Naya - نیا meanings in English
Naya - نیا meanings in English are first hand, nivose, debutant, neanic, newed, newer, newing, newsed, thewy, ennew, young blood, unconventional, recent, flush, modern, neoterical, new, punt, fresh, green, novel, raw, nevew Naya - نیا in English. More meanings of naya - نیا, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
first hand nivose debutant neanic newed newer newing newsed thewy ennew young blood unconventional recent flush modern neoterical new punt fresh green novel raw nevew
Naya - نیا Definitions
Please find 72 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Naya - نیا.
- (adjective satellite) : having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
- (noun) : the period of greatest prosperity or productivity
- (noun) : sudden reddening of the face (as from embarrassment or guilt or shame or modesty)
- (verb) : turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame
- (noun) : a poker hand with all 5 cards in the same suit
- (noun) : sudden brief sensation of heat (associated with menopause and some mental disorders)
- (verb) : cause to flow or flood with or as if with water
- (verb) : flow freely
- (verb) : rinse, clean, or empty with a liquid
- (verb) : irrigate with water from a sluice
- (adverb) : squarely or solidly
- (adverb) : in the same plane
- (verb) : glow or cause to glow with warm color or light
- (adjective satellite) : of a surface exactly even with an adjoining one, forming the same plane
- (adjective satellite) : imparting vitality and energy
- (adjective satellite) : free from impurities
- (adjective satellite) : (of a cycle) beginning or occurring again
- (adjective satellite) : not soured or preserved
- (adjective satellite) : with restored energy
- (adjective satellite) : having recently calved and therefore able to give milk
- (adjective satellite) : improperly forward or bold
- (adjective satellite) : not yet used or soiled
- (adjective) : not canned or otherwise preserved
- (adjective) : not containing or composed of salt water
- (adjective satellite) : original and of a kind not seen before
- (adjective) : recently made, produced, or harvested
- (noun) : a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area
- (noun) : an area of closely cropped grass surrounding the hole on a golf course
- (noun) : a river that rises in western Wyoming and flows southward through Utah to become a tributary of the Colorado River
- (noun) : an environmentalist who belongs to the Green Party
- (noun) : United States labor leader who was president of the American Federation of Labor from 1924 to 1952 and who led the struggle with the Congress of Industrial Organizations (1873-1952)
- (noun) : any of various leafy plants or their leaves and stems eaten as vegetables
- (noun) : street names for ketamine
- (verb) : turn or become green
- (adjective) : not fully developed or mature; not ripe
- (adjective satellite) : looking pale and unhealthy
- (adjective) : concerned with or supporting or in conformity with the political principles of the Green Party
- (adjective satellite) : naive and easily deceived or tricked
- (adjective satellite) : of the color between blue and yellow in the color spectrum; similar to the color of fresh grass
- (noun) : green color or pigment; resembling the color of growing grass
- (adjective satellite) : original and of a kind not seen before
- (adjective satellite) : (often followed by to') unfamiliar
- (adjective satellite) : other than the former one(s); different
- (verb) : place a bet on
- (verb) : propel with a pole
- (noun) : (football) a kick in which the football is dropped from the hands and kicked before it touches the ground
- (noun) : an open flat-bottomed boat used in shallow waters and propelled by a long pole
- (noun) : formerly the basic unit of money in Ireland; equal to 100 pence
- (verb) : kick the ball
- (adjective satellite) : unpleasantly cold and damp
- (adjective satellite) : not processed or subjected to analysis
- (adjective satellite) : devoid of elaboration or diminution or concealment; bare and pure
- (noun) : informal terms for nakedness
- (adjective satellite) : having the surface exposed and painful
- (adjective satellite) : untempered and unrefined
- (adjective satellite) : not processed or refined
- (adjective) : not treated with heat to prepare it for eating
- (adjective satellite) : brutally unfair or harsh
- (adjective satellite) : (used informally) completely unclothed
- (adjective satellite) : used of wood and furniture
- (adjective satellite) : (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes
- (noun) : fourth month of the Revolutionary calendar (December and January); the snowy month
- (adjective satellite) : original and of a kind not seen before
- (noun) : a printed and bound book that is an extended work of fiction
- (adjective satellite) : pleasantly new or different
- (noun) : an extended fictional work in prose; usually in the form of a story
- (adjective satellite) : of the immediate past or just previous to the present time
- (adjective satellite) : new
- (noun) : approximately the last 10,000 years
- (adjective satellite) : not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention
- (adjective) : not conforming to accepted rules or standards
- (adjective) : not conventional or conformist
- بڑی مقدار میں یکبارگی تیزی سے پانی بہا کر نالی یا بدر رو صاف کرنا
Example Sentence
Labor day is to pays tribute to the greatest worker in the world, awarding time off with lively parades and festivals. | یوم مزدور دنیا کے سب سے بڑے کارکن کو خراج تحسین پیش کرنا ہے ، جس میں رواں پریڈوں اور تہواروں کے ساتھ وقت دیا جاتا ہے |
More words related to the meanings of Naya - نیا
More words from English related to Naya - نیا
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Naya - نیا meanings in English in English.
abloomverdurousagreeablefreshgreenlushthrivingverdantabnormalquaintsingularextraordinarynotablenovelphenomenaltremendousuncommonunconventionaluntypicalunusualabnormalcyabstentiousanomalistextraduralextragalacticextraordinaireextraordinarinessexuvialnonarborealnoncommunicablenonmetalnonnomadicsupernormaluncommercialuncommunicativenessunfasteninguninominalunusualnessabnormousabstrusestdecinormalexigeantextradotalextrorsalfabularflosculousforaminalfornenstfratchyparanoic ... uncinusuncommonerunfallenunordinaryabsinthialanormalexcambexcommunicableexcrementalexcrementitialextispiciousextraarticularextraordinariesextraregularextratropicalextravascularforaminiferousimmarginateincongenialnonmalignantoparcularpecunialporcellanousprenominateundernomunigenitureuniocularunusualityout of the ordinaryabortiveimperfectraretimorousalloyedamateuramateurishapproximatecrudedefectivedeficientficklefluctuatingfrailhalf rawimmatureinconsistentinconstantindigestedinefficaciousinexperiencedirresoluteloosenewbienon permanentrawroughslipperytimidunauthenticatedunbakeduncookedunpavedunreliableunripeunstampedunsteadyvagueweakyieldingkacchakacchaskutchaabundanceflushfrequencyglutmuchmultiplicitynumerousnessopulenceoverstockpluralityprofusenessrampancyrichnessvastnessaffluencebulkexcessexuberanceinfestationinfluxlargenesslavishmuchnessmultitudenimietynumerosityoutpouringplentypleromaplethoraoftennesspolyvalenceaboundsabundancesabundancyfrequentagefrequentationmulierosityseveralityabrasiveactualmodernneotericalaggravatedarduousconsolidateddiamonddifficultdrasticegregiousimpenitentimpetuousmoroseobdurateoperoseoppressiveoutrageousstrongstiffstringentstonycallouscruelexactingextremefirmflintygrimhardharshheathenishheavyhigh handedhornyinclementindurateinelasticinexorableinflexibleintenseironcladlaboriousloudnippingrigidrigourousseverestrengthenedstrictsturdytauttoughtryingunbendinguncompromisingunmercifulvehementviolentwoodenargentoushardeninglacrimalraucousriblessrigoutscrumptiousscrumpysorbentsternutativesternutatorystiffenerstratifiedstumpytoilsometoughenedtouterwrothfuldurstfiercerfiercestfierierfoughtyfructuousharrowedharshenedhushymordentseverersternersterniticsternwardstiedstiffenedstifferstiffishstilleststiverstoorstratousstreperousstrichstricterstricturedstridulantstridulousstrifefulstripelessstrumaticstrumousstruthiousstruttedtartareoustatoustattiertautenedtightenedtightenstightertoilfultorminoustorrefiedtoughenertoughenerstougheningtoughertoughishtouzletouzledtouzlingtrothfultushyverrucousconstringentdurefulefferousenervousharborousliefsomepiligerousquerciterigidulousroboreousslentsordiferousstibiousstrigousstrudestupeoussturkswoughtartaroustentiginousteretoustergeminousterreoustonoustureenfulustoriouswieldsomeappreciableclerklycrackfirst rategrandeemagnificentmasterlynicepicturesqueprincipalsignalchoicefine goodgreatneatnoblerespectablesoundsterlingunadulteratedsublimelyexcelledexergualouttalkfineeroblectateoftensithplethoricalbadeeeccentricmarvellousoutrecomicalcrotchetycuriouskooknondescriptoffbeatquizzicaluniquewiggyspeciequirkedquirkierquirkiestquirksquirtedselectcurioinfrequentpeculiarpreciousunfrequentunwontednadderdifferentidiosyncraticmatchlessputqueerstrangeanomalousanticoff centreonerrumunaccustomedunfamiliarunprecedentedvagariousuniquelyballoonbranchdilatedistenddivergeenlargemantleobtainoverspreadwaxdiffusedivaricateflarespreadunfoldsprawlingspillingspillssplodgingsprodupbreakoutrivesplenishcalefactionebullitioneffervescenceemotionemotionalityenthusiasm fermentationfervencyfervorflare upfuryhotnessoutbreakpassionparoxysmrapturevervvervevivacityboilingcoctionditherelanexcitementfervourfrenzygustoheatimpetuslustspiritednessvimwarmthzealastringescanoepuntdenguedingeyembryonicinelegantinexpertpuerileundressedunperfectunsounddandynewposhsmartdrift flowglidejetwaftdribblerunrunnyflowsangerboilragefermentabilityeffulgenceflashglanceglintglitterglossglowbrilliancegleamlustreenlightenfreckly free manfree mindedfree thinkerfreelibertineslipstringsubstantiveautonomousindependentat largemendicantnon restrictiveunconquereduncoupledunfetteredunrestrainedfreedmanfreeinglibberfreebasedfreedfreedmenfreersfreesfreetslibeledlibellingliberliberatoryspreedunfreedfirst handuntouchedvirginfloodoverflowwater floodcataclysmicdelugediluviuminundationoutflowlatestlivelymaidentenderunfadedverdancyyoungfreshen upfreshetfreshlyfreshedfreshenedfreshensfreshesfreshishfresh newluminousradiantflashingsaflameglowingforciblefreely independentlyunconstrainedfreehandedfreelancedlibatoryliberoliberosfree handed shiningviridiandandelion greengreen foxtailgreen smutgreenfliesgreen leekbloomingflourishingviridgreenedgreenergreenestgreeniergreeniestgreenygreenessfreshnessgrassgreennessviriditygreenhoodgreeninggreenishnessgreenlinggreeningshomelygrotesqueknaggystupiduncoinedunsuitablevulgarminorunderageminorsminorshiprecentcutting edgeinnovationalmodmodernisedmodernizedinnovatorymodernisesninenewlyknaweneoknaw9outsiderblankbraggartcallowdestitutedevoidemptyinaneinsensitivepennilesspoorsimpleuntalenteduntaughtuntutoredunusedvainvoidcorakurakorawaterwateryfertilemoistsatiatedwell wateredirrigableirrigatedserenedcurrentinstantrecentrerecentredrecentresrecentringjuvenilenoviceinexcusablyinexpedientlyinexperientinexpertlyinexplicitnessinexpressivelyinexterminableinexistentinexpiablyinexecrableinexpectantinexpectedinexpectedlyinexpressiblesgreenfieldinformaluncordialunsnarluncanonicuncharneluncharnelsunformalunlinealunroyalunsnarlsinharmonicalnouvellerefreshedvigorousyoung bloodnontraditionalnonverbalunmethodicalunorthodoxyuntraditionalunpoeticalextrabranchialfirsthand
Idioms related to the meaning of Naya - نیا
What are the meanings of Naya - نیا in English?
Meanings of the word Naya - نیا in English are first hand, flush, fresh, green, modern, neoterical, new, punt, raw, nivose, novel, recent, unconventional, debutant, neanic, newed, newer, newing, newsed, thewy, ennew, nevew and young blood. To understand how would you translate the word Naya - نیا in English, you can take help from words closely related to Naya - نیا or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Naya - نیا synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Naya - نیا. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Naya - نیا in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Naya - نیا in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Naya - نیا with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by naya?
Meanings of naya are first hand, flush, fresh, green, modern, neoterical, new, punt, raw, nivose, novel, recent, unconventional, debutant, neanic, newed, newer, newing, newsed, thewy, ennew, nevew and young blood
Whats the definition of naya?
Definition of the naya are
- having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
- the period of greatest prosperity or productivity
- sudden reddening of the face (as from embarrassment or guilt or shame or modesty)
- turn red, as if in embarrassment or shame
- a poker hand with all 5 cards in the same suit
- sudden brief sensation of heat (associated with menopause and some mental disorders)
- cause to flow or flood with or as if with water
- flow freely
- rinse, clean, or empty with a liquid
- irrigate with water from a sluice
- squarely or solidly
- in the same plane
- glow or cause to glow with warm color or light
- of a surface exactly even with an adjoining one, forming the same plane
- imparting vitality and energy
- free from impurities
- (of a cycle) beginning or occurring again
- not soured or preserved
- with restored energy
- having recently calved and therefore able to give milk
- improperly forward or bold
- not yet used or soiled
- not canned or otherwise preserved
- not containing or composed of salt water
- original and of a kind not seen before
- recently made, produced, or harvested
- a piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area
- an area of closely cropped grass surrounding the hole on a golf course
- a river that rises in western Wyoming and flows southward through Utah to become a tributary of the Colorado River
- an environmentalist who belongs to the Green Party
- United States labor leader who was president of the American Federation of Labor from 1924 to 1952 and who led the struggle with the Congress of Industrial Organizations (1873-1952)
- any of various leafy plants or their leaves and stems eaten as vegetables
- street names for ketamine
- turn or become green
- not fully developed or mature; not ripe
- looking pale and unhealthy
- concerned with or supporting or in conformity with the political principles of the Green Party
- naive and easily deceived or tricked
- of the color between blue and yellow in the color spectrum; similar to the color of fresh grass
- green color or pigment; resembling the color of growing grass
- original and of a kind not seen before
- (often followed by to') unfamiliar
- other than the former one(s); different
- place a bet on
- propel with a pole
- (football) a kick in which the football is dropped from the hands and kicked before it touches the ground
- an open flat-bottomed boat used in shallow waters and propelled by a long pole
- formerly the basic unit of money in Ireland; equal to 100 pence
- kick the ball
- unpleasantly cold and damp
- not processed or subjected to analysis
- devoid of elaboration or diminution or concealment; bare and pure
- informal terms for nakedness
- having the surface exposed and painful
- untempered and unrefined
- not processed or refined
- not treated with heat to prepare it for eating
- brutally unfair or harsh
- (used informally) completely unclothed
- used of wood and furniture
- (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes
- fourth month of the Revolutionary calendar (December and January); the snowy month
- original and of a kind not seen before
- a printed and bound book that is an extended work of fiction
- pleasantly new or different
- an extended fictional work in prose; usually in the form of a story
- of the immediate past or just previous to the present time
- new
- approximately the last 10,000 years
- not conforming to legality, moral law, or social convention
- not conforming to accepted rules or standards
- not conventional or conformist
- بڑی مقدار میں یکبارگی تیزی سے پانی بہا کر نالی یا بدر رو صاف کرنا
What is the synonym of naya?
Synonym of word naya are نیا, بغیر برتا ہوا, اچھوتا, پہلا ہاتھ, ابال, طغیانی, بہہ نکلنا, جوش, کثرت, تازہ
What are the idioms related to naya?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word naya.
- Young blood
- New laws new frauds
- New lords make new laws
- New lords new laws
- What is new is seldom true what is true is seldom new
How to use naya in a sentence?
Here are few examples on how to use naya in a sentence.
- Labor day is to pays tribute to the greatest worker in the world, awarding time off with lively parades and festivals. — یوم مزدور دنیا کے سب سے بڑے کارکن کو خراج تحسین پیش کرنا ہے ، جس میں رواں پریڈوں اور تہواروں کے ساتھ وقت دیا جاتا ہے