Haqeiqi - حقیقی meanings in English
Haqeiqi - حقیقی meanings in English are concrete, anguineal, genteelest, virtual, veritableness, veridical, valid, ortho, very, veritable, substantial, natural, immanent, genuine, own Haqeiqi - حقیقی in English. More meanings of haqeiqi - حقیقی, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.
concrete anguineal genteelest virtual veritableness veridical valid ortho very veritable substantial natural immanent genuine own
Haqeiqi - حقیقی Definitions
Please find 41 English and definitions related to the word Haqeiqi - حقیقی.
- (noun) : a strong hard building material composed of sand and gravel and cement and water
- (verb) : form into a solid mass; coalesce
- (verb) : cover with cement
- (adjective satellite) : formed by the coalescence of particles
- (adjective) : capable of being perceived by the senses; not abstract or imaginary
- (adjective satellite) : being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something
- (adjective satellite) : not pretended; sincerely felt or expressed
- (adjective) : not fake or counterfeit
- (adjective) : of a mental act performed entirely within the mind
- (adjective satellite) : of qualities that are spread throughout something
- (noun) : (craps) a first roll of 7 or 11 that immediately wins the stake
- (noun) : a notation cancelling a previous sharp or flat
- (noun) : someone regarded as certain to succeed
- (adjective satellite) : being talented through inherited qualities
- (adjective) : in accordance with nature; relating to or concerning nature
- (adjective) : existing in or produced by nature; not artificial or imitation
- (adjective) : existing in or in conformity with nature or the observable world; neither supernatural nor magical
- (adjective satellite) : functioning or occurring in a normal way; lacking abnormalities or deficiencies
- (adjective satellite) : unthinking; prompted by (or as if by) instinct
- (adjective satellite) : free from artificiality
- (adjective) : (of a musical note) being neither raised nor lowered by one chromatic semitone
- (adjective satellite) : (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes
- (adjective) : (of a parent or child) related by blood; genetically related
- (verb) : have ownership or possession of
- (adjective satellite) : belonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself); preceded by a possessive
- (adjective satellite) : having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
- (adjective satellite) : of good quality and condition; solidly built
- (adjective satellite) : providing abundant nourishment
- (adjective satellite) : of considerable importance, size, or worth
- (adjective satellite) : of or relating to the real nature or essential elements of something
- (adjective) : well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force
- (adjective satellite) : still legally acceptable
- (adjective satellite) : not counterfeit or copied
- (adjective satellite) : often used as intensifiers
- (adjective satellite) : being the exact same one; not any other:
- (adverb) : precisely so
- (adjective satellite) : precisely as stated
- (adverb) : used as intensifiers; real' is sometimes used informally for really'; rattling' is informal
- (adjective satellite) : existing in essence or effect though not in actual fact
- (adjective satellite) : being actually such in almost every respect
- (adjective satellite) : coinciding with reality
More words related to the meanings of Haqeiqi - حقیقی
More words from English related to Haqeiqi - حقیقی
View an extensive list of words below that are related to the meanings of the word Haqeiqi - حقیقی meanings in English in English.
absolutelydiametricallyentirelyevenfullquiteaccuracycompletelydownrightexactfullyout and outpositivelythroughoututterlyverywhollyat allrightmostutternessallenarlyethereallyelocutivequitlynuttedniptactualapplicableappositeappropriatelycorrespondentdirect entirefitlyjakejustjustifiableopportuneproperlypunctilliousall rightcorrectfittinggoodincorruptindeedindubitableokvalidveracious ... wellfirnremiseddetrectconstitutionalessentialfundamentalgenuineimmanentliteralmothernaturalprimalprimevalprimogenialvirtualauthenticinnateintrinsicoriginalprimaryprimitiveprimordialpureradicalrealultimateunadulteratedunfeignedveritableobjectiveverilymatter of factproperreallyseriouslytruetrulyveritablenessactualisedrealignedbarrulyocciduousakinownmineselftautaccurateappropriateconscionablefitgradelyintactintegralpermissiblepreciseprimrightsafesoundsuitablewell balancedacculturatecorrectedcorrigibleverificatoryarrectauratefixablearrectaryftictionverificativearchetypearchetypalcapitalessence lineagematterprincipalbasicfoundation germhypostasisoriginquidrootrudimentsourcestockactinaloriginativeoriganoriginalsoriginableoriginantoriginaryphrenticawfullygreatlygrosslyhugelymostovermuchparlousseverelythoroughvastlyaboundingamplecopiousendexceedinglyexcessiveextremelyextremityhyperintenseintenselylastlimitrifesteepconsiderablefreely generallyimmenselymanymicklemoremuchnumerousultrainordinatedamnablylotsternatelyhuchtuchbackbonedbutchflat footedfudiciarylingymightyoakystrongstaunchblowzybrawnycantcogentconsolidateddurablefastfirmhaleheftyindissolublelastingresoluterobustrootedstabilesteadfaststeadystoutsturdyunbendingunmovedvigorouswallopingbolsteredfirmerstrongerstrongishstrongylstrongylestrongylsstrontiansturtingstrengerstrondstronghandstrongylidstruntianbarelysimplyalonefinismeremerelyonlypurelysolelybreedegoentitykindpersonasibstrainsubstantivebirthcastedenominationnatureselvessubstancecandidcoughfrank honestimpartialniftystraightforwardunalloyedunflatteringupfrontcertainlegitimatekosherorthoscrupulousspeciousvery wellcertificateclassicclassicalauthenticatedgenuinenesshistoricreliableauthenticatorauthenticalcleanlycrystallimpidneatchastecommunicativefree heartedsincerewarm heartedfaithfulcompactconcretefraught impermeableimporousmassivebrainyhardheavysolidtersetightsolidarysolidestsolidschinnedsolidunguloustouzeconclusiveimperativedecisivedefinitedefinitiveunconditionalunmitigatedutterpreclusivemercuratepolelessnatalnativecongenitalconnateinborncongenatorcongenericcongenericalcongeneticcongenicprebornoutbornpedaneouspedarianfree willsubjectivead hominemcloseconnaturalhypostaticindividualinherentinstinictiveinternalintimateoffstageorganicpersonalprivateunconditionedcorporalcorporealcovenantacknowledgeadmitconfessconsistentcertifiedconfirmedenduringestablishedfixedingrainedinvariantone pieceprovedremainingsubstantialunbrokenwholeprovenprovenceproveniencesubstantiatingsubstantiationvindicatedprovandprovectionprovedorprovedoreprovedoresprovendprovendsprovinedproviningsteadingssteadssubstantiatedcognizedistinguishidentifiesidentifyrecognisederecognizeidentifyingrevegetatediametricerectfacilenaivestraightartlessdextergentlemanageablemansuetesimpleuprightstraightarrowstraightenerstraightedshrightdissimilar grotesqueimpertinentnetrhapsodicdisaffectedsqueamishunconnecteddistinctiveefficient leadingspecialspecialsthedistinct especialexclusiveextraordinaryfavouritemainmajornobleparticularpeculiarspecificuncommonapicularparticularmentdriveller dulldufferfoolgabygawkyhumdrumidotidiotmomenerdnumskullpig headedputshallow brainedwant witasinineblock headboneheadboobycuckoodensedonkeygagagoofgoofyinaneinsensatejayknuckle headmadmoronnitwitnumbskullnuttystupidvacuouswitlesszanyzombiestuporousearthy humanindigenouskindlynormalphysicalunaffectedunconstraineduntaughtnatalitialsubnaturaleconomicsgaineffortlessspontaneousextemporeimpromptuplainspontaneouslyamorphousbarefacedlyshapelesslyuncloudeduncompoundedunconfessedunconfuseduncrystallisedunfacetedunfeathereduninfecteduninstructedunironedunmadeunminedunpermedunpromptedunsparinglyunspeakablyunspoiledunstrainedunweatheredunwoundedincommodedrindlesssemblablystrifelessunactuatedunbenignlyunborneuncloudunconfineuneffacedunexaminedunextinctunfordableuninflatedunmodishunmouldunmouldedunmouldingunmovablyunpathedunpeeredunperchedunperfumedunpoisedunshakenlyunsoftenedunspelleduntorturedunwieldilydisordinatelyimposturousstructurelessunattireunbowelledunconfoundunconfoundedunmaidenunparagonedunsonableuntangiblyuntightenemphasisimperativenessimportancemomentousnesssignificancegreatnessimportmagnitudemeaningfulnesssignificaionvalueworthinesscrucialityparamountcymatteredpraefectpraefectsprominencyvalorisesimportunacynotabilitiespronitysignificancysignificavitenergetictenablesecurestablechoragicconsolidativedirigiblerock steadysetaceoussolidifiedstabilisedstabilizedstablematesteady goingsteadyingsustentacularconsilientconsonousstablerstableststatablestaticallysteadedsteadierconsolidantconsubstantialistconsubstantiatedintestableostentivepedetentousenteric midlandindoorinnerinsideinteriorintestineimwardbuilt ininternalityintrinsicalinnersinnervedinnervesinsidersinteriorsintubatedindearinsnarerinsteepinternasalinternecinalinternectioninternityintersiderealinterspinalintrinsicatelatentenough rationalismsensiblewarrantableedible feasiblenoeticobitualcausefulperpetuatedentitlementmaturetenaciousveteranclevercompletecookedcunningdeepdetermineddevoutexperiencedhard boiledhard headedironcladloyalmaturedpermanentreadyripeshrewdsureweatheredpuckapukapicasfurthermainlyoveroverpluswantlessextratoo manytoo muchoverdidoverdoersoveringoverkindovermenfairfine immaculateinviolateunblemishedvirginvirginitynettedpuracepureenettiestpuredpureedpureespurerpurespurtiervellicatedinventedhomelyinartificialhonourabletruthfullevelunerringvirgateveracioveridicaltrucelesstruestsarsimple heartedcreditablecredibleobeliskedobreptitioushumoralmaterialmaterialistoutwardconsubstantialideararefiedinmostmysticesotericainboundintermolecularinwardesoterismesoteryesotericalesotericismesotericsinobtrusiveinterlaminatedintersectionalstelliferousilkditto impenitentrabidbigothard setinflexibleintolerantintransigentmercilesspitilessprecisianprigstrictuncompromisinghardcorecuttersstotiousstrigilleprosymortificationslepidopteryleporidmachiavelianmachinatorshiftercraftydesigningsagaciouswisemidsteyespringaineenayengod givenlifelikedenaturalisenaturalisednaturalizednecromanticethereousetherizednatatorialnatatorynattiernattiestnaturanaturalsnunciaturesceningdenaturalizedplumpcasualfamiliarfiresidefolksyfreeinformalnearunassumingunceremoniousfrankestsparklesstouchlessafflictionlessapproachlesscushionlesspaintlessplucklessunspleenedhavekeepmaintainowepossessexcessivelymaximumvery muchvirtuallyhighlyconnotationaladmissibleallowableauthorisedlawfullegalpermittedbona fidelegitimiselicitvalidatorylegitimlegitimistlegitimsstatutablejesuitedlegificlegitimizedacclaimconfessantindeliblefrisettefrisketpiccypizepukedripestpheesepicinaivelyperpendicularright angle
Idioms related to the meaning of Haqeiqi - حقیقی
What are the meanings of Haqeiqi - حقیقی in English?
Meanings of the word Haqeiqi - حقیقی in English are concrete, genuine, immanent, natural, own, substantial, valid, veritable, very, virtual, veridical, genteelest, ortho, anguineal and veritableness. To understand how would you translate the word Haqeiqi - حقیقی in English, you can take help from words closely related to Haqeiqi - حقیقی or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Haqeiqi - حقیقی synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Haqeiqi - حقیقی. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Haqeiqi - حقیقی in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.
We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Haqeiqi - حقیقی in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Haqeiqi - حقیقی with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What do you mean by haqeiqi?
Meanings of haqeiqi are concrete, genuine, immanent, natural, own, substantial, valid, veritable, very, virtual, veridical, genteelest, ortho, anguineal and veritableness
Whats the definition of haqeiqi?
Definition of the haqeiqi are
- a strong hard building material composed of sand and gravel and cement and water
- form into a solid mass; coalesce
- cover with cement
- formed by the coalescence of particles
- capable of being perceived by the senses; not abstract or imaginary
- being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something
- not pretended; sincerely felt or expressed
- not fake or counterfeit
- of a mental act performed entirely within the mind
- of qualities that are spread throughout something
- (craps) a first roll of 7 or 11 that immediately wins the stake
- a notation cancelling a previous sharp or flat
- someone regarded as certain to succeed
- being talented through inherited qualities
- in accordance with nature; relating to or concerning nature
- existing in or produced by nature; not artificial or imitation
- existing in or in conformity with nature or the observable world; neither supernatural nor magical
- functioning or occurring in a normal way; lacking abnormalities or deficiencies
- unthinking; prompted by (or as if by) instinct
- free from artificiality
- (of a musical note) being neither raised nor lowered by one chromatic semitone
- (used especially of commodities) being unprocessed or manufactured using only simple or minimal processes
- (of a parent or child) related by blood; genetically related
- have ownership or possession of
- belonging to or on behalf of a specified person (especially yourself); preceded by a possessive
- having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
- of good quality and condition; solidly built
- providing abundant nourishment
- of considerable importance, size, or worth
- of or relating to the real nature or essential elements of something
- well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force
- still legally acceptable
- not counterfeit or copied
- often used as intensifiers
- being the exact same one; not any other:
- precisely so
- precisely as stated
- used as intensifiers; real' is sometimes used informally for really'; rattling' is informal
- existing in essence or effect though not in actual fact
- being actually such in almost every respect
- coinciding with reality
What is the synonym of haqeiqi?
Synonym of word haqeiqi are مادّی, ٹھوس, مُوجود, حقیقی, صحیح, اصلی, خالص, اصل, چوکھا, کھرا
What are the idioms related to haqeiqi?
Here are the idioms that are related to the word haqeiqi.
- Reinforced concrete
- Reinforced concrete
- Dying is as natural as living
- It is natural to the human character to hate him whom you have injured
- Learning is a kind of natural food for the mind