Aazurdahgi - آزردگی meanings in English

Aazurdahgi - آزردگی meanings in English are displeasure, vexedness, trouble, sullenness, resentment, gloom, vexation, pique, moodiness, woe Aazurdahgi - آزردگی in English. More meanings of aazurdahgi - آزردگی, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

displeasure vexedness trouble sullenness resentment gloom vexation pique moodiness woe

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Aazurdahgi - آزردگی Definitions

Please find 28 English and definitions related to the word Aazurdahgi - آزردگی.

  • (noun) : the feeling of being displeased or annoyed or dissatisfied with someone or something
  • (noun) : a feeling of melancholy apprehension
  • (noun) : a state of partial or total darkness
  • (noun) : an atmosphere of depression and melancholy
  • (noun) : having temperamental and changeable moods
  • (noun) : a sullen gloomy feeling
  • (noun) : a sudden outburst of anger
  • (noun) : tightly woven fabric with raised cords
  • (verb) : cause to feel resentment or indignation
  • (verb) : disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed
  • (verb) : move deeply
  • (noun) : an angry disturbance
  • (noun) : a source of difficulty
  • (noun) : an effort that is inconvenient
  • (noun) : an event causing distress or pain
  • (noun) : an unwanted pregnancy
  • (noun) : a strong feeling of anxiety
  • (verb) : to cause inconvenience or discomfort to
  • (verb) : take the trouble to do something; concern oneself
  • (verb) : cause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed
  • (noun) : the psychological state of being irritated or annoyed
  • (noun) : the act of troubling or annoying someone
  • (noun) : anger produced by some annoying irritation
  • (noun) : a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
  • (noun) : a gloomy ill-tempered feeling
  • (noun) : a sullen moody resentful disposition
  • (noun) : misery resulting from affliction
  • (noun) : intense mournfulness

More words related to the meanings of Aazurdahgi - آزردگی

Displeasureناراضی naa raazi ناراضی Naraazi نارضامندی Narazamandi ناخوشی naa khushi ناخوشی Nakhushi خفگی khafagi خفگی khufgi خفگی khafgi آزردگی aazurdahgi آزردگی aazurdgi اداسی udaasi بیزاری Bezaari رنجیدگی ranjiidgi رنجش ranjish عتاب etaab غضب ghazab کبیدگی kabiidagi ناراضگی naa raazgi ناراضگی naaraazgi
Gloomاندھیرا ہو جانا اندھکار ہونا تاریکی چھا جانا تاریکی taariiki تاریکی taa riiki تاریکی Tareeki دھندلاپن Dhundlapan اندھیرا andheyra اندھیرا Andhera دھندکار Dhundkaar ظلمت zulmat آزردگی aazurdahgi آزردگی aazurdgi دھندھ dhundh تیرگی tiirgi تیرگی tiirahgi ناامیدی naa ummiidi ناامیدی naa umiidi ناامیدی NaaUmeedi اداسی udaasi آزردہ ہونا aazurdah hona اندھیرا ہونا andheyra hona دھندلانا dhundlaana دھندلانا dhunhlaana غمگین ہونا ghamgiin hona
Moodinessخفگی khafagi خفگی khufgi خفگی khafgi آزردگی aazurdahgi آزردگی aazurdgi دلگیری dilgiiri دلگیری Dilgeeri اُداسی udaasi بے زاری bey zaari چڑ چڑا پن chir chira pan ملال malaal اداسی udaasi
Piqueخفگی khafagi خفگی khufgi خفگی khafgi بیزاری Bezaari ناراضگی naa raazgi ناراضگی naaraazgi آزردگی aazurdahgi آزردگی aazurdgi کینہ kiinah کینہ Keena رنجش ranjish برافروختگی Barafrookhtagi رنجیدگی ranjiidgi عداوت adaawat عداوت Adawat چوت chot غیظ ghaez غیظ Ghaiz غیظ Gheez
Troubleبے چین کَرنا دُکھ دینا اذّیت دینا سَتانا اذیت دینا aziiyat deyna مصیبت بننا musiibat banna پریشان کرنا pareyshaan karna پریشان کرنا pareshaan karna وبال جان ہونا wabaal e jaan hona آزار aazaar آزار Azad آزردگی aazurdahgi آزردگی aazurdgi دقت diqqat فکر fikr فکر Fikar حرج haraj حرج Hurj جنجال janjaal جھمیلا jhameyla جھنجھٹ jhanjhat جھنجھٹ Jhnjhat کسالا kasaala خرابی kharaabi خرابی Kharabi کلفت kulfat مصیبت musiibat مصیبت Musebat مشکل mushkil پریشانی pareyshaani پریشانی preyshaani پریشانی Pareshani پیچ و خم peych o kham رگڑا ragra زحمت zaehmat زحمت Zehmat
Vexationرنجیدگی ranjiidgi بیزاری Bezaari ملال malaal آزردگی aazurdahgi آزردگی aazurdgi ناراضگی naa raazgi ناراضگی naaraazgi آفت aafat بے زاری bey zaari چڑ چڑا پن chir chira pan درد dard درد durd دکھ dukh غبار ghubaar خفگی khafagi خفگی khufgi خفگی khafgi کوفت koft کوفت Kooft کلفت kulfat پریشانی pareyshaani پریشانی preyshaani پریشانی Pareshani پیچ و تاب peych o taab رنجش ranjish ستم sitam سوز soz
Resentmentآزردگی aazurdahgi آزردگی aazurdgi ناپسندی naa pasandi ناپسندی na pasandi
Sullennessآزردگی aazurdahgi آزردگی aazurdgi برہمی barhami برہمی bar hami خفگی khafagi خفگی khufgi خفگی khafgi اداسی udaasi
Woeآزار aazaar آزار Azad آزردگی aazurdahgi آزردگی aazurdgi غم gham حزن huzn حزن Hazan پریشانی pareyshaani پریشانی preyshaani پریشانی Pareshani
Vexednessآزار رسیدگی aazaar rasiidgi آزردگی aazurdahgi آزردگی aazurdgi پریشانی pareyshaani پریشانی preyshaani پریشانی Pareshani رنجیدگی ranjiidgi

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View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Aazurdahgi - آزردگی meanings in English in English.

abrasiongrindingpolishingquarrellingscratchingtroubleragwormragwormsrubbedrubiedabstrusedifficultembarrassmentirksomeobstaclepalacepinchpuzzlingthornyabstractarduouscomplicateddifficultydilemmahardhardshiphot waterintricacyintricatenarrowoccultoperosepainfulperplexityproblemsteeptangletenacioustortuoustoughuphillwearifulwearisomedifficilehardertuskydifficilitatedifficultateachediscomfort ...

Idioms related to the meaning of Aazurdahgi - آزردگی

Never trouble yourself with trouble till trouble troubles youمار پڑنے سے پہلے مت دو
He that hunts after vanity shall taken vexationدکھاوے میں دکھ نکلتا ہے
A hasty man never wanteth woeجلدی کام شیطان کا ہے
Be it weal or be it woe it shall not be always soدِن ہمیشہ پھرتے رہتے ہیں
Evil companion brings much woeبُری صحبَت میں بیٹھ کر کٹائے ناک اور کان
In weal and woeدکھ و سکھ میں
It's one beggar's woe to see another by the door goایک کا فائدہ دوسرے کا نقصان
To owe is woeدینا بھلا نہ باپ کا
Will is the cause of woeضِد کا انجام دکھ ہے
A cack eaten in peace is better than two in troubleسُکھ کی آدھی ہی بَھلی
A clear concience bears no troubleسانچ کو آنچ نہیں
A sorrow shared is but half a trouble but a joy that's shared is a joy made doubleرنج بٹانے سے کم ہوتا ہے لیکن خوشی بڑھتی ہے
Borrow is the mother of troubleاُدھار کے دُکھ ہزار
Bring not a bagpipe to a man in troubleغم میں خوشی کا ذکر مت چھیڑو
He that hath no ill fortune is trouble with goodآدمی کو کِسی حال میں چین نہیں
He that seeketh trouble never misses of itجو مصیبت کو تلاش کرتا ہے مصیبت اسے تلاش کرتی ہے
I praise you when regard the trouble of your friend as your ownجو دوست کی مصیبت کو اپنی جانے وہ قابلِ تعریف ہے
Lack of money is trouble without equalمُفلسی سے بڑھ کر کوئی مصیبت نہیں
More take than troubleمصیبت تھوڑی واویلا بہت
Never meet trouble half wayمصیبت کے استقبال کے لئے تیار نہ رہو
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What are the meanings of Aazurdahgi - آزردگی in English?

Meanings of the word Aazurdahgi - آزردگی in English are displeasure, gloom, moodiness, pique, trouble, vexation, resentment, sullenness, woe and vexedness. To understand how would you translate the word Aazurdahgi - آزردگی in English, you can take help from words closely related to Aazurdahgi - آزردگی or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Aazurdahgi - آزردگی synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Aazurdahgi - آزردگی. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Aazurdahgi - آزردگی in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Aazurdahgi - آزردگی in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Aazurdahgi - آزردگی with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by aazurdahgi?

Meanings of aazurdahgi are displeasure, gloom, moodiness, pique, trouble, vexation, resentment, sullenness, woe and vexedness

Whats the definition of aazurdahgi?

Definition of the aazurdahgi are

  • the feeling of being displeased or annoyed or dissatisfied with someone or something
  • a feeling of melancholy apprehension
  • a state of partial or total darkness
  • an atmosphere of depression and melancholy
  • having temperamental and changeable moods
  • a sullen gloomy feeling
  • a sudden outburst of anger
  • tightly woven fabric with raised cords
  • cause to feel resentment or indignation
  • disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed
  • move deeply
  • an angry disturbance
  • a source of difficulty
  • an effort that is inconvenient
  • an event causing distress or pain
  • an unwanted pregnancy
  • a strong feeling of anxiety
  • to cause inconvenience or discomfort to
  • take the trouble to do something; concern oneself
  • cause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed
  • the psychological state of being irritated or annoyed
  • the act of troubling or annoying someone
  • anger produced by some annoying irritation
  • a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
  • a gloomy ill-tempered feeling
  • a sullen moody resentful disposition
  • misery resulting from affliction
  • intense mournfulness

What is the synonym of aazurdahgi?

Synonym of word aazurdahgi are ناراضی, نارضامندی, ناخوشی, خفگی, آزردگی, اداسی, بیزاری, رنجیدگی, رنجش, عتاب

What are the idioms related to aazurdahgi?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word aazurdahgi.

  • Never trouble yourself with trouble till trouble troubles you
  • He that hunts after vanity shall taken vexation
  • A hasty man never wanteth woe
  • Be it weal or be it woe it shall not be always so
  • Evil companion brings much woe