Aehm - اہم meanings in English

Aehm - اہم meanings in English are considerable, significative, edificial, pointy, ambiparous, consignificant, edificant, importuous, pignorative, pointal, significate, significatory, prolusory, preeminent, countable, grand, important, leading, significant, chief, critical, meaningful, momentous, urgent, vital, vitalic Aehm - اہم in English. More meanings of aehm - اہم, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

considerable significative edificial pointy ambiparous consignificant edificant importuous pignorative pointal significate significatory prolusory preeminent countable grand important leading significant chief critical meaningful momentous urgent vital vitalic

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Aehm - اہم Definitions

Please find 46 English and definitions related to the word Aehm - اہم.

  • (noun) : the head of a tribe or clan
  • (noun) : a person who exercises control over workers
  • (noun) : a person who is in charge
  • (adjective satellite) : most important element
  • (adjective) : large or relatively large in number or amount or extent or degree
  • (adjective satellite) : that can be counted
  • (adjective) : of or involving or characteristic of critics or criticism
  • (adjective) : marked by a tendency to find and call attention to errors and flaws
  • (adjective) : characterized by careful evaluation and judgment
  • (adjective) : being in or verging on a state of crisis or emergency
  • (adjective) : at or of a point at which a property or phenomenon suffers an abrupt change especially having enough mass to sustain a chain reaction
  • (adjective satellite) : forming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis
  • (adjective satellite) : urgently needed; absolutely necessary
  • (noun) : the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100
  • (adjective satellite) : of or befitting a lord
  • (adjective satellite) : of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style
  • (adjective satellite) : of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope
  • (adjective satellite) : the most important and magnificent in adornment
  • (adjective satellite) : large and impressive in physical size or extent
  • (adjective satellite) : ostentatiously rich and superior in quality
  • (adjective satellite) : extraordinarily good or great; used especially as intensifiers
  • (noun) : a piano with the strings on a horizontal harp-shaped frame; usually supported by three legs
  • (adjective) : of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis
  • (adjective) : of great significance or value
  • (adjective satellite) : having or suggesting a consciousness of high position
  • (adjective satellite) : having authority or ascendancy or influence
  • (adjective) : important in effect or meaning
  • (noun) : thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing
  • (noun) : the activity of leading
  • (adjective) : going or proceeding or going in advance; showing the way
  • (adjective satellite) : having the leading position or higher score in a contest
  • (adjective satellite) : indicating the most important performer or role
  • (adjective satellite) : greatest in importance or degree or significance or achievement
  • (adjective) : important in effect or meaning
  • (adjective) : too closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation
  • (adjective satellite) : rich in significance or implication
  • (adjective satellite) : of considerable importance, size, or worth
  • (adjective satellite) : compelling immediate action
  • (adjective satellite) : urgently needed; absolutely necessary
  • (adjective satellite) : manifesting or characteristic of life
  • (adjective satellite) : performing an essential function in the living body
  • (adjective satellite) : full of spirit; full of life
  • (adjective) : having a meaning or purpose
  • (adjective satellite) : greatest in importance or degree or significance or achievement
  • (adjective) : of or relating to or having the character of a prolusion
  • (adjective satellite) : (usually followed by of') pointing out or revealing clearly

More words related to the meanings of Aehm - اہم

Chiefمنصب mansab عہدہ ohdah عہدہ Auhda اختیار ekhteyaar اختیار ikhtiyaar اختیار Ikhtiyar اہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham مقدم muqaddam مقدم muaqaddam مقدم Muqaddim پہلا paehla پہلا Pehla صدر sadr صدر sadar سر sur سر sar سردار sar daar سردار sur daar سردار Sardar سرتاج sar taaj سرتاج Sartaaj صاحب saahab صاحب saahib صاحب Sahib صاحب Sahab والی waali والی wali
Considerableقابل غور qaabil e ghaur اہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham مُمتاز قابلِ ذکر بہت bahot بہت Bohat بشیش Basheesh از حد az had بے انت bey ant کثیر kasiir کثیر Kaseer خاصا khaasa شایاں shaayaan شایاں shayaan
Countableشُمار پذیر شُمار کے قابل اہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham گننے کے قابل
Criticalنازک naazuk نازک Nazuk تشويش ناک بحرانی bohraani مبصرانہ mubassiraanah اہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham باریک baariik باریک bariik باریک Bareek دقیق daqiiq دقیق Daqeeq دقیق Daqiq
Grandبڑا bara بھاری bhaari بھاری Bhari عظیم aziim عظیم Azeem وُسعَت میں پھَیلا ہُوا حُجَم میں پھَیلا ہُوا اہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham عالیشان aali shaan عالی aali عالی شان aali shaan اعلا aala اعلا ala اعظم aazam اعظم Azam عظیم الشان aziim ush shaan با عظمت baa azmat با عظمت ba azmat نفیس nafiis نفیس Nafees نمائشی numaa ishi قابل احترام qaabil e ehteraam صدر sadr صدر sadar شان دار shaan daar
Importantبڑا bara بھاری bhaari بھاری Bhari اہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham قابل لحاظ قابل غور qaabil e ghaur مؤثر mua ssir مؤثر mua ssar مؤثر mu assar مؤثر Maosor ضروری zaruuri ضروری Zaroori ضروری zurori گراں giraan گراں Giran لازم laazim متین matiin
Leadingبڑا bara اول auwwal اول Awwal بزرگوار Bazarguwaar بزرگ buzurg بزرگ Buzrug نمایاں numaayaan نمایاں Numayaan خاص khaas اہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham مقدم muqaddam مقدم muaqaddam مقدم Muqaddim نامور naam war قیادت qayaadat قیادت qeyaadat قیادت Qayadat راہ بری raah bari راہ نمائ raah numaa i
Momentousعظیم aziim عظیم Azeem بھاری bhaari بھاری Bhari مہتمم بالشان با اہمیت baa aehmiyat یاد گاری yaad gaari اہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham یادگاری yaadgaari یادگاری Yaadgaar
Significantاہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham مَعنی خیز وقِیع Waqeeh دُر پردہ مفہُوم والا معنی خیز mani kheyz خاطر خواہ
Urgentفوری fauri فوری Foree تاکیدی taakiidi تاکیدی Takeedi تاکیدی Takidee اشد ضروری نہایت ضروری اہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham لازمی laazmi لازمی laazimi ضروری zaruuri ضروری Zaroori ضروری zurori
Vitalحیَّاتی Hayati حیات بخش hayaat bakhsh زِندگی سے مُتعلِّق زِندگی سے بھرپُور اہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham حیاتی hayaati حیاتی Hayati ضروری zaruuri ضروری Zaroori ضروری zurori زندگی کا سرچشمہ zindagi ka sar chashmah
Meaningfulاہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham پر معنی pur mani
Preeminentاہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham
Prolusoryاہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham
Significativeاہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham
Edificialاہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham
Pointyاہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham
Ambiparousاہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham
Consignificantاہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham
Edificantاہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham
Importuousاہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham
Pignorativeاہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham
Pointalاہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham
Significateاہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham
Significatoryاہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham
Vitalicاہم ahem اہم aehm اہم Aham

More words from English related to Aehm - اہم

View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Aehm - اہم meanings in English in English.

above allformerhostageleadingpalmaryprimalprimogenialprincipalvanguardbestexcellentfirstabundantmicklemostmuchmultitudinousnumerousrifeampleconsiderablecopiousmanymassivemultiplicateplentifulunstintedvoluminousmultilevelmultiusermulturedmulti multiferousmultiflorousmultifluemultiformousaggravatedbulkydifficultearthy grandgrievousimportantirksomelethargiclumpishmomentousoppressivetedioustramp ...

What are the meanings of Aehm - اہم in English?

Meanings of the word Aehm - اہم in English are chief, considerable, countable, critical, grand, important, leading, momentous, significant, urgent, vital, meaningful, preeminent, prolusory, significative, edificial, pointy, ambiparous, consignificant, edificant, importuous, pignorative, pointal, significate, significatory and vitalic. To understand how would you translate the word Aehm - اہم in English, you can take help from words closely related to Aehm - اہم or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Aehm - اہم synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Aehm - اہم. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Aehm - اہم in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Aehm - اہم in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Aehm - اہم with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by aehm?

Meanings of aehm are chief, considerable, countable, critical, grand, important, leading, momentous, significant, urgent, vital, meaningful, preeminent, prolusory, significative, edificial, pointy, ambiparous, consignificant, edificant, importuous, pignorative, pointal, significate, significatory and vitalic

Whats the definition of aehm?

Definition of the aehm are

  • the head of a tribe or clan
  • a person who exercises control over workers
  • a person who is in charge
  • most important element
  • large or relatively large in number or amount or extent or degree
  • that can be counted
  • of or involving or characteristic of critics or criticism
  • marked by a tendency to find and call attention to errors and flaws
  • characterized by careful evaluation and judgment
  • being in or verging on a state of crisis or emergency
  • at or of a point at which a property or phenomenon suffers an abrupt change especially having enough mass to sustain a chain reaction
  • forming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis
  • urgently needed; absolutely necessary
  • the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100
  • of or befitting a lord
  • of high moral or intellectual value; elevated in nature or style
  • of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope
  • the most important and magnificent in adornment
  • large and impressive in physical size or extent
  • ostentatiously rich and superior in quality
  • extraordinarily good or great; used especially as intensifiers
  • a piano with the strings on a horizontal harp-shaped frame; usually supported by three legs
  • of extreme importance; vital to the resolution of a crisis
  • of great significance or value
  • having or suggesting a consciousness of high position
  • having authority or ascendancy or influence
  • important in effect or meaning
  • thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing
  • the activity of leading
  • going or proceeding or going in advance; showing the way
  • having the leading position or higher score in a contest
  • indicating the most important performer or role
  • greatest in importance or degree or significance or achievement
  • important in effect or meaning
  • too closely correlated to be attributed to chance and therefore indicating a systematic relation
  • rich in significance or implication
  • of considerable importance, size, or worth
  • compelling immediate action
  • urgently needed; absolutely necessary
  • manifesting or characteristic of life
  • performing an essential function in the living body
  • full of spirit; full of life
  • having a meaning or purpose
  • greatest in importance or degree or significance or achievement
  • of or relating to or having the character of a prolusion
  • (usually followed by of') pointing out or revealing clearly

What is the synonym of aehm?

Synonym of word aehm are منصب, عہدہ, اختیار, اہم, مقدم, پہلا, صدر, سر, سردار, سرتاج

What are the idioms related to aehm?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word aehm.

  • Grand total
  • Public necessity is more important than private
  • Gold and power the chief causes of wars
  • Vital air
  • Vital spark