Darasti - درستی meanings in English

Darasti - درستی meanings in English are accuracy, appropriateness, betterment, exactitude, fitness, integrality, mend, probity, reparation, soundness, uprightness, amendment, warrantableness, applicability, civilization, correctness, correction, cure, edification, furniture, justness, punchillio, validity, validation Darasti - درستی in English. More meanings of darasti - درستی, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

accuracy appropriateness betterment exactitude fitness integrality mend probity reparation soundness uprightness amendment warrantableness applicability civilization correctness correction cure edification furniture justness punchillio validity validation

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Darasti - درستی Definitions

Please find 48 English and definitions related to the word Darasti - درستی.

  • (noun) : (mathematics) the number of significant figures given in a number
  • (noun) : the quality of being near to the true value
  • (noun) : relevance by virtue of being applicable to the matter at hand
  • (noun) : the quality of being specially suitable
  • (noun) : appropriate conduct; doing the right thing
  • (noun) : the social process whereby societies achieve an advanced stage of development and organization
  • (noun) : conformity to fact or truth
  • (noun) : the quality of conformity to social expectations
  • (noun) : the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake; setting right
  • (noun) : treatment of a specific defect
  • (noun) : a drop in stock market activity or stock prices following a period of increases
  • (noun) : something substituted for an error
  • (noun) : a rebuke for making a mistake
  • (noun) : a quantity that is added or subtracted in order to increase the accuracy of a scientific measure
  • (noun) : the act of disciplining
  • (noun) : uplifting enlightenment
  • (noun) : the quality of being qualified
  • (noun) : good physical condition; being in shape or in condition
  • (noun) : the quality of being suitable
  • (noun) : furnishings that make a room or other area ready for occupancy
  • (noun) : the quality of being just or fair
  • (noun) : conformity with some esthetic standard of correctness or propriety
  • (noun) : the cognitive process of establishing a valid proof
  • (noun) : the act of validating; finding or testing the truth of something
  • (noun) : the quality of having legal force or effectiveness
  • (noun) : the quality of being valid and rigorous
  • (noun) : the act of amending or correcting
  • (noun) : a statement that is added to or revises or improves a proposal or document (a bill or constitution etc.)
  • (noun) : the act of relieving ills and changing for the better
  • (noun) : an improvement that adds to the value of a property or facility
  • (noun) : a change for the better; progress in development
  • (noun) : the quality of being exact
  • (noun) : the state of being total and complete
  • (noun) : the act of putting something in working order again
  • (verb) : restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken
  • (noun) : sewing that repairs a worn or torn hole (especially in a garment)
  • (verb) : heal or recover
  • (noun) : complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles
  • (noun) : the act of putting something in working order again
  • (noun) : something done or paid in expiation of a wrong
  • (noun) : (usually plural) compensation exacted from a defeated nation by the victors
  • (noun) : compensation (given or received) for an insult or injury
  • (noun) : the quality of being prudent and sensible
  • (noun) : the muscle tone of healthy tissue
  • (noun) : a state or condition free from damage or decay
  • (noun) : position at right angles to the horizon
  • (noun) : the property of being upright in posture
  • (noun) : righteousness as a consequence of being honorable and honest

More words related to the meanings of Darasti - درستی

Accuracyسچائی Sachai ست sat کھرا پن khara pan راستی raasti درستی durusti درستی Darasti صحت sehat صداقت sadaaqat صداقت Sadaqat بالکل bilkul بالکل bil kul بالکل balekele سچائ sachchaa i سچائ sachcha i صحیح sahiih صحیح saahiih صحیح sahi صحیح Sahee ٹھیک ٹھیک thiik thiik
Applicabilityلگاؤ lagaa o لگاؤ Lagaoos مطابقت mutaabiqat مطابقت Mutabiqat مناسبت munaasibat مناسبت Munaasbat درستی durusti درستی Darasti موزونیت mauzuuniyat موزونیت Mozooniyat
Appropriatenessمُناسِبَت Munasibat موزونِيَت Mozooniyat دَرُستی Darusti درستی durusti درستی Darasti موزونیت mauzuuniyat موزونیت Mozooniyat مناسبت munaasibat مناسبت Munaasbat
Civilizationتہذیب تمدن مدنیت madaniyat مدنیت madniyat تربیت tarbiyat تہذیب taehziib تہذیب Tehzeeb تمدن انسانیت insaaniyat درستی durusti درستی Darasti شائستگی shaa estahgi شائستگی shaaa estahgi شائستگی Shaistagi
Correctnessصحت sehat درستی durusti درستی Darasti راستی raasti
Correctionدرستی durusti درستی Darasti اصلاح islaah تصحيح Tashee کانٹ چھانٹ kaant chhaant کانٹ چھانٹ kaant chhant تادیب taadiib تادیب Taadeeb سزا saza سزا sazaa
Cureاپائے Upaye چارہ chaarah چارہ chaara علاج elaaj علاج Ilaaj علاج Elaj درستی durusti درستی Darasti تدبیر tadbiir تدبیر Tadbeer آرام aaraam آرام araam دار daar دار daaru درمان darmaan درمان darmiyaan مار maar مرہم marham مرہم Murham شفا shifa دوائ دینا dawaa i deyna علاج کرنا êlaaj علاج کرنا elaaj karna
Edificationافادہ رُوحانی تعلیم و اصلاح کا عمل تہذیب عقل و دل تعمیر tamiir تعمیر Tameer بناوٹ banaawat بناوٹ bunaawat بناوٹ Banawat درستی durusti درستی Darasti آراستگی aaraastagi تربیت tarbiyat تادیب taadiib تادیب Taadeeb
Fitnessموزونیت mauzuuniyat موزونیت Mozooniyat مناسبت munaasibat مناسبت Munaasbat قابلیت qaabliyat قابلیت qaabiliyat اہلیت aehliyat اہلیت Ehliyat درستی durusti درستی Darasti
Furnitureتیاری taiyaari تیاری Tayyari سجاوٹ sajaawat سجاوٹ Sajawat درستی durusti درستی Darasti اساس asaas سر و سامان sar o saamaan فرنیچر Furniture
Justnessواجبیت waajibiyat راستی raasti صحت sehat درستی durusti درستی Darasti معقولیت maquuliyat معقولیت Maaqoliyaat
Punchillioباریکی bariiki باریکی baariiki باریکی Bareeki نکتہ Nukta موشگافی Moshgaafi درستی durusti درستی Darasti تکلف takalluf
Validationتوثیق tausiiq توثیق Tauseeq درستی durusti درستی Darasti جواز کاری jawaaz kaari صحت sehat
Validityواجبیت waajibiyat اثبات asbaat اثبات isbaat جواز jawaaz صحت sehat درستی durusti درستی Darasti ثبات sabaat ثبوت subuut ثبوت Saboot
Warrantablenessجواز jawaaz مناسب munaasib مناسب Munasib واجبیت waajibiyat درستی durusti درستی Darasti
Amendmentدرستی durusti درستی Darasti کانٹ چھانٹ kaant chhaant کانٹ چھانٹ kaant chhant تبدیلی tabdiili تبدیلی Tabdeeli
Bettermentبہتری behtri بہتری behtari بہتری Behatree درستی durusti درستی Darasti فلاح falaah
Exactitudeدرستی durusti درستی Darasti صحت sehat موزونیت mauzuuniyat موزونیت Mozooniyat مطابقت mutaabiqat مطابقت Mutabiqat
Integralityدرستی durusti درستی Darasti کاملیت kaamliyat کاملیت kaamiliyat سالمیت saalmiyat سالمیت Saalmiat
Mendدرست کرنا durust karna مرمت کرنا marammat karna ٹھیک کرنا thiik karna رفو کرنا rafu karna استوارنا ustuwaarna درستی durusti درستی Darasti مرمت marammat رفو rafu سدھار sudhaar
Probityدرستی durusti درستی Darasti راستی raasti
Reparationدرستی durusti درستی Darasti مرمت marammat تلافی talaafi تلافی Talafi
Soundnessدرستی durusti درستی Darasti
Uprightnessعدالت adaalat عدالت Asalat درستی durusti درستی Darasti استقامت isteqaamat استقامت Istaqamat راستی raasti

More words from English related to Darasti - درستی

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Darasti - درستی meanings in English in English.

absolutelydiametricallyentirelyevenfullquiteaccuracycompletelydownrightexactfullyout and outpositivelythroughoututterlyverywhollyat allrightmostutternessallenarlyethereallyelocutivequitlyabilitycapabilityfaculty fitnessfortemidwiferymightproficiencyqualifyqualitycompetenceefficiencyeruditionknackpurviewsavvyableismcapablenessmeritocracymeritocraticmeritoriousnesspotentiationqualifyingtalentlessnessabilitiesablets ...

Idioms related to the meaning of Darasti - درستی

A bridle for a tongue is a necessary piece of furnitureزبان کو لگام ضروری ہے
The grandmother's correction makes no impressionبڑوں کا کہا ایک کان سنا دوسرے کان اُڑا دیا
Amendment is no sinاصلاح کوئی جرم نہیں
Amendment is repentanceاصلاح ہی سچی توبہ ہے
If every one would mend one all would be amendedاگر ہر شخص ایک کو ٹھیک کرنے کی کوشش کرے تو سب سیدھے راستے پر آجائیں
It is never to late to mendصبح کا بھولا شام کو گھر آۓ تو اسے بھولا نہ جانیے
Leave if you cannot mend itجو کام نہ کر سکو اسے ہاتھ مت لگاوٴ
Let each tailor mend his own coatاگر اس دنیا کے واعظان باعمل ہوں توں یہاں کا نقشہ ہی پلٹ جاۓ
Many find fault without an end and yet do nothing at all to mendانسان کی عیب جوئی تو ہر کوئی کرتا ہے لیکن سنوارنے کی کوشش کوئی نہیں کرتا
When things are at their worst they will mendدرد کا حد سے گزرنا ہے دوا ہو جانا
A crown is no cure for the headacheدولَت سے دُکھ دُور نہیں ہوتا
An ill physician cannot cure othersطبیب آپ ہی درماندہ ہے دوسروں کا علاج کیا کرے گا
An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cureتولہ علاج سے ماشہ پرہیز بہتر ہے
Care is not cureفکر لا حاصِل ہے فِکر علاج نہیں
It is better to cure at the commencement that at the endبیماری کا علاج شروع میں ہی کرنا چاہیئے
It is easy to hurt it is hard to cureزخم لگانا آسان علاج کرنا مشکل
Music will not cure the toothacheراگ سے دکھ درد نہیں مٹتا
Precaution is better than cureعلاج سے پرہیز بہتر ہے
Prevention is better than cureسو علاج ایک پرہیز
Prevention is better than cureپرہیز علاج سے بہتر ہے
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What are the meanings of Darasti - درستی in English?

Meanings of the word Darasti - درستی in English are accuracy, applicability, appropriateness, civilization, correctness, correction, cure, edification, fitness, furniture, justness, punchillio, validation, validity, warrantableness, amendment, betterment, exactitude, integrality, mend, probity, reparation, soundness and uprightness. To understand how would you translate the word Darasti - درستی in English, you can take help from words closely related to Darasti - درستی or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Darasti - درستی synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Darasti - درستی. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Darasti - درستی in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Darasti - درستی in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Darasti - درستی with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by darasti?

Meanings of darasti are accuracy, applicability, appropriateness, civilization, correctness, correction, cure, edification, fitness, furniture, justness, punchillio, validation, validity, warrantableness, amendment, betterment, exactitude, integrality, mend, probity, reparation, soundness and uprightness

Whats the definition of darasti?

Definition of the darasti are

  • (mathematics) the number of significant figures given in a number
  • the quality of being near to the true value
  • relevance by virtue of being applicable to the matter at hand
  • the quality of being specially suitable
  • appropriate conduct; doing the right thing
  • the social process whereby societies achieve an advanced stage of development and organization
  • conformity to fact or truth
  • the quality of conformity to social expectations
  • the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake; setting right
  • treatment of a specific defect
  • a drop in stock market activity or stock prices following a period of increases
  • something substituted for an error
  • a rebuke for making a mistake
  • a quantity that is added or subtracted in order to increase the accuracy of a scientific measure
  • the act of disciplining
  • uplifting enlightenment
  • the quality of being qualified
  • good physical condition; being in shape or in condition
  • the quality of being suitable
  • furnishings that make a room or other area ready for occupancy
  • the quality of being just or fair
  • conformity with some esthetic standard of correctness or propriety
  • the cognitive process of establishing a valid proof
  • the act of validating; finding or testing the truth of something
  • the quality of having legal force or effectiveness
  • the quality of being valid and rigorous
  • the act of amending or correcting
  • a statement that is added to or revises or improves a proposal or document (a bill or constitution etc.)
  • the act of relieving ills and changing for the better
  • an improvement that adds to the value of a property or facility
  • a change for the better; progress in development
  • the quality of being exact
  • the state of being total and complete
  • the act of putting something in working order again
  • restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken
  • sewing that repairs a worn or torn hole (especially in a garment)
  • heal or recover
  • complete and confirmed integrity; having strong moral principles
  • the act of putting something in working order again
  • something done or paid in expiation of a wrong
  • (usually plural) compensation exacted from a defeated nation by the victors
  • compensation (given or received) for an insult or injury
  • the quality of being prudent and sensible
  • the muscle tone of healthy tissue
  • a state or condition free from damage or decay
  • position at right angles to the horizon
  • the property of being upright in posture
  • righteousness as a consequence of being honorable and honest

What is the synonym of darasti?

Synonym of word darasti are سچائی, ست, کھرا پن, راستی, درستی, صحت, صداقت, بالکل, سچائ, صحیح

What are the idioms related to darasti?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word darasti.

  • A bridle for a tongue is a necessary piece of furniture
  • The grandmother's correction makes no impression
  • Amendment is no sin
  • Amendment is repentance
  • If every one would mend one all would be amended