrieved, shrieves, soricident, scranky, grieving, grieved, dismal, displeased, frowning, joyless, lugubrious, vexed, afflicted, aggrieved, baleful, chagrined, doleful, wrynecked Ranjedah - رنجیدہ in English. More meanings of ranjedah - رنجیدہ, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

disconsolate indignant offended sorry scorbutic shrieked rantipoled scrieved shrieved shrieves soricident scranky grieving grieved dismal displeased frowning joyless lugubrious vexed afflicted aggrieved baleful chagrined doleful wrynecked

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Ranjedah - رنجیدہ Definitions

Please find 19 English and definitions related to the word Ranjedah - رنجیدہ.

  • (adjective satellite) : grievously affected especially by disease
  • (adjective satellite) : mentally or physically unfit
  • (adjective) : sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled
  • (adjective) : not pleased; experiencing or manifesting displeasure
  • (adjective satellite) : showing displeasure or anger
  • (adjective) : not experiencing or inspiring joy
  • (adjective satellite) : excessively mournful
  • (adjective satellite) : causing difficulty in finding an answer or solution; much disputed
  • (adjective satellite) : troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances
  • (adjective satellite) : deadly or sinister
  • (adjective satellite) : feeling or caused to feel ill at ease or self-conscious or ashamed
  • (adjective satellite) : filled with or evoking sadness
  • (adjective satellite) : sorrowful through loss or deprivation
  • (adjective satellite) : angered at something unjust or wrong
  • (adjective satellite) : emotionally hurt or upset or annoyed
  • (adjective) : of or relating to or having or resembling scurvy
  • (adjective) : uttered in a shrill scream as of pain or terror
  • (adjective) : feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone
  • (adjective satellite) : without merit; of little or no value or use

More words related to the meanings of Ranjedah - رنجیدہ

Afflictedمصیبت زدہ musiibat zadah مصیبت میں مبتلا مشکلات میں گھرا ہوا فگار figaar غم دیدہ gham diidah حزین haziin ماؤف maa uuf رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda سوگوار sog waar سوگوار Sogawar
Disconsolateاداس udaas افسردہ afsurdah افسردہ Afsarda ملول maluul ملول Malool دل گیر dil giir رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda متفکر mutafakkir متفکر Muttafaqir فکر مند fikar mand فکر مند fikra mand بے قرار bey qaraar بے قرار bey qarraar
Dismalڈراؤنا daraa ona ڈراؤنا Daraona بھیانک bhayaanak بھیانک bhayaank بھیانک Bhayanak ہولناک haul naak ہولناک haulnaak ہولناک Holnaak ہیبت ناک haebat naak مہیب muhiib مہیب Muheeb سنسان sunsaan رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda اداس udaas غمگین ghamgiin غمگین gham giin غمگین Ghamgeen دل گیر dil giir تاریک tariik تاریک taariik تاریک taa riik تاریک Tareek اندھیرا andheyra اندھیرا Andhera افسُردہ Afsurdgi آزادہ aazaadah مایوس maa yuus مایوس Mayoos آزردہ aazurdah آزردہ Aazarda مکدر mukaddar مکدر Mukdar تیرہ tiirah تیرہ teyrah تیرہ Tera
Displeasedخفا khafa ناراض naa raaz ناراض naaraaz ناراض Naraaz رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda ناخوش naa khush ناخوش na khush ناخوش naa kkush ناخوش Nakhush الگ الگ alag alag بے زار bey zaar جز بز jiz biz کبیدہ kabiidah کشیدہ kashiidah کشیدہ Kasheeda تیڑھا teyrha تیڑھی teyrhi
Frowningمغموم maghmuum رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda چیں بہ جبیں
Joylessاداس udaas ناخوش naa khush ناخوش na khush ناخوش naa kkush ناخوش Nakhush ناشاد naa shaad غمگین ghamgiin غمگین gham giin غمگین Ghamgeen رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda بےلطف Baylutf بےلطف Be lutf بے کیف bey kaef بے لطف bey lutf بے مزہ bey mazah
Lugubriousاداس udaas غمگین ghamgiin غمگین gham giin غمگین Ghamgeen رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda آزردہ aazurdah آزردہ Aazarda
Vexedخفا khafa دق diq دق Daq رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda ناخوش naa khush ناخوش na khush ناخوش naa kkush ناخوش Nakhush آزردہ aazurdah آزردہ Aazarda ناراض naa raaz ناراض naaraaz ناراض Naraaz دل گیر dil giir آزار رسیدہ aazaar rasiidah چڑ چڑا chir chira مکدر mukaddar مکدر Mukdar متنازع فیہ mutanaaza fiih پریشان pareyshaan پریشان Pareshan ستایا ہوا sataaya hu a زچ zich
Balefulآزردہ دل aazurdah dil مضر muzir مضر Muzar نقصان دہ nuqsaan deh رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda تکلیف دہ takliif deh
Chagrinedغمگین ghamgiin غمگین gham giin غمگین Ghamgeen رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda
Dolefulالمناک alam naak المناک Almaghrib درد ناک dard naak غمگین ghamgiin غمگین gham giin غمگین Ghamgeen ملول maluul ملول Malool رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda اداس udaas
Grievingمتاسف muta assif متاسف mutaa ssif پرملال pur malaal رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda
Indignantبرہم bar ham برہم barham غضب ناک ghazab naak غضب ناک ghzab naak خفا khafa خشم گین khashm giin ناراض naa raaz ناراض naaraaz ناراض Naraaz رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda
Offendedجز بز jiz biz کبیدہ kabiidah کبیدہ خاطر kabiidah khaatir خفا khafa ناخوش naa khush ناخوش na khush ناخوش naa kkush ناخوش Nakhush ناراض naa raaz ناراض naaraaz ناراض Naraaz رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda تیڑھا teyrha تیڑھی teyrhi اچاٹ uchaat
Scorbuticرنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda
Shriekedرنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda
Sorryافسوس زدہ afsos zadah رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda شرمندہ sharmindah شرمندہ Sharminda دلگیری dilgiiri دلگیری Dilgeeri
Aggrievedغمزدہ gham zadah غمزدہ Ghamzada جبر دیدہ jabr diidah متاسف muta assif متاسف mutaa ssif رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda رنجور ranjuur
Grievedدل سوختہ dil sokhtah غم دیدہ gham diidah محزون mohzuun محزون maehzuun رنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda
Rantipoledرنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda
Scrievedرنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda
Shrievedرنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda
Shrievesرنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda
Soricidentرنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda
Scrankyرنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda
Wryneckedرنجیدہ ranjiidah رنجیدہ ranjedah رنجیدہ Ranjeeda

More words from English related to Ranjedah - رنجیدہ

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Ranjedah - رنجیدہ meanings in English in English.

abashedashamedawkwardembarrassedsorryblushinggarishlyshamedbeshamedblushedblushinglyembarredembarringshammedshimmiedbladderedblushygressoriousabhorrentdispleasedgrumbleriratevexedangryannoyeddiscontentfranzyindignantmalcontentobjurgatoryoffendedreluctantwarmwrothangeredannoyerdenatureddisarrangeddisarrayedfurredincensedpissedpissed offupendedangaryangerlessangrierangriestannoyersannoys ...

What are the meanings of Ranjedah - رنجیدہ in English?

Meanings of the word Ranjedah - رنجیدہ in English are afflicted, disconsolate, dismal, displeased, frowning, joyless, lugubrious, vexed, baleful, chagrined, doleful, grieving, indignant, offended, scorbutic, shrieked, sorry, aggrieved, grieved, rantipoled, scrieved, shrieved, shrieves, soricident, scranky and wrynecked. To understand how would you translate the word Ranjedah - رنجیدہ in English, you can take help from words closely related to Ranjedah - رنجیدہ or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Ranjedah - رنجیدہ synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Ranjedah - رنجیدہ. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Ranjedah - رنجیدہ in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Ranjedah - رنجیدہ in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Ranjedah - رنجیدہ with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by ranjedah?

Meanings of ranjedah are afflicted, disconsolate, dismal, displeased, frowning, joyless, lugubrious, vexed, baleful, chagrined, doleful, grieving, indignant, offended, scorbutic, shrieked, sorry, aggrieved, grieved, rantipoled, scrieved, shrieved, shrieves, soricident, scranky and wrynecked

Whats the definition of ranjedah?

Definition of the ranjedah are

  • grievously affected especially by disease
  • mentally or physically unfit
  • sad beyond comforting; incapable of being consoled
  • not pleased; experiencing or manifesting displeasure
  • showing displeasure or anger
  • not experiencing or inspiring joy
  • excessively mournful
  • causing difficulty in finding an answer or solution; much disputed
  • troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances
  • deadly or sinister
  • feeling or caused to feel ill at ease or self-conscious or ashamed
  • filled with or evoking sadness
  • sorrowful through loss or deprivation
  • angered at something unjust or wrong
  • emotionally hurt or upset or annoyed
  • of or relating to or having or resembling scurvy
  • uttered in a shrill scream as of pain or terror
  • feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone
  • without merit; of little or no value or use

What is the synonym of ranjedah?

Synonym of word ranjedah are مصیبت زدہ, مصیبت میں مبتلا, مشکلات میں گھرا ہوا, فگار, غم دیدہ, حزین, ماؤف, رنجیدہ, سوگوار, اداس

What are the idioms related to ranjedah?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word ranjedah.

  • If the head is afflicted all the limbs grow weak
  • With wishing comes grieving
  • A sorry fellow
  • The thief is sorry that he is to be hanged but not that he is a thief
  • To cut a sorry figure