Chrhaana - چڑھانا meanings in English
Chrhaana - چڑھانا meanings in English are enhance, plaitings, plaiting, plaining, plating, placating, scout, quaff, praise, mock, lift, jeer, flout, exalt, drink, immit, hoist, platings Chrhaana - چڑھانا in English. More meanings of chrhaana - چڑھانا, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
enhance plaitings plaiting plaining plating placating scout quaff praise mock lift jeer flout exalt drink immit hoist platings
Chrhaana - چڑھانا Definitions
Please find 61 English and definitions related to the word Chrhaana - چڑھانا.
- (verb) : increase
- (verb) : make better or more attractive
- (verb) : treat with contemptuous disregard
- (noun) : lifting device for raising heavy or cumbersome objects
- (verb) : raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help
- (verb) : raise
- (verb) : move from one place to another by lifting
- (noun) : showing your contempt by derision
- (verb) : put an end to
- (verb) : raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help
- (noun) : the act of raising something
- (noun) : a ride in a car
- (noun) : the act of giving temporary assistance
- (noun) : one of the layers forming the heel of a shoe or boot
- (noun) : a device worn in a shoe or boot to make the wearer look taller or to correct a shortened leg
- (noun) : a wave that lifts the surface of the water or ground
- (noun) : transportation of people or goods by air (especially when other means of access are unavailable)
- (noun) : lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building
- (noun) : the event of something being raised upward
- (noun) : the component of the aerodynamic forces acting on an airfoil that opposes gravity
- (noun) : plastic surgery to remove wrinkles and other signs of aging from your face; an incision is made near the hair line and skin is pulled back and excess tissue is excised
- (noun) : a powered conveyance that carries skiers up a hill
- (verb) : pay off (a mortgage)
- (verb) : rise upward, as from pressure or moisture
- (verb) : raise in rank or condition
- (verb) : call to stop the hunt or to retire, as of hunting dogs
- (verb) : make audible
- (verb) : take (root crops) out of the ground
- (verb) : take hold of something and move it to a different location
- (verb) : remove from a surface
- (verb) : take off or away by decreasing
- (verb) : remove from a seedbed or from a nursery
- (verb) : remove (hair) by scalping
- (verb) : move upwards
- (verb) : take illegally
- (verb) : rise up
- (verb) : invigorate or heighten
- (verb) : perform cosmetic surgery on someone's face
- (verb) : fly people or goods to or from places not accessible by other means
- (verb) : raise from a lower to a higher position
- (verb) : take without referencing from someone else's writing or speech; of intellectual property
- (verb) : cancel officially
- (noun) : the act of mocking or ridiculing
- (verb) : treat with contempt
- (verb) : imitate with mockery and derision
- (adjective satellite) : constituting a copy or imitation of something
- (noun) : an expression of approval and commendation
- (noun) : offering words of homage as an act of worship
- (verb) : to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught
- (noun) : a hearty draft
- (verb) : heighten or intensify
- (verb) : praise, glorify, or honor
- (verb) : fill with sublime emotion
- (verb) : raise in rank, character, or status
- (adjective satellite) : intended to pacify by acceding to demands or granting concessions
- (noun) : the application of a thin coat of metal (as by electrolysis)
- (noun) : a thin coating of metal deposited on a surface
- (noun) : a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event
- (noun) : someone employed to discover and recruit talented persons (especially in the worlds of entertainment or sports)
- (noun) : a Boy Scout or Girl Scout
- (verb) : explore, often with the goal of finding something or somebody
More words related to the meanings of Chrhaana - چڑھانا
More words from English related to Chrhaana - چڑھانا
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Chrhaana - چڑھانا meanings in English in English.
abruptnessgibbosityjuttyknapliftvaricationburlgurgitationknurlmonticulemountnodeoutjuttingebb tideembasementerectionaltitudeascentbeginningelevationeminenceexpensesnubilityswaggerabsorbdrink quaffacerosedrankimbibesmokesucktiffpayenapennaeactuateactuatesenticeimpelarousegalvaniseinstigateinveiglekindlepersuadequickeninstigatingagitateemboldenenliven ... elicitstimulateunderscorevexembossmentembaceembacingembodyingembolyembosomingembossingembrueembrutingimbrutingemboitementaggrandizedilatedrive educateekeenhance escalatefurthermagnifymultiplyprolongaggrandiseamplifyenlargeexpandextendgrowincreasepreferprotractstep upstretchenhancingestivatingentendapeemulatefollow:gesticulateimitatemimicmockmodelnarratequotesimulatetranscribingactcopycounterfeitduplicateimpersonatepersonaterelateremittake aftertranscribetransferduplicatingapplauseapprovalapricotgloryadmirationcommendationcomplimentdefinitiondescriptionexplanationkudospraiseadmirabilityadmiringlyappreciablyappreciatedappreciativenesspraiseworthilypraiseworthinessacclaimingacclaimsaccoladesadmiringappliquedcommendamcommendamscommendsdefiancesdefinementlaudationlauderslaudspraecocesprairiedpraisedpraisespraisinglyacclaimeradmiranceapplimentapprecationdefigurationdefinitivenesspraisementapricatedapricatesapricatingapricationapricotsappointerecthoisterectingevertperpendappreciateacclaimapplaudredressmeritvirtuedisseat fabricateobliterateprologuewakencarrydrawknock uppick upraisetweezewakehaul upprick upraise uphoisingunweavingawrekeincurvatingartificialfalseimitativespuriousbastardboguscontriveddudfabricatedfactitiousfakefallowpostichepseudorecordedshamshoddytraditionalunnaturalunorignalduplicitoussimulatedfacinorousimmingledimpingentmimeticalsimulantsimulantssimulatessimulatingsimulatorycentuplicatedduplicativereduplicativesimulationbadinagejestjokejokingbrouhahamirthfulnessmockeryfacetiousnessludificationmirthlaughtermerrymakingnickerrisuslaugherlughcongeeingderidesextollinglaughtersnaggednockednockingscuddledskelderedskelderingskelliedskellyingskeweredwaughtedhenhussyfungustoquizrailleryderisiondrollerygaghumourjapejocularitylikingpleasantryrelishscofftastewitbanterfunninessgybejest atkiddmock uppoke funprankishbecalmscynicsfunkingfunnierfunsgiddyingjestingsjoukingjustedkiddieskiddingmockadoesmockingsmocksmokesprancingsprankfulprankingprankingsprankspranksomeprankymockleludicrousnessjeerenunciationderidedbloatblossombulgefattenhuffluxuriateeffloresceflourishswellblossomingbloviatechurn upgrowlinginflaterswellheadsweltryflouncinginflatingswellishunfurlingflowenfulgurationblowbruisecouphurtabusebaleconcussioncontusiondint hitinjuryinvectivenuisancequirksarcasmscathetaunttraumawisecrackwoundwrongbruisinginjuriousnessbruitingbrumebrutesbrutifiedchottinjucunditycaricatureridiculecarolchantvocalizewarblemusicrecordsingingsongvocalisesingularizesongfulsongfulnessvocaliservocalizerchoristgauntinggoannasguanaslyressingingssingletreesinglingsingularssingultsingultssongfullysongmanvocalisersvocalistsvocalizersconveytransportbearhaultoteclearancedisbursementoutlaypickpackclimbhorseoutflyoverswellascendcloakexcelriderisescalesoarascenderclimbingcliffygridingcomedycomfitcounterpartfablegesticulationmimerypersonagespoofetaleactinganecdoteapingcopyingexemplarimitatingimitationimpersonationmimickingmimicrymockernarrationnarrativeprintreplicareproductionstorytranscriptduplicabilityduplicableduplicatablereduplicationreplicationtranscribedduplicatedreplicatescentuplicateconduplicateconduplicationduplicatureinduplicatereplicantcontemnflout insultcommendeulogizeadmireextollauddefiningpraisingcommendingcompliceappreciatingapprehendingapprenticingcramimmitdetrudeimplantinsertinvadepenetratepokestuffdignifydistendforerunlengthenmantlemarchmoveoutnumberoverstepthrivevegetatewaxknitnoseproceedprospergulpguzzlegobblelushsherbetsorbatesorbetsyrupysherbetssorbatessorbentssorbetssorbitesyrupedsyrupsscherbetsorbitionsyrupmiragealcoholboozeliquorvinowinebooze uptequilavenulewhiskeywhiskywinepresswineskinboozesbreamsbrewsliquesceliquescesliquescingliquoricesliquorstequilaswinedwineswiningliquorouswinelessengulfassimilateincorporateemoteeaves dropper emissary espylurcherinformerkeekerprovocateurscoutsnoopspyreconnaissancesnooperspacywittingesperancelatescencesnoopersspiesdeinteousdesiccativedetectereffuseembodyfeignmanufacturessizecastforgemouldshapeoverdoerhigheringsupplementsuperimposeaddadjoinaugmentjackredoubleembatheaggravatestiffeningfoughtenoverateoverpoiseredoundingheightenepithetadjectiveattributecharacterfeaturepropertyqualitytraitadjectivelyadverbadverbiallyadjectivesfabulousfallacious feigned fictitiousgroundlessknaveliarlyingoscillationslanderousalloyedbraggartduplictiousfaithlesshalf eateninconsistentinsinceremendaciousuntrueuntruthfulvainfalselyfalsestlierliadjeeringopprobriumscoffersscoffingsscofflawsscorningscorningstaunterscofferyobjurgationobloquyreproachironycensuremolestationflingtammerforstamperingflichteredflimpingflirtedflitteringmolestedmolestingtampedtamperedtamperingstamperstamponingtatteringflirt gillflittinessflittytarentismtattlerytumoredsatirewitticismparoicoussacerdotalismsatiationderisionssatiressatirisessatirizesquipgapegrimacemuggibequibeulogyguaranteeelevateexaltingelevatingexaltateexalterhoophootpishrebukereprimandreproveenterinductinjectinsetintromitreceiveenshriningenterateentwistinginsertingsymbolallegoryhintrimersrimesrimsrummagesrumslaughsneermocking thrushsatirisemockagesatiatingsatirisingsatirizingmockishjoshmonkeyvituperationmudslingingdisgrace dishonourencomiumthank youprongingslandersupportleannourishproprestunderpinprop upsuppuratingtetteracclamationappealherpesjusticeovationringwormabhorrenceirritationmount upantidotedraught rewardapprizeappreciationbeveragequencherderidegecklaugh atmake funguyinggratitudethanksspasspeosreverehonoring
Idioms related to the meaning of Chrhaana - چڑھانا
What are the meanings of Chrhaana - چڑھانا in English?
Meanings of the word Chrhaana - چڑھانا in English are drink, enhance, flout, hoist, immit, jeer, lift, mock, praise, quaff, exalt, placating, plating, scout, plaining, plaiting, plaitings and platings. To understand how would you translate the word Chrhaana - چڑھانا in English, you can take help from words closely related to Chrhaana - چڑھانا or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Chrhaana - چڑھانا synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Chrhaana - چڑھانا. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Chrhaana - چڑھانا in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Chrhaana - چڑھانا in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Chrhaana - چڑھانا with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by chrhaana?
Meanings of chrhaana are drink, enhance, flout, hoist, immit, jeer, lift, mock, praise, quaff, exalt, placating, plating, scout, plaining, plaiting, plaitings and platings
Whats the definition of chrhaana?
Definition of the chrhaana are
- increase
- make better or more attractive
- treat with contemptuous disregard
- lifting device for raising heavy or cumbersome objects
- raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help
- raise
- move from one place to another by lifting
- showing your contempt by derision
- put an end to
- raise or haul up with or as if with mechanical help
- the act of raising something
- a ride in a car
- the act of giving temporary assistance
- one of the layers forming the heel of a shoe or boot
- a device worn in a shoe or boot to make the wearer look taller or to correct a shortened leg
- a wave that lifts the surface of the water or ground
- transportation of people or goods by air (especially when other means of access are unavailable)
- lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building
- the event of something being raised upward
- the component of the aerodynamic forces acting on an airfoil that opposes gravity
- plastic surgery to remove wrinkles and other signs of aging from your face; an incision is made near the hair line and skin is pulled back and excess tissue is excised
- a powered conveyance that carries skiers up a hill
- pay off (a mortgage)
- rise upward, as from pressure or moisture
- raise in rank or condition
- call to stop the hunt or to retire, as of hunting dogs
- make audible
- take (root crops) out of the ground
- take hold of something and move it to a different location
- remove from a surface
- take off or away by decreasing
- remove from a seedbed or from a nursery
- remove (hair) by scalping
- move upwards
- take illegally
- rise up
- invigorate or heighten
- perform cosmetic surgery on someone's face
- fly people or goods to or from places not accessible by other means
- raise from a lower to a higher position
- take without referencing from someone else's writing or speech; of intellectual property
- cancel officially
- the act of mocking or ridiculing
- treat with contempt
- imitate with mockery and derision
- constituting a copy or imitation of something
- an expression of approval and commendation
- offering words of homage as an act of worship
- to swallow hurriedly or greedily or in one draught
- a hearty draft
- heighten or intensify
- praise, glorify, or honor
- fill with sublime emotion
- raise in rank, character, or status
- intended to pacify by acceding to demands or granting concessions
- the application of a thin coat of metal (as by electrolysis)
- a thin coating of metal deposited on a surface
- a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event
- someone employed to discover and recruit talented persons (especially in the worlds of entertainment or sports)
- a Boy Scout or Girl Scout
- explore, often with the goal of finding something or somebody
What is the synonym of chrhaana?
Synonym of word chrhaana are پینا, نوش کرنا, ڈوکنا, ڈھکوسنا, پینے کی چیز, اشیائے نوشیدنی, شربت, شراب, ٹھنڈائی, اتار جانا
What are the idioms related to chrhaana?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word chrhaana.
- Hoist with one
- It is easy to mock the wretched
- Quiff quaff
- Self praise is no praise
- Bend crock or lift the elbow