Ginna - گننا meanings in English
Ginna - گننا meanings in English are account, reckon, numerate, nick, enumerate, detail, count, tell, number, compute, calculate, sugar cane Ginna - گننا in English. More meanings of ginna - گننا, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
account reckon numerate nick enumerate detail count tell number compute calculate sugar cane
Ginna - گننا Definitions
Please find 60 English and definitions related to the word Ginna - گننا.
- (noun) : the quality of taking advantage
- (noun) : importance or value
- (noun) : a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance
- (noun) : a formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking or brokerage or business services
- (noun) : a record or narrative description of past events
- (noun) : an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered
- (noun) : a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc.
- (noun) : the act of informing by verbal report
- (noun) : a short account of the news
- (verb) : keep an account of
- (verb) : be the sole or primary factor in the existence, acquisition, supply, or disposal of something
- (verb) : furnish a justifying analysis or explanation
- (verb) : to give an account or representation of in words
- (verb) : keep an account of
- (verb) : judge to be probable
- (verb) : predict in advance
- (verb) : have faith or confidence in
- (verb) : have faith or confidence in
- (noun) : a nobleman (in various countries) having rank equal to a British earl
- (noun) : the total number counted
- (verb) : have weight; have import, carry weight
- (verb) : include as if by counting
- (verb) : take account of
- (verb) : name or recite the numbers in ascending order
- (verb) : have a certain value or carry a certain weight
- (noun) : the act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending order
- (verb) : cut a nick into
- (noun) : a small cut
- (noun) : an impression in a surface (as made by a blow)
- (verb) : divide or reset the tail muscles of
- (verb) : mate successfully; of livestock
- (verb) : cut slightly, with a razor
- (noun) : (British slang) a prison
- (noun) : a concept of quantity involving zero and units
- (noun) : a short performance that is part of a longer program
- (noun) : an item of clothing
- (noun) : a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification and may be attached to accounts, memberships, etc.
- (noun) : a numbered item in a series
- (verb) : give evidence
- (verb) : narrate or give a detailed account of
- (noun) : a Swiss patriot who lived in the early 14th century and who was renowned for his skill as an archer; according to legend an Austrian governor compelled him to shoot an apple from his son's head with his crossbow (which he did successfully without mishap)
- (verb) : discern or comprehend
- (verb) : let something be known
- (verb) : inform positively and with certainty and confidence
- (noun) : a small part that can be considered separately from the whole
- (noun) : an isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole
- (noun) : extended treatment of particulars
- (noun) : a crew of workers selected for a particular task
- (verb) : assign to a specific task
- (verb) : provide details for
- (verb) : specify individually
- (verb) : read out loud as words written numbers
- (adjective) : able to understand and use numbers
- (verb) : judge to be probable
- (verb) : have faith or confidence in
- (verb) : take account of
- (verb) : expect, believe, or suppose
- (noun) : tall tropical southeast Asian grass having stout fibrous jointed stalks; sap is a chief source of sugar
- (noun) : juicy canes whose sap is a source of molasses and commercial sugar; fresh canes are sometimes chewed for the juice
- are juicy canes whose sap is a source of molasses and commercial sugar; fresh canes are sometimes chewed for the juice.
More words related to the meanings of Ginna - گننا
More words from English related to Ginna - گننا
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Ginna - گننا meanings in English in English.
abysschasmgulfnickaccompanimentconditioneventstanceaccountaffectionmoodnarrativenatureparticularspositionpostureprospectqualityremarkreportsituationstatestatementstoryfancycomprehenddeemexpostulategraspunderstandviewperceptiblydeemingperceivingperceivanceappraisebalancecanvassestimateevaluatelibratetemptvalueconsiderexamineinspectmonitornumberpalpscan ... verifyweigh upvettingdetesttatecheckdistinguishkenknowlearnjudgewiswistacquestforeknewjnanaminddeferheedrespectside withenvisionguessimaginesupposethinkcarefigureobeyobservepremeditatereckreflectregardnotionatetake careaffirmaverenunciatelimnnarratedeclaredelineatedemonstratedescribeprefigurereciterecountrehearserelatereputescrivetellescribingnarratingarticulatingdecorticatingdesiccatingelaqueateepitomizingexplicatingaffirmationcalldivulgefame nameproposespeakteachtermadmonishadviseaskassertbiddingcommunicatedictumimpelinforminstigateorderpromisepronouncesaysayingunfoldutteravowaldissertationeclaircissementillustrationallegationarticleclearconspicousdeclarationdescriptiondetaildistinct evidentexplanationmanifestationnarrationspeechdelineatedexplicationdescribingepitriteoutlastedperorateddecorticatedexauthorationstateprisonaffixbucklecalculatecementcomputecombineconnectcomposeconjoinconnectsekeembodyfeigngatherhoardhookjoinlinkmortisepieceputtysplicestoretacktapewaferaddannexappendattachconjugateinosculateinterconnectinventknitpatchuniteadductingaddlingappendingconjoiningensembleslinkingenlinksejunctionaggregate numberconcurrenceconfluencecontiguitycouplingcounterpartjoinderjoiningjointjunctionlimbmachinationmatchpairseamadditionconnectionconnectednesscontenderinosculationjuncturekinshipknuckleknuckle jointlinkagemarrowsolderingsumsuturetotalvampaddlesfoldedjoiningsjointsfolded upnumerationpluralityquantumnumenheadcountgaugesurmiseapprisegesticulationexpressindicateunbosomascribingtellaringblazediffusedilatedisseminatedissipatedistenddisplayenlargefurtheroutstretchpropagatesrarefyspreadaggrandiseaugmentbluecirculatedivergeexpandextendpublishscatterspatterstretchtedteerunfurloutflingspervaporatepervaporationpervasionpervasivenessspreadingexpurgatespervasionsprossingdisseminatingexundateexungulatecountenumeratingreckontotcalciningenumeratenotchnumeratetallycalculationcomputationmustercountingestimationcount offcountrifiedenumerationcomputescountedcountscountshipcountshipscourantscoutersenumeratednummulationcipheringbilllistratereckoningscoreaccountedreckonedrecountednumberingcircumstancedistinctiondisambiguationcircumstantialitydivisionelaborationseparationspecificationdetailingelaborateselancedesightmentelaboratingelaboratoryexcernopineerrand newsrabbistalkawarenessinformationintelligenceitemknowledgemessagenoticerumourwatchfulnesswordtidfodderpilferpurlointhievecabbageembezzlefilchgrazemoochpasturepicklepinchprigrobscroungesmouchstealtwitchsteal awaygeldamountdoughedictmoneymonesesamountedamountingsumszodiacsgradeimportanceclassdegreedignitynicheofficerankmathematicsnumeraldentnockprongsawtoothlumbersaboutcoefficientnumerologicalintegersnumerablynumeratedaccumberdigituleabilityappearancecapabilitycapacitymeritplaceprestigestationstatusledgerannouncechideproclaimassesvaluateguessingguesstimateguessworkguestimateestimatingestipulateguessableguessingsguisingfigulateguess warpguessivepessimizebidcommanddeigngrant
Idioms related to the meaning of Ginna - گننا
What are the meanings of Ginna - گننا in English?
Meanings of the word Ginna - گننا in English are account, calculate, compute, count, nick, number, tell, detail, enumerate, numerate, reckon and sugar cane. To understand how would you translate the word Ginna - گننا in English, you can take help from words closely related to Ginna - گننا or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Ginna - گننا synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Ginna - گننا. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Ginna - گننا in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Ginna - گننا in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Ginna - گننا with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by ginna?
Meanings of ginna are account, calculate, compute, count, nick, number, tell, detail, enumerate, numerate, reckon and sugar cane
Whats the definition of ginna?
Definition of the ginna are
- the quality of taking advantage
- importance or value
- a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance
- a formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking or brokerage or business services
- a record or narrative description of past events
- an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered
- a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc.
- the act of informing by verbal report
- a short account of the news
- keep an account of
- be the sole or primary factor in the existence, acquisition, supply, or disposal of something
- furnish a justifying analysis or explanation
- to give an account or representation of in words
- keep an account of
- judge to be probable
- predict in advance
- have faith or confidence in
- have faith or confidence in
- a nobleman (in various countries) having rank equal to a British earl
- the total number counted
- have weight; have import, carry weight
- include as if by counting
- take account of
- name or recite the numbers in ascending order
- have a certain value or carry a certain weight
- the act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending order
- cut a nick into
- a small cut
- an impression in a surface (as made by a blow)
- divide or reset the tail muscles of
- mate successfully; of livestock
- cut slightly, with a razor
- (British slang) a prison
- a concept of quantity involving zero and units
- a short performance that is part of a longer program
- an item of clothing
- a numeral or string of numerals that is used for identification and may be attached to accounts, memberships, etc.
- a numbered item in a series
- give evidence
- narrate or give a detailed account of
- a Swiss patriot who lived in the early 14th century and who was renowned for his skill as an archer; according to legend an Austrian governor compelled him to shoot an apple from his son's head with his crossbow (which he did successfully without mishap)
- discern or comprehend
- let something be known
- inform positively and with certainty and confidence
- a small part that can be considered separately from the whole
- an isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole
- extended treatment of particulars
- a crew of workers selected for a particular task
- assign to a specific task
- provide details for
- specify individually
- read out loud as words written numbers
- able to understand and use numbers
- judge to be probable
- have faith or confidence in
- take account of
- expect, believe, or suppose
- tall tropical southeast Asian grass having stout fibrous jointed stalks; sap is a chief source of sugar
- juicy canes whose sap is a source of molasses and commercial sugar; fresh canes are sometimes chewed for the juice
- are juicy canes whose sap is a source of molasses and commercial sugar; fresh canes are sometimes chewed for the juice.
What is the synonym of ginna?
Synonym of word ginna are گننا, سمجھنا, جانچنا, جاننا, بچار کرنا, لحاظ کرنا, خیال کرنا, سبب بتانا, یا بیان کرنا, وجہ ثبوت دینا
What are the idioms related to ginna?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word ginna.
- In the nick of time to nick the nick
- Calculate well before you speak
- Tell me what you eat and i will tell you what you are
- Count your chickens before they are hatched
- To count noses