Rind - رند meanings in English

Rind - رند meanings in English are casemate, rinds, vagabond, toper, rakish, rake, libertine, freethinker, drunkard, blackguard, wanton, rantipole, profligate, miscreant, embrasure, rund Rind - رند in English. More meanings of rind - رند, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

casemate rinds vagabond toper rakish rake libertine freethinker drunkard blackguard wanton rantipole profligate miscreant embrasure rund

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Rind - رند Definitions

Please find 34 English and 2 Urdu definitions related to the word Rind - رند.

  • (noun) : an opening (in a wall or ship or armored vehicle) for firing through
  • (noun) : a person who rejects religion
  • (adjective satellite) : unrestrained by convention or morality
  • (noun) : a dissolute person; usually a man who is morally unrestrained
  • (noun) : a person without moral scruples
  • (noun) : a dissolute man in fashionable society
  • (adjective satellite) : unrestrained by convention or morality
  • (noun) : a recklessly extravagant consumer
  • (adjective satellite) : recklessly wasteful
  • (adjective satellite) : marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness
  • (adjective satellite) : marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners
  • (noun) : a dissolute man in fashionable society
  • (verb) : scrape gently
  • (noun) : degree of deviation from a horizontal plane
  • (noun) : a long-handled tool with a row of teeth at its head; used to move leaves or loosen soil
  • (verb) : move through with or as if with a rake
  • (verb) : sweep the length of
  • (verb) : gather with a rake
  • (verb) : level or smooth with a rake
  • (verb) : examine hastily
  • (adjective satellite) : wandering aimlessly without ties to a place or community
  • (noun) : anything that resembles a vagabond in having no fixed place
  • (verb) : become extravagant; indulge (oneself) luxuriously
  • (verb) : waste time; spend one's time idly or inefficiently
  • (noun) : lewd or lascivious woman
  • (verb) : spend wastefully
  • (verb) : indulge in a carefree or voluptuous way of life
  • (verb) : engage in amorous play
  • (verb) : behave extremely cruelly and brutally
  • (adjective satellite) : occurring without motivation or provocation
  • (verb) : subject to laughter or ridicule
  • (noun) : someone who is morally reprehensible
  • (noun) : a chronic drinker
  • (noun) : a person who drinks alcoholic beverages (especially to excess)
  • آزادخیال آدمی خصوصاً مزہبی عقائد کی پابندی کا مُنکر
  • کِسی مُستقِل سکونت کے بغیر جگہ جگہ مارا مارا پھرنے والا

More words related to the meanings of Rind - رند

Casemateگڑھ گج رند rind رینی Rainy
Embrasureرند rind بھنواری Bhanwari کھڑکی khirki کھڑکی Khidki توپ کا جھروکا رینی Rainy
Freethinkerآزاد خیال aazaad khayaal رند rind
Libertineآزاد aazaad آزاد Azaad بےقید Bay qaid بےقید Be qaid بےروک Bay rok بےروک Be rok فاجر faajir لچا luchcha رند rind عیاش aiyaash
Miscreantآوارہ aawaarah آوارہ aawaaarah آوارہ awaarah آوارہ Aawaara رند rind مردود marduud مردود Mardood مردود Murdood کافر kaafir کافر Kafir کافر Kafirr بد ذات bad zaat پاجی paaji شیطان shaetaan شیطان Shaitan
Profligateشہدا shohda بدکارشخص Bud kar shukhs خراباتی Kharabaati لچا luchcha رند rind آوارہ aawaarah آوارہ aawaaarah آوارہ awaarah آوارہ Aawaara دھتکارا ہوا dhutkaara hu a فسخ faskh فسخ Fuskh فاسخ faasikh رندانہ rindaanah فضول خرچ fuzuul kharch
Rakishرندانہ rindaanah آوارہ aawaarah آوارہ aawaaarah آوارہ awaarah آوارہ Aawaara تماش بین tamaash biin باؤ ڈنڈی فاسد faasid عیاش aiyaash سبک رو subuk rau تیز teyz تیز Taiz البیلا albeyla بانکا baanka لچا luchcha رند rind
Rantipoleسرگرداں sar gardaan بےقید Bay qaid بےقید Be qaid بےضبط Be zubt بےضبط Bey zubt اوباش aobaash اوباش Oobaash رند rind باؤ ڈنڈی یا آوارہ پھرنا
Rakeعیاش aiyaash اوباش aobaash اوباش Oobaash آوارہ aawaarah آوارہ aawaaarah آوارہ awaarah آوارہ Aawaara لفنگا lafanga شہوت پرست shaehwat parast نفس پرست nafs parast فاسِق Fasik البیلا albeyla عشق باز ishq baaz رنگیلا rangiila رند rind
Vagabondآوارہ aawaarah آوارہ aawaaarah آوارہ awaarah آوارہ Aawaara سیلانی saelaani آوارہ گرد aawaarah gard ہرجائی Harjai ہرجائی Harjayi ڈانواڈول پھرنے والا خانہ بدوش khaanah badosh آگے پیچھے پھرتا ہوا بے کار bey kaar بدمعاش bad maaash بدمعاش Budmaash در بدر dar badar ہرجائ har jaa i لچا luchcha رند rind
Wantonچھیڑنا chheyrna چھیڑنا Cherna شوخی کرنا آوارہ پھرنا aawaarah phirna فاحشہ faahishah فاحشہ faaheshah چھنال chhinaal چھنال Chanaal کھلاڑ Khilarh ادمادی Edmadi شہوت پرست shaehwat parast چھنلا Chinla رند rind تماش بین tamaash biin رنڈی باز شوخ shokh شوخ Shoukh چنچل chanchal چپل chappal اچپلکھلاڑ Achpalkhilaar اچپل Achpal بے پیر bey piir بلا وجہ bila wajah فاجر faajir کافر kaafir کافر Kafir کافر Kafirr لاپرواہ laa parwaah لاپرواہ la parwaah لاپرواہ Laperwah ظالم zaalim ظالم zaliim ظالم Zamil
Blackguardلچا luchcha رند rind
Drunkardعادتاً شرابی aadatan sharaabi مست mast رند rind
Toperمے گسار maey gusaar رند rind
Rindsرند rind
Rundرند rind

More words from English related to Rind - رند

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Rind - رند meanings in English in English.

abandonedblacksheeppicaroonruffianvillaincaddishgangsterknavemobsterrogueroguishscoundreluncleanvagabondvarletwickedbubblingbullshitbully offbullyboyclupeidcroakingcroakycrookcrookbackedcrookesfuglygoonymoraceousroguishlybobbledcroakerscroakiercroakiestcroakscrookingcrookscroonersdemistersgrumblersgrumblesjumblesmorigerousrabblersragulyrascallionrogatoryroguedrogueingrogueship ...

What are the meanings of Rind - رند in English?

Meanings of the word Rind - رند in English are casemate, embrasure, freethinker, libertine, miscreant, profligate, rakish, rantipole, rake, vagabond, wanton, blackguard, drunkard, toper, rinds and rund. To understand how would you translate the word Rind - رند in English, you can take help from words closely related to Rind - رند or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Rind - رند synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Rind - رند. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Rind - رند in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Rind - رند in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Rind - رند with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by rind?

Meanings of rind are casemate, embrasure, freethinker, libertine, miscreant, profligate, rakish, rantipole, rake, vagabond, wanton, blackguard, drunkard, toper, rinds and rund

Whats the definition of rind?

Definition of the rind are

  • an opening (in a wall or ship or armored vehicle) for firing through
  • a person who rejects religion
  • unrestrained by convention or morality
  • a dissolute person; usually a man who is morally unrestrained
  • a person without moral scruples
  • a dissolute man in fashionable society
  • unrestrained by convention or morality
  • a recklessly extravagant consumer
  • recklessly wasteful
  • marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness
  • marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners
  • a dissolute man in fashionable society
  • scrape gently
  • degree of deviation from a horizontal plane
  • a long-handled tool with a row of teeth at its head; used to move leaves or loosen soil
  • move through with or as if with a rake
  • sweep the length of
  • gather with a rake
  • level or smooth with a rake
  • examine hastily
  • wandering aimlessly without ties to a place or community
  • anything that resembles a vagabond in having no fixed place
  • become extravagant; indulge (oneself) luxuriously
  • waste time; spend one's time idly or inefficiently
  • lewd or lascivious woman
  • spend wastefully
  • indulge in a carefree or voluptuous way of life
  • engage in amorous play
  • behave extremely cruelly and brutally
  • occurring without motivation or provocation
  • subject to laughter or ridicule
  • someone who is morally reprehensible
  • a chronic drinker
  • a person who drinks alcoholic beverages (especially to excess)
  • آزادخیال آدمی خصوصاً مزہبی عقائد کی پابندی کا مُنکر
  • کِسی مُستقِل سکونت کے بغیر جگہ جگہ مارا مارا پھرنے والا

What is the synonym of rind?

Synonym of word rind are گڑھ گج, رند, رینی, بھنواری, کھڑکی, توپ کا جھروکا, آزاد خیال, آزاد, بےقید, بےروک

What are the idioms related to rind?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word rind.

  • A drunkard purse is a bottle
  • A reformed rake makes the best husband
  • Let the drunkard alone and he will fall of himself
  • Rake up