Andha dhund - اندھا دھند meanings in English

Andha dhund - اندھا دھند meanings in English are slap dash, indiscriminately, indraught, indraughts, incindental, indigitated, indigitating, indiscriminative, indiscussed, indispersed, indisposing, indisputed, indiscrete, violent, wastefully, wastefulness, blinding, excessive, extravagant, headlong, indiscriminate, precipitately, promiscuous, steep, undiscriminating, indoctrinated Andha dhund - اندھا دھند in English. More meanings of andha dhund - اندھا دھند, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

slap dash indiscriminately indraught indraughts incindental indigitated indigitating indiscriminative indiscussed indispersed indisposing indisputed indiscrete violent wastefully wastefulness blinding excessive extravagant headlong indiscriminate precipitately promiscuous steep undiscriminating indoctrinated

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Andha dhund - اندھا دھند Definitions

Please find 31 English and 2 Urdu definitions related to the word Andha dhund - اندھا دھند.

  • (adjective satellite) : greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
  • (noun) : a steep place (as on a hill)
  • (verb) : let sit in a liquid to extract a flavor or to cleanse
  • (adjective satellite) : of a slope; set at a high angle
  • (adjective) : having a sharp inclination
  • (verb) : devote (oneself) fully to
  • (adjective satellite) : characterized by violence or bloodshed
  • (adjective satellite) : marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid
  • (adjective satellite) : (of colors or sounds) intensely vivid or loud
  • (adjective satellite) : effected by force or injury rather than natural causes
  • (adjective) : acting with or marked by or resulting from great force or energy or emotional intensity
  • (adverb) : to a wasteful manner or to a wasteful degree
  • (noun) : useless or profitless activity; using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly
  • (noun) : the trait of wasting resources
  • (adjective satellite) : shining intensely
  • (adjective satellite) : beyond normal limits
  • (adjective satellite) : unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings
  • (adjective satellite) : recklessly wasteful
  • (adjective satellite) : unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings
  • (adverb) : in a hasty and foolhardy manner
  • (adjective satellite) : excessively quick
  • (adverb) : with the head foremost
  • (adverb) : at breakneck speed
  • (adjective satellite) : not divided or divisible into parts
  • (adjective) : not marked by fine distinctions
  • (adjective satellite) : failing to make or recognize distinctions
  • (adverb) : in a random manner
  • (adverb) : in an indiscriminate manner
  • (adverb) : at breakneck speed
  • (adjective satellite) : not selective of a single class or person
  • (adjective) : not discriminating
  • اوپر چڑھتا ھُوا یا نیچے اُترتا ھُوا
  • شدید جِسمانی قُوَّت سے مُتعلِّق

More words related to the meanings of Andha dhund - اندھا دھند

Slap dashچھٹ پٹ شدت سے shiddat sey اندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund
Steepڈھلوان dhalwaan ڈھلوان dahlwaan نشیب nasheyb نشیب Nashaib ناقابلِ یقین اندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund چڑھائ charhaa i مشکل mushkil نہایت nihaayat نہایت nehaayat نہایت nehayte نہایت Nihayat بھگونا bhigona بھگونا bhigauna بھگونا Bhagona اچھی طرح سے تر کرنا achhi tarah sey tar karna تر بتر کرنا tar batar karna
Violentتند tund تند Tanad تیز teyz تیز Taiz شدید shadiid شدید Shadeed شدید Shadid اندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund کڑا kara کڑا Karra کڑا Kada سخت sakht شر بار sharar baar زبردست zabar dast زبردست Zaberdasst
Wastefullyفضول خرچی سے مسرفانہ Musrifana اندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund اناپ شناپ anaap shanaap
Wastefulnessفضول خرچی fuzuul kharchi مسرفانہ Musrifana اندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund اناپ شناپ anaap shanaap اسراف asraaf اسراف israaf خرچ بیجا
Blindingاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund
Excessiveاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund نہایت nihaayat نہایت nehaayat نہایت nehayte نہایت Nihayat پرلے درجے کا parley darjey ka زیادہ zeyaadah زیادہ zeyade زیادہ Ziyada
Extravagantاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund فضول fuzuul فضول Fazool فضول خرچ fuzuul kharch مسدود masduud مسدود Masdood
Headlongاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund جلد بازی سے jald baazi sey سر کے بل sar key bal جلد باز jald baaz پرجوش pur josh پرجوش Purjoosh تند خو tund khuu تند خو tund khu بے تحاشا bey tahaasha دفعتن dafatan
Indiscreteاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund
Indiscriminateاناپ شناپ anaap shanaap اندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund بلا فرق bila farq
Indiscriminatelyاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund
Precipitatelyاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund
Promiscuousاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund بے تک bey tuk بلا فرق bila farq
Undiscriminatingاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund غیر ناقدانہ ghaer naaqid aanah ناقابل امتیاز naa qaabil e imtiaaz ناقابل امتیاز naa qaabil e imteyaaz
Indraughtاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund
Indraughtsاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund
Incindentalاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund
Indigitatedاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund
Indigitatingاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund
Indiscriminativeاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund
Indiscussedاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund
Indispersedاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund
Indisposingاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund
Indisputedاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund
Indoctrinatedاندھا دھند andha dhund اندھا دھند andh dhund

More words from English related to Andha dhund - اندھا دھند

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Andha dhund - اندھا دھند meanings in English in English.

abstrusedifficultembarrassmentirksomeobstaclepalacepinchpuzzlingthornyabstractarduouscomplicateddifficultydilemmahardhardshiphot waterintricacyintricatenarrowoccultoperosepainfulperplexityproblemsteeptangletenacioustortuoustoughtroubleuphillwearifulwearisomedifficilehardertuskydifficilitatedifficultateaggravatedconsolidateddiamonddrasticegregiousimpenitentimpetuousmoroseobdurateoppressiveoutrageous ...

What are the meanings of Andha dhund - اندھا دھند in English?

Meanings of the word Andha dhund - اندھا دھند in English are slap dash, steep, violent, wastefully, wastefulness, blinding, excessive, extravagant, headlong, indiscrete, indiscriminate, indiscriminately, precipitately, promiscuous, undiscriminating, indraught, indraughts, incindental, indigitated, indigitating, indiscriminative, indiscussed, indispersed, indisposing, indisputed and indoctrinated. To understand how would you translate the word Andha dhund - اندھا دھند in English, you can take help from words closely related to Andha dhund - اندھا دھند or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Andha dhund - اندھا دھند synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Andha dhund - اندھا دھند. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Andha dhund - اندھا دھند in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Andha dhund - اندھا دھند in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Andha dhund - اندھا دھند with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by andha dhund?

Meanings of andha dhund are slap dash, steep, violent, wastefully, wastefulness, blinding, excessive, extravagant, headlong, indiscrete, indiscriminate, indiscriminately, precipitately, promiscuous, undiscriminating, indraught, indraughts, incindental, indigitated, indigitating, indiscriminative, indiscussed, indispersed, indisposing, indisputed and indoctrinated

Whats the definition of andha dhund?

Definition of the andha dhund are

  • greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation
  • a steep place (as on a hill)
  • let sit in a liquid to extract a flavor or to cleanse
  • of a slope; set at a high angle
  • having a sharp inclination
  • devote (oneself) fully to
  • characterized by violence or bloodshed
  • marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions; inclined to react violently; fervid
  • (of colors or sounds) intensely vivid or loud
  • effected by force or injury rather than natural causes
  • acting with or marked by or resulting from great force or energy or emotional intensity
  • to a wasteful manner or to a wasteful degree
  • useless or profitless activity; using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly
  • the trait of wasting resources
  • shining intensely
  • beyond normal limits
  • unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings
  • recklessly wasteful
  • unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings
  • in a hasty and foolhardy manner
  • excessively quick
  • with the head foremost
  • at breakneck speed
  • not divided or divisible into parts
  • not marked by fine distinctions
  • failing to make or recognize distinctions
  • in a random manner
  • in an indiscriminate manner
  • at breakneck speed
  • not selective of a single class or person
  • not discriminating
  • اوپر چڑھتا ھُوا یا نیچے اُترتا ھُوا
  • شدید جِسمانی قُوَّت سے مُتعلِّق

What is the synonym of andha dhund?

Synonym of word andha dhund are چھٹ پٹ, شدت سے, اندھا دھند, ڈھلوان, نشیب, ناقابلِ یقین, چڑھائ, مشکل, نہایت, بھگونا

What are the idioms related to andha dhund?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word andha dhund.

  • Necessity is a violent schoolmistress
  • Nothing that is violent is permanent
  • To lay violent
  • What is violent is not lasting