Inaam - انعام meanings in English
Inaam - انعام meanings in English are gift, prise, award, stake, reward, prize, premium, gree, gratuity, desert, vail, prizewinning Inaam - انعام in English. More meanings of inaam - انعام, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
gift prise award stake reward prize premium gree gratuity desert vail prizewinning
Inaam - انعام Definitions
Please find 52 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Inaam - انعام.
- (noun) : a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
- (noun) : a grant made by a law court
- (noun) : something given for victory or superiority in a contest or competition or for winning a lottery
- (verb) : give as judged due or on the basis of merit
- (verb) : give, especially as an honor or reward
- (verb) : give qualities or abilities to
- (noun) : something acquired without compensation
- (noun) : the act of giving
- (verb) : give as a present; make a gift of
- (noun) : natural abilities or qualities
- (noun) : an award (as for meritorious service) given without claim or obligation
- (noun) : a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter)
- (noun) : payment for insurance
- (noun) : payment or reward (especially from a government) for acts such as catching criminals or killing predatory animals or enlisting in the military
- (noun) : a fee charged for exchanging currencies
- (adjective satellite) : having or reflecting superior quality or value
- (noun) : the amount that something in scarce supply is valued above its nominal value
- (noun) : a prize, bonus, or award given as an inducement to purchase products, enter competitions initiated by business interests, etc.
- (verb) : place a bet on
- (verb) : put at risk
- (noun) : instrument of execution consisting of a vertical post that a victim is tied to for burning
- (noun) : the money risked on a gamble
- (noun) : a pole or stake set up to mark something (as the start or end of a race track)
- (noun) : (law) a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something
- (verb) : mark with a stake
- (verb) : tie or fasten to a stake
- (verb) : kill by piercing with a spear or sharp pole
- (noun) : a strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end so it can be driven into the ground
- (verb) : leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch
- (noun) : arid land with little or no vegetation
- (verb) : leave behind
- (verb) : desert (a cause, a country or an army), often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army
- (noun) : (usually plural) a person's deservingness of or entitlement to reward or punishment
- (verb) : regard highly; think much of
- (verb) : to move or force, especially in an effort to get something open
- (verb) : make an uninvited or presumptuous inquiry
- (verb) : hold dear
- (noun) : something given for victory or superiority in a contest or competition or for winning a lottery
- (adjective satellite) : of superior grade
- (verb) : regard highly; think much of
- (verb) : to move or force, especially in an effort to get something open
- (noun) : goods or money obtained illegally
- (noun) : something given as a token of victory
- (adjective satellite) : holding first place in a contest
- (verb) : bestow honor or rewards upon
- (noun) : a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing
- (noun) : benefit resulting from some event or action
- (noun) : an act performed to strengthen approved behavior
- (noun) : the offer of money for helping to find a criminal or for returning lost property
- (noun) : payment made in return for a service rendered
- (verb) : strengthen and support with rewards
- (verb) : act or give recompense in recognition of someone's behavior or actions
- رقم جو ملازمین کو اختتام ملازمت پر یک مشت ملے
More words related to the meanings of Inaam - انعام
More words from English related to Inaam - انعام
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Inaam - انعام meanings in English in English.
absolveabstainacquisitiondisuse divorce emitemancipateeschew evacuateforgive forgoletliberateomitventwaiveabandonabdicateavoiddesertdischargeditchevict forsakegive upleavelet gopardonquitreleaserelinquishrenderresignset asideshootspareyieldabjointdisendowforslackquitingquittingdiscedearbitramentarbitrationconclusionadjustmentawarddecisionjudicial decree ... determinationjudgementsettlementverdictdeciduadecussationjudgmentadjudgmentdeciaredeciduaedeciduasdecimedecrialdecuryjudicationjudsverditdecidementdecidencedecildecubationdecyljudgshipavailablecarpeffectillationvegetablefruitharvestknife bladeprofitprogenyresultrewardfructificationfruitionbruitsfrigsfrithfroisefroisesfromentyfrowstsfructifiedfruitedfruiteressfruitiestfruitingsfruitionsfruitivefruitsfrumentiesfrutexfruticesripesspruitfruit'yblessinggracekindnessbountyexcellenceincreasesuperiorityvirtuewisdomfountbountreebountyhoodbribebriberygiftgratificationpayoffvailbriardbrierybriberiesbribesbullockgratuitypurfletaurusvinescreeperfooloxspadebeloxenbullocksbullskellsvinealbullcatebooncomfortdelicacyblissomceaseeschewinguncouplevacatewalkwaydiscard spendstopdesistthrowawayabranchiateforsakinggiving uprelinquishingrenouncementabandoneeabdicatingaborddiscarnatedisentailforgoesforsakenlyforsakingsforsayforspendforspentforswearsforsworeforswornomittancerenouncesrenouncingabacinationabandonerabandumabannationabrenunciationabsinthiatediscardureforbatheforsakerforswornnesstristitiatecharityalmoneralmsgivercommitconferconsignfireawaygiveimpartaffordallotassignendowhandinsertlendofferpayswampcompensationeternalearningemployermeedpaymentwageconditionobstrictionpactagreementbetgambleprovisionprovisostakestipulationtermwagerprerequisitestipulecreedpitiablefaithloanreligionear markmarkmonumentbook markcatch wordissuekeepsakemementomemorialoffspringremembrancesignsouvenirtokenoutsmartedearningsrequitalreturnsawmsawaheminencepre eminenceprimacyadvancementgreatnessgreehegemonypreferenceprefermentvantageexedentpredominancybequestgrantfavorpremiumfloor abodedestinationflat goaljourneyday's journeylandinglevelmansionobjectivestoreytiertrekforgiveness almsdonationhandoutinvestituretipvenialitysparinggantinglimationpardonlesspontifyingexcoriatingexequiousexpurgatoriousfungameslamsportdilationdisbandmentdisfluencydisintermentdisseminationdisseminativefalciformdiffusionsdilatancydiseusedispencedisseisedisseiseddisseisesdisseisindisseisingdisseisinsdisseizeddisseizinsdissertingfalcationfalcationsmillepedsspersetersiontrajectiondiffusivenessdilaceratingdilacerationdilaniationdisboscationdisertitudedisjuncttiondispersenessdisseizuredissemblancedissepimentdisseverationdissilitionimperceptionintexturedvectitationgeldoblationconsecrationdedicationfavourfeeofferingpresentbenefactionconcessionconsiderationgivingattritedgivennessattritattrittedbestowalsofferingsrespectssupplicationselectlargessemetaknowledgegiftednessgiftingpenancesyiftkindlinessobligationjusticegradeimportancedesignationentitlementplacestandingrattoonedsalutesalamisalmisalamisimmunityjustprerogativeveracityverityvetowarrantablelotportionrightrighteousnesstruetruthrightorightospierpillarspilecolumnlugmastpolepoststaffpoledrivethangerhobpegrivetsrivettingrivetingsettleconcludedecidedetermineadjudgeadjudicatedeciphermentdecussatejudgingadjudgingdecaredeciduatedecivilisedecivilizedecreeingjudjudderingadjudicatingdecipheringdecitizenizedecrepitnessdecurionatetentativenessexperienceexperimentforetastelessonprooftestexperimentationexperrectionnutatewagesrecompenserevengeaddlearidfruitlessill growninfecundinfertileinhospitablenakedsterileuncultivablebungedbunglersbarrenlybarren ofantidotedraught drink gagebetisedonarycorrectioninflictionpenaltypunishmentpunishingsanctionpenalisationpenalizationpuninesspuncespungencepunitionpenalitypenarypenitentiaryshippunctionpunicewildernessplaindesertificationdesertiondesertslut desertsyrian desertdesertersdesertionsdissertsdesertnessdesertricedesertrixpresentationproposaltributeoffereereendowrisk
Idioms related to the meaning of Inaam - انعام
What are the meanings of Inaam - انعام in English?
Meanings of the word Inaam - انعام in English are award, gift, gratuity, premium, stake, vail, desert, prise, prize, prizewinning, reward and gree. To understand how would you translate the word Inaam - انعام in English, you can take help from words closely related to Inaam - انعام or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Inaam - انعام synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Inaam - انعام. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Inaam - انعام in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Inaam - انعام in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Inaam - انعام with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by inaam?
Meanings of inaam are award, gift, gratuity, premium, stake, vail, desert, prise, prize, prizewinning, reward and gree
Whats the definition of inaam?
Definition of the inaam are
- a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction
- a grant made by a law court
- something given for victory or superiority in a contest or competition or for winning a lottery
- give as judged due or on the basis of merit
- give, especially as an honor or reward
- give qualities or abilities to
- something acquired without compensation
- the act of giving
- give as a present; make a gift of
- natural abilities or qualities
- an award (as for meritorious service) given without claim or obligation
- a relatively small amount of money given for services rendered (as by a waiter)
- payment for insurance
- payment or reward (especially from a government) for acts such as catching criminals or killing predatory animals or enlisting in the military
- a fee charged for exchanging currencies
- having or reflecting superior quality or value
- the amount that something in scarce supply is valued above its nominal value
- a prize, bonus, or award given as an inducement to purchase products, enter competitions initiated by business interests, etc.
- place a bet on
- put at risk
- instrument of execution consisting of a vertical post that a victim is tied to for burning
- the money risked on a gamble
- a pole or stake set up to mark something (as the start or end of a race track)
- (law) a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something
- mark with a stake
- tie or fasten to a stake
- kill by piercing with a spear or sharp pole
- a strong wooden or metal post with a point at one end so it can be driven into the ground
- leave someone who needs or counts on you; leave in the lurch
- arid land with little or no vegetation
- leave behind
- desert (a cause, a country or an army), often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army
- (usually plural) a person's deservingness of or entitlement to reward or punishment
- regard highly; think much of
- to move or force, especially in an effort to get something open
- make an uninvited or presumptuous inquiry
- hold dear
- something given for victory or superiority in a contest or competition or for winning a lottery
- of superior grade
- regard highly; think much of
- to move or force, especially in an effort to get something open
- goods or money obtained illegally
- something given as a token of victory
- holding first place in a contest
- bestow honor or rewards upon
- a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing
- benefit resulting from some event or action
- an act performed to strengthen approved behavior
- the offer of money for helping to find a criminal or for returning lost property
- payment made in return for a service rendered
- strengthen and support with rewards
- act or give recompense in recognition of someone's behavior or actions
- رقم جو ملازمین کو اختتام ملازمت پر یک مشت ملے
What is the synonym of inaam?
Synonym of word inaam are ڈگری کرنا, دلانا یا دینا, دینا, فیصلہ کرنا, فیصلہ, انعام, دان, پُن, آرپن, عطا
What are the idioms related to inaam?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word inaam.
- Desert and reward seldom keep company
- Never is there either work without reward or reward without work
- Nothing stake nothing draw
- Prudence is the first thing to desert the wretched
- Rats desert a sinking ship