Khabti - خبطی meanings in English
Khabti - خبطی meanings in English are daft, fatuous, foolish, gawk, insane, kook, kooky, mad, maenadic, manic, nuts, potty, queer, visionary, wacky, dippy, deranged, idot, idiot, lunatic, madman, maniac, moody, wacko, besotted, crackpot, cranky, crazy, delirious, dement, demented, whacky Khabti - خبطی in English. More meanings of khabti - خبطی, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
daft fatuous foolish gawk insane kook kooky mad maenadic manic nuts potty queer visionary wacky dippy deranged idot idiot lunatic madman maniac moody wacko besotted crackpot cranky crazy delirious dement demented whacky
Khabti - خبطی Definitions
Please find 54 English and 1 Urdu definitions related to the word Khabti - خبطی.
- (noun) : someone deranged and possibly dangerous
- (adjective satellite) : foolish; totally unsound
- (adjective satellite) : intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with
- (adjective satellite) : possessed by inordinate excitement
- (adjective satellite) : bizarre or fantastic
- (adjective satellite) : affected with madness or insanity
- (adjective satellite) : informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
- (adjective) : devoid of good sense or judgment
- (adjective satellite) : having or revealing stupidity
- (verb) : look with amazement; look stupidly
- (noun) : an awkward stupid person
- (noun) : a person of subnormal intelligence
- (adjective satellite) : informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
- (noun) : an insane person
- (noun) : a reckless impetuous irresponsible person
- (adjective satellite) : insane and believed to be affected by the phases of the moon
- (adjective satellite) : affected with madness or insanity
- (adjective satellite) : roused to anger
- (adjective satellite) : very foolish
- (adjective satellite) : marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
- (noun) : an insane person
- (noun) : an insane person
- (adjective satellite) : wildly disordered
- (noun) : a person who has an obsession with or excessive enthusiasm for something
- (adjective satellite) : affected with or marked by frenzy or mania uncontrolled by reason
- (noun) : United States evangelist (1837-1899)
- (adjective satellite) : subject to sharply varying moods
- (noun) : United States tennis player who dominated women's tennis in the 1920s and 1930s (1905-1998)
- (adjective satellite) : informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
- (noun) : a receptacle for urination or defecation in the bedroom
- (adjective satellite) : (British informal) trivial
- (adjective satellite) : slightly intoxicated
- (verb) : hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
- (adjective satellite) : beyond or deviating from the usual or expected
- (adjective satellite) : homosexual or arousing homosexual desires
- (noun) : offensive term for a homosexual man
- (adjective satellite) : not practical or realizable; speculative
- (noun) : a person with unusual powers of foresight
- (noun) : a person given to fanciful speculations and enthusiasms with little regard for what is actually possible
- (noun) : a person who is regarded as eccentric or mad
- (noun) : a whimsically eccentric person
- (adjective satellite) : easily irritated or annoyed
- (adjective satellite) : marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
- (adjective satellite) : experiencing delirium
- (adjective satellite) : affected with madness or insanity
- (adjective satellite) : driven insane
- (adjective satellite) : extremely silly or stupid
- (adjective satellite) : very foolish
- (adjective) : afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement
- (noun) : someone regarded as eccentric or crazy and standing out from a group
- (adjective satellite) : informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
- (adjective satellite) : ludicrous, foolish
- (adjective satellite) : informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
- (adjective satellite) : ludicrous, foolish
- ایسا شخص یا اُس کی کوئی بات جو اچھی نہ لگی ہو
More words related to the meanings of Khabti - خبطی
More words from English related to Khabti - خبطی
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Khabti - خبطی meanings in English in English.
abandonedcastawaydissoluteerrant erraticgadaboutmiscreantraffishrakishrakeribaldslipstringtrollopvagabondvagrantlydestitutehooliganprofligatestragstragglerstrollervagrantwackywandererwaywardwhackystrayabhorrencecontemptmisprisonneglectnutsobloquyopprobriousnessnauseascorncontemptuousnessignominiousnessignominiesaeriformconjecturaldreamerfancierfantastfictionalimaginaryopiniativephantasmalquixoticspeculative ... visionaryfancifulfantasticfantasticalfictiveghostlyhallucinativeidealidealisticillusionaryinsubstantialmentalmythicalnotionalunrealunrealisticutopianvaporousviewydreamfulfanciablefantasyingfeticidalimaginalimaginervisionalwellingsimaginousartlesscredulousdafthomelysimplestarkblankcandidexoterichome madehomespuninartificialingenuousinornateplainsemplicesincereunadornedunstampedunwrittensimperersimplexsimplisticplainerplainestplainfulplainishsimplessimpsbarbarianbrutalferineferocioustruculentwildanimalbarbarousbeastcrazycruelfierceheathenishimmaneinhumansavageunciviliseduncultivatedunculturedyahoobarbarianssavagedsavagedomsavagesbarbigerousbarbariousbadeeeccentricmarvellousoutrecomicalcrotchetycuriouskooknondescriptnoveloffbeatquizzicaluncommonunconventionaluniqueuntypicalunusualwiggyspeciequirkedquirkierquirkiestquirksquirteddifferentidiosyncraticmatchlessputqueerstrangeanomalousanticoff centreonerrumsingularunaccustomedunfamiliarunprecedentedvagariousuniquelybitchysullenwaspishcantankerouscrankycurmudgeonfrumpyfuddy duddygrumpyhuffishnastyqueruloussulkyunamiablevixenill dressedill humoredill humouredill naturedill temperedblunderheadgabygreenhornstupidasinineclotdoltdonkeydrabdullfoolgandergawkishgoofgoofygoongoophalf wittedidiotimprudentinaneinsensatejackassmindlessmoonymulishmuttnincompoopoafoafishwitlesswoodenzanybelatedlyblollydaftnessevasivelyunlovelybefooledbelaboredbractlessidiolectsmanelesspraiselesswitelessbebloodydisrulydisslanderousexorhizousexortivefool bornfool happyfool hastyfool largefool largessefoolhardihoodfoolhardilyfraudlessfrownymanlesslypretenselessblearyempty headedgawkyhumdrumidotlubberlylunaticpig headedshallow brainedfoolhardinessidiographicidiopathicfoolsgoofilygoofinessidioticalidioticonsidiotishidiotsstupedstupentstupiderstupideststupidnessstupidsstupingstupratestupratedstupratesstupratingstuprationfoolfishidiocraticidiocraticalidiophanousidiotryspumiferousbratgillieyoungstergayladluandacrazinessdistractioneccentricityfaddismidiocylunacymadnessmaniaphobiawhimcrankcrazederangementfatuityflamfoolishnessgawkinessidiosyncrasyinsanitymonomaniaobsessionragewackinesswhimsycross biteear ring evasion guileminoroveraboveloftymadultrauponbalasballowfanaticmaniacdementeddemoniacdottyinsanemadcapmadmanmanicmoonstruckdistraughtnuttydriveller phreneticrabidcrackerscrackpotdeliriousdementderangeddippydistressedfoolishhalf bakedlocoloonymoronicsillycrazedcrazilycrazyweedmadakemaddenedmaniocamankyobsessedcraziercraziescraziestinsanestinsaniemadbrainmadcapsmaddedmaddersmaddestmaddingmadgemadlingsphreniticrabicstoutishmanihocravinginfatuatedwackodiffidentdistrustful mistrustfulmoodypyrrhonistqueasyquaintscepticflightysuperstitiouswhimsicaldiminutivejuniorjuniorslesslesserlittleminimicronarrowpigmeanpimpingshortsideshowskimpysmallteenyyoungerbusboycommoninconsequentiallaconiclowmeagremeanmidgetminutepaltrypettypottysmallishtinywingletyoungabridgerminaciousscincidsissifiedsmallersmalleytrivalentundersizedabatedamissingchordeechotachuddahexscindingmiffiestminifiedpattlescailedscantingscantledscrimpedshoredshortedshortersmalledsmalmedtaivertiddleytiddliertiddliesttinfultoddledtrifledtriflinglytruncaltruncatelytruncatesudderfulunderdidminatoriallyminatorilymissificatescintillousshorlaceoussmaltinetrifalloweddrossynebulousblackdismal gloomygrummuddytristturbidvexatiousvexedwandisconsolatedrearymelancholymopemopishpensivedisgustdistastequeasinessantipathyaversiongruesomenessloathingloathsomenessnoisomenessrepugnancerevulsionabominationdissatisfactiontediousnesstediumhatredmawkishnessodiumoffensivenessdisappointedfrowningdownheartedglumhaplessunhappywoebegonenumskullboorclodclownlambmannerlessnoodlenumbskullsimpletonerotomaniaduffermomenaturalnerdwant witblock headboneheadboobycuckoodensegagajayknuckle headmoronnitwitvacuouszombiestuporousdupegulliblecoxcombflat gawknaiveverdantdroll gesticgrotesquelegendarymarvelousphenomenalsurprisingbizarreextraordinarymiraculousmonstrousoddoutlandishportentousprodigiousrareunaccountablewonderfulabaticawedawlwortfreakishfreakishlyfreakypeculationrorqualweirdieweirdyawkwarderawkwardestawkwardishawrongaxiniteazotousdudishflabbiestflawiestfrabjousfreakfulfreakiestmajesticalodalodderoddestodicorgulouspactionalpeccanciespeculatedpeculatespeculiumpecuniousperkieststrangestunnestweirdedweirdingweirdsalacriousalgificawklycespititiousdisemboguingexcoriablefratricidalfrenzicalodiblepecularizedphalangiouspictishpicturesquishpyrexicalspakyvesiculouswitfulwittsdrunklecherouslewdlustfulmuzzyraptruttishtipsycarelessdrunkardexcitedhappy go luckyhotindifferentinebriantintoxicatedlasciviousoverjoyedpetulantrampantduncefatuousgalootgrobianimbecilejackanapesloggerheadtonytwerpoddballeccentricalcynicallyeccentricallywhimsicalityexcentricsinkywhimmyeccentricitieswhimsicalnessignorantentranced furiousecstaticenrapturedsenselessmisbelievermisguidedrunagateaberrantastraydeludeddepraveddeviouserringfeloniouslornlostremotereprobatewickeddeviantstrayermisgivedmislearedmisledmislivemislivedmislivingmisluckedmispleadedperversedperversedlyfancy mongerhumorousimpulsivefat brained fedupannoyeddejectedlamentablelugubriousmorosesadsurlytroubleduneasyinnocentyokelimmaturedunknowirateindignantirefulbrahmscelibatescelibatistfutileinelegantgapecovillekoelimmethodicaltawdrycumbersomelobraunchyhypochondriacmaenadicnympholepticfanaticalobsessivenessfanaticisefanaticsfreneticalfanaticizedowlalowaloweideologuenationalistidealistirregularkookymaniacalpeevedcrossfranzyfretfulgruffirasciblepeevishvinegarysickailingdiseasedillindisposedinvalidlanguidpatientsicklyunhealthyunwellwonkyill affectedill beingill fedmalamutesick abedsickbaysickishuncreasedailedbeamerbeamersbeamilybemedalledensilesensilingensoulillisionillthindeedssickenersickenerssickenssickersickiesickliedsickliersicklilyuncagesundebasedbemasterill bodingill livedill lookingill wisherillishillureinsinuantmiseasedsick brainedsicklersicklessturn sickunswelltattlerbaseshallowtrashyabsurdblatantfoul frivolousfulsomegrossidleill manneredindecorousineptnaughtynonsensicalobscenepointlessshoddyuselessyeastyfernlesslustrelessunseasonablevulgarlywainwrightcrestlesshoodlesslustlessshaftlessspherelessunsenseunspheremightlessuncunningunselyynoughwastefullywastefulnessimmoderateindiscriminatemeaninglessnonsenseabashmentmodestynebbishshameshyershynessunassertiveaimlessgaucheirrationalmalaproptactlessunaptunreasonableanilebozotomfoolbestialbruteapocalypticinspirationalinspiredintuitionalintuitivevaticinspirertheomanticinspirtoryaskewawrybentcrookeddeformeddispleasedflagginginflexedobstinateoffendedopposingwrychildundiscerningnervousstrainedtensestraitedtensivegaylygaynessgaywingshomosexualhomostylouslesbianismgayestgayetyhomousiansgamosepaloushomogenealtemperamentalmazological
Idioms related to the meaning of Khabti - خبطی
What are the meanings of Khabti - خبطی in English?
Meanings of the word Khabti - خبطی in English are crazy, daft, foolish, gawk, idot, idiot, kooky, lunatic, mad, madman, maniac, manic, moody, nuts, potty, queer, visionary, wacko, besotted, crackpot, cranky, delirious, demented, deranged, fatuous, insane, kook, wacky, whacky, dement, dippy and maenadic. To understand how would you translate the word Khabti - خبطی in English, you can take help from words closely related to Khabti - خبطی or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Khabti - خبطی synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Khabti - خبطی. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Khabti - خبطی in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Khabti - خبطی in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Khabti - خبطی with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by khabti?
Meanings of khabti are crazy, daft, foolish, gawk, idot, idiot, kooky, lunatic, mad, madman, maniac, manic, moody, nuts, potty, queer, visionary, wacko, besotted, crackpot, cranky, delirious, demented, deranged, fatuous, insane, kook, wacky, whacky, dement, dippy and maenadic
Whats the definition of khabti?
Definition of the khabti are
- someone deranged and possibly dangerous
- foolish; totally unsound
- intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with
- possessed by inordinate excitement
- bizarre or fantastic
- affected with madness or insanity
- informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
- devoid of good sense or judgment
- having or revealing stupidity
- look with amazement; look stupidly
- an awkward stupid person
- a person of subnormal intelligence
- informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
- an insane person
- a reckless impetuous irresponsible person
- insane and believed to be affected by the phases of the moon
- affected with madness or insanity
- roused to anger
- very foolish
- marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
- an insane person
- an insane person
- wildly disordered
- a person who has an obsession with or excessive enthusiasm for something
- affected with or marked by frenzy or mania uncontrolled by reason
- United States evangelist (1837-1899)
- subject to sharply varying moods
- United States tennis player who dominated women's tennis in the 1920s and 1930s (1905-1998)
- informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
- a receptacle for urination or defecation in the bedroom
- (British informal) trivial
- slightly intoxicated
- hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of
- beyond or deviating from the usual or expected
- homosexual or arousing homosexual desires
- offensive term for a homosexual man
- not practical or realizable; speculative
- a person with unusual powers of foresight
- a person given to fanciful speculations and enthusiasms with little regard for what is actually possible
- a person who is regarded as eccentric or mad
- a whimsically eccentric person
- easily irritated or annoyed
- marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion
- experiencing delirium
- affected with madness or insanity
- driven insane
- extremely silly or stupid
- very foolish
- afflicted with or characteristic of mental derangement
- someone regarded as eccentric or crazy and standing out from a group
- informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
- ludicrous, foolish
- informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
- ludicrous, foolish
- ایسا شخص یا اُس کی کوئی بات جو اچھی نہ لگی ہو
What is the synonym of khabti?
Synonym of word khabti are مجنون, مخبوط الحواس, پاگل, دیوانہ, سودائی, بارا, خبطی, پگلا, پگلوٹ, وحشی
What are the idioms related to khabti?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word khabti.
- Every insane person believes other people to be mad
- A madman and a fool are no witness
- Crazy pavement
- Mad people think others mad
- One mad action is not enough to prove a man mad