Saabut - ثابت meanings in English

Saabut - ثابت meanings in English are substantiated, provand, vindicated, substantiation, substantiating, provenience, provence, proven, whole, provection, provedor, steads, steadings, provining, provined, provends, provend, provedores, provedore, valid, unbroken, substantial, incorrupt, fixed, firm, established, enduring, correct, confirmed, certified, ingrained, invariant, strong, stabile, sound, solid, remaining, proved, one piece, lasting, consistent Saabut - ثابت in English. More meanings of saabut - ثابت, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations.

substantiated provand vindicated substantiation substantiating provenience provence proven whole provection provedor steads steadings provining provined provends provend provedores provedore valid unbroken substantial incorrupt fixed firm established enduring correct confirmed certified ingrained invariant strong stabile sound solid remaining proved one piece lasting consistent

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Saabut - ثابت Definitions

Please find 126 English and definitions related to the word Saabut - ثابت.

  • (adjective) : marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts
  • (adjective satellite) : the same throughout in structure or composition
  • (adjective) : capable of being reproduced
  • (adjective) : (sometimes followed by with') in agreement or consistent or reliable
  • (verb) : adjust for
  • (adjective satellite) : patiently bearing continual wrongs or trouble
  • (adjective satellite) : lasting a long time
  • (adjective satellite) : settled securely and unconditionally
  • (adjective satellite) : conforming with accepted standards
  • (adjective) : brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established
  • (adjective satellite) : shown to be valid beyond a reasonable doubt
  • (adjective satellite) : introduced from another region and persisting without cultivation
  • (adjective satellite) : securely fixed in place
  • (verb) : make taut or tauter
  • (verb) : become taut or tauter
  • (adjective satellite) : marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable
  • (adjective satellite) : not subject to revision or change
  • (adjective satellite) : not liable to fluctuate or especially to fall
  • (adjective satellite) : (of especially a person's physical features) not shaking or trembling
  • (adjective satellite) : strong and sure
  • (adjective satellite) : unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause
  • (adjective satellite) : not soft or yielding to pressure
  • (adverb) : with resolute determination
  • (noun) : the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments
  • (adjective satellite) : possessing the tone and resiliency of healthy tissue
  • (adjective satellite) : strong and sure
  • (adjective satellite) : not faint or feeble
  • (adjective satellite) : of verbs not having standard (or regular) inflection
  • (adjective) : having strength or power greater than average or expected
  • (adjective satellite) : freshly made or left
  • (adjective) : having a strong physiological or chemical effect
  • (adjective satellite) : having or wielding force or authority
  • (adjective satellite) : of good quality and condition; solidly built
  • (adjective satellite) : being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content
  • (adjective satellite) : immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
  • (adjective satellite) : having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
  • (adjective satellite) : of good quality and condition; solidly built
  • (adjective satellite) : providing abundant nourishment
  • (adjective satellite) : of considerable importance, size, or worth
  • (adjective satellite) : of or relating to the real nature or essential elements of something
  • (adjective) : well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force
  • (adjective satellite) : still legally acceptable
  • (noun) : an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity
  • (noun) : all of something including all its component elements or parts
  • (adjective) : including all components without exception; being one unit or constituting the full amount or extent or duration; complete
  • (adjective) : (of siblings) having the same parents
  • (adjective satellite) : exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health
  • (adjective satellite) : acting together as a single undiversified whole
  • (adverb) : to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent ( whole' is often used informally for wholly')
  • (adjective satellite) : not injured or harmed
  • (adjective satellite) : holding appropriate documentation and officially on record as qualified to perform a specified function or practice a specified skill
  • (adjective satellite) : fit to be certified as insane (and treated accordingly)
  • (adjective) : endorsed authoritatively as having met certain requirements
  • (adjective) : having been established or made firm or received the rite of confirmation
  • (adjective satellite) : of persons; not subject to change
  • (adjective satellite) : fixed and unmoving
  • (adjective satellite) : (of a number) having a fixed and unchanging value
  • (adjective) : securely placed or fastened or set
  • (adjective satellite) : incapable of being changed or moved or undone; e.g.
  • (adjective) : free of corruption or immorality
  • (adjective satellite) : not decayed
  • (adjective satellite) : (used especially of ideas or principles) deeply rooted; firmly fixed or held
  • (adjective satellite) : unvarying in nature
  • (noun) : a feature (quantity or property or function) that remains unchanged when a particular transformation is applied to it
  • (adjective satellite) : unaffected by a designated operation or transformation
  • (adjective satellite) : existing for a long time
  • (adjective) : continuing or enduring without marked change in status or condition or place
  • (adjective satellite) : lasting a long time without change
  • (adjective) : retained; not shed
  • (adjective) : (of clothing) consisting of or fashioned in a single whole piece
  • (adjective) : established beyond doubt
  • (adjective) : established beyond doubt
  • (noun) : a former province of southeastern France; now administered with Cote d'Azur
  • (noun) : where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence
  • (adjective satellite) : not used up
  • (adjective satellite) : not soft or yielding to pressure
  • (adjective satellite) : of good quality and condition; solidly built
  • (adjective satellite) : providing abundant nourishment
  • (noun) : a three-dimensional shape
  • (noun) : matter that is solid at room temperature and pressure
  • (adjective satellite) : impenetrable for the eye
  • (adjective satellite) : acting together as a single undiversified whole
  • (adjective satellite) : characterized by good substantial quality
  • (adjective satellite) : of one substance or character throughout
  • (adjective satellite) : of the same color throughout
  • (adjective satellite) : of a substantial character and not frivolous or superficial
  • (adjective) : entirely of one substance with no holes inside
  • (noun) : the state in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress; resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it; and retains a definite size and shape
  • (adjective satellite) : uninterrupted in space; having no gaps or breaks
  • (adjective) : of definite shape and volume; firm; neither liquid nor gaseous
  • (adjective satellite) : having legal efficacy or force
  • (noun) : (phonetics) an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some language
  • (adjective satellite) : (of sleep) deep and complete
  • (verb) : utter with vibrating vocal chords
  • (noun) : the audible part of a transmitted signal
  • (noun) : the subjective sensation of hearing something
  • (verb) : measure the depth of (a body of water) with a sounding line
  • (verb) : make a certain noise or sound
  • (adjective satellite) : in excellent physical condition
  • (adjective satellite) : exercising or showing good judgment
  • (noun) : the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause
  • (noun) : the sudden occurrence of an audible event
  • (noun) : a large ocean inlet or deep bay
  • (noun) : a narrow channel of the sea joining two larger bodies of water
  • (noun) : mechanical vibrations transmitted by an elastic medium
  • (verb) : appear in a certain way
  • (verb) : give off a certain sound or sounds
  • (verb) : cause to sound
  • (verb) : announce by means of a sound
  • (adjective satellite) : free from moral defect
  • (adjective) : financially secure and safe
  • (adjective satellite) : logically valid
  • (adjective satellite) : complete; thorough
  • (adjective) : in good condition; free from defect or damage or decay
  • (adjective satellite) : vigorous or severe
  • (adjective satellite) : not able or intended to be moved
  • (noun) : a sculpture having fixed units (usually constructed of sheet metal) and attached to a fixed support
  • (adjective satellite) : (chemistry, physics, biology) resistant to change
  • (noun) : additional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct
  • (noun) : the act of validating; finding or testing the truth of something
  • (adjective) : (especially of promises or contracts) not violated or disregarded
  • (adjective) : marked by continuous or uninterrupted extension in space or time or sequence
  • (adjective) : (of farmland) not plowed
  • (adjective satellite) : not subdued or trained for service or use
  • (adjective) : not broken; whole and intact; in one piece
  • (adjective satellite) : freed from any question of guilt

More words related to the meanings of Saabut - ثابت

Consistentبااصول Bausool وضع دار waza daar ثابت saabit ثابت saabut مُطابق Mutabiq یَکساں با اصول baa usuul ہم آہنگ ham aahang استوار ustuwaar استوار ustuuwaar استوار Istawaar یک رنگ yak rang یکساں yaksaan یکساں yksaan یکساں Yaksa
Correctسچ sach مناسب munaasib مناسب Munasib درست کرنا durust karna سنوارنا sanwaarna سیدھا کرنا siidha karna تصحیح کرنا tashiih karna ٹھیک کرنا thiik karna بجا baja درست durust پکا pakka راست raast ثابت saabit ثابت saabut صحیح sahiih صحیح saahiih صحیح sahi صحیح Sahee سچا sachcha سچا Sacha ٹھیک thiik ٹھیک Theek
Enduringمستقل mustaqil دیرپا Dairpa پائدار paa eydaar پائدار Payedaari ثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Establishedمقررہ muqarrarah مقررہ Muqarara معین muiin معین Moin بندھا ہوا bandha hu a ٹھیرایا ہوا قائم qaa em قائم Qaim جاری شدہ jaari shudah نافذ شدہ مصدورہ Masdoora مستحکم mustaehkam مستحکم mustahkam مستحکم Mustehkum مثبت masbat مقرر muqarrar مقرر muqarrir مقرر شدہ muqarrar shudah ثابت saabit ثابت saabut طے ta ey طے taey طے Tay ضابط zaabit
Firmمہاجنی کوٹھی بسنا basna جما ہوا jama hu a مضبوط mazbuut مضبوط Mazboot محکم mohkam مستحکم mustaehkam مستحکم mustahkam مستحکم Mustehkum مستقل مزاج mustaqil mizaaj پچی pachchi پچی pichchi پچی Pichi پکا pakka پوڑہا porha پختہ pukhtah پختہ Pukhta قائم qaa em قائم Qaim ثابت saabit ثابت saabut ثابت قدم saabit qadam سخت sakht استوار ustuwaar استوار ustuuwaar استوار Istawaar واثق waasiq
Strongمضبوط mazbuut مضبوط Mazboot توانا tawaana توانا Tawana زور آور zor aawar مُستحکم Mustahkim پکا pakka سخت sakht پُختہ ہٹا کٹا hatta katta دھینگا dhiinga متین matiin مستحکم mustaehkam مستحکم mustahkam مستحکم Mustehkum پائے دار paa ey daar پوڑہا porha پختہ pukhtah پختہ Pukhta قوی qawi قوی qavi راسخ raasikh طاقتور taaqat war طاقتور Taqatwar ثابت saabit ثابت saabut سنگین sangiin سنگین Sangeen سنگین Sungeen شیر sheyr شیر sher تیز teyz تیز Taiz استوار ustuwaar استوار ustuuwaar استوار Istawaar واثق waasiq
Substantialخاصی جِسامت مِقدار اہمیت aehmiyat اہمیت ahmiyat اہمیت Ehmiyat قدر والا حقیقی haqiiqi حقیقی Haqeeqi حقیقی Haqeiqi حقیقی Haqeqi حقیقی Haqiqi حقیقی Haqiqe صاحب اِملاک مادی maa ddi مادی maaddi مادی Maadi پکا pakka ثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Validمضبوط mazbuut مضبوط Mazboot درست durust صحیح sahiih صحیح saahiih صحیح sahi صحیح Sahee پکا pakka آئینی aa iini آئینی aa ini آئینی Einy آئینی Aainy حقیقی haqiiqi حقیقی Haqeeqi حقیقی Haqeiqi حقیقی Haqeqi حقیقی Haqiqi حقیقی Haqiqe جائز jaa ez جائز Jaiz معقول maquul معقول maakuul معقول Maaqool معتبر motabar معتبر Moattabar مستحکم mustaehkam مستحکم mustahkam مستحکم Mustehkum پکی pakki ثابت saabit ثابت saabut ٹھیک thiik ٹھیک Theek
Wholeسالَم پُورا سَمُوچا Samoocaa سَب کا سَب صحَت مَند حالَت ميں تَمام Tammam بھر bhar کامل kaamil مسلم musallam مسلم Muslim پورا puura پورا Poora پورا Pura ثابت saabit ثابت saabut سالم saalim سالم Saalam سارا saara ساری saari ساری Saarir سب sab سب sabu سب sb تمام tamaam تمام temame تمام tamam
Certifiedثابت saabit ثابت saabut سند یافتہ sanad yaaftah
Confirmedپکی pakki ثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Fixedمقرر muqarrar مقرر muqarrir مستقل mustaqil نصب nasb نصب Nasab پچی pachchi پچی pichchi پچی Pichi قائم qaa em قائم Qaim ثابت saabit ثابت saabut یکسو yaksu یکسو yak su
Incorruptخالص khaalis پارسا paarsa پارسا Paarsaa ثابت saabit ثابت saabut صحیح sahiih صحیح saahiih صحیح sahi صحیح Sahee سچا sachcha سچا Sacha ٹھیک thiik ٹھیک Theek
Ingrainedپکا pakka پختہ pukhtah پختہ Pukhta رچا ہوا racha hu a ثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Invariantبے تغیر bey taghaiyur ثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Lastingدائمی daa emi دائمی Daaimi دوامی dawaami دیر پا deyr paa مستقل mustaqil پائندہ paa indah پائندہ Paienda پکا pakka مضبوط mazbuut مضبوط Mazboot قائم qaa em قائم Qaim ثابت saabit ثابت saabut
One pieceثابت saabit ثابت saabut ایک ٹکڑا eyk tukra
Provedآزمودہ aazmuudah آزمودہ Azmooza مثبت masbat مجرب mujarrab ثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Provenثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Provenceثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Provenienceثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Remainingباقی baaqi باقی ماندہ baaqi maandah ثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Solidکٹھور kathor متین matiin پکا pakka پختہ pukhtah پختہ Pukhta راسخ raasikh ثابت saabit ثابت saabut ٹھوس thos ٹھوس Thous استوار ustuwaar استوار ustuuwaar استوار Istawaar
Soundبجنا bajna آواز aawaaz آواز awaaz آواز Aawaz آواز Awaz ندا nida درست durust ثابت saabit ثابت saabut سالم saalim سالم Saalam صالح saaleh صالح Saleh صحیح sahiih صحیح saahiih صحیح sahi صحیح Sahee عمدہ umdah عمدہ Umda
Stabileجما ہوا jama hu a مضبوط mazbuut مضبوط Mazboot ثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Substantiatingثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Substantiationثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Unbrokenغیر منقطع ghaer munqata مسلسل musalsal مسلسل muslasal متواتر mutawaatir متواتر Mutawater ثابت saabit ثابت saabut سالم saalim سالم Saalam سلسلہ وار silsilah waar
Vindicatedثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Provandثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Provectionثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Provedorثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Provedoreثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Provedoresثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Provendثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Provendsثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Provinedثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Proviningثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Steadingsثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Steadsثابت saabit ثابت saabut
Substantiatedثابت saabit ثابت saabut

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abidingconstantenduringflat footedvestedceaselesslyfixedinvariablelastingpermanentresoluteunremittinglyunstoppablepersistentconstantsformantresistentsubsistentsustentatecontinuablepermanablepermansionpersantsempiternalcontinualincessantperenniallingeringendermaticendermiclastingnesslong lastinglasseslongicornsdirgefullong timeable bodiedstrongstoutstalwartburlycanthaleheftynot illtoughwell builtwell fedmightyvigorous ...

Idioms related to the meaning of Saabut - ثابت

A sound mind in a sound bodyقومی دماغ مضبوط جِسم میں ہی رہ سکتا ہے
Gold is proved by touchسونے کی پہچان کسوٹی ہے
Justice is a firm and continuous desire to render to every one that which is his dueانصاف سےکیا مُراد ہے ہر شخص کو اس کا جائز حق دینے کی مضبوط اور متواتر خواہش
Reason is a firm foundation to build uponعقل سے جو کام کیا جاۓ اچھا ہو گا
Solid worth is not sullied by slanderخاک ڈالنے سے کہیں چاند چھپتا ہے
To be solid withپکا ہونا
Draw not thy bow before the arrow be fixedکچی فصل کاٹنا نادانی ہے
Nature has given us live at interest like money no day being fixed for its returnقدرت نے ہم کو زندگی روپیہ کی طرح مفاد پر دی ہوئی ہے لیکن اس کی واپسی کا کوئی دن مقرر نہیں
There is a measure in things there are at length fixed boundaries beyond and about which that which is right cannot existمناسب حدود سے تجاوز کرنا بُرا ہے
By others faults wise men correct their ownکسی نے لقمان سے پوچھا عقل کس سے سیکھی جواب دیا بیوقوفوں سے
Correct accounts keep good friendsحساب پاک دوستی دُرست
First impressions are most lastingخیالِ اوّل دیر پا ہوتا ہے
Make your plans for the year at its beginning correct your wife from the first dayسال بھر کے کام کا نقشہ پہلے ہی بنا لو اور اپنی بیوی کو پہلے روز سے ہی ٹھیک کرنا شروع کرو
The ever lastingخدا
The most lasting monuments are the paper monumentsعلم و ادب کی یادگاریں پائندہ ترین یاد گار ہیں
What is violent is not lastingتشدد لازمی طور پر عارضی ہوتا ہے
Make your plans for the year at its beginning; correct your wife from the first dayسال بھر کے کام کا نقشہ پہلے ہی بنا لو اور اپنی بیوی کو پہلے روز سے ہی ٹھیک کرنا شروع کرو
A cracked bell can never sound wellکہیں ٹوٹی گھنٹی بھی بجتی ہے
As sound as a roachمضبوط
Broken friendship may be soldered but never soundسانپ کو لاکھ دودھ پلاوٴ جب موقع ملے گا ڈنک مارے گا
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What are the meanings of Saabut - ثابت in English?

Meanings of the word Saabut - ثابت in English are consistent, correct, enduring, established, firm, strong, substantial, valid, whole, certified, confirmed, fixed, incorrupt, ingrained, invariant, lasting, one piece, proved, proven, provence, provenience, remaining, solid, sound, stabile, substantiating, substantiation, unbroken, vindicated, provand, provection, provedor, provedore, provedores, provend, provends, provined, provining, steadings, steads and substantiated. To understand how would you translate the word Saabut - ثابت in English, you can take help from words closely related to Saabut - ثابت or it’s English translations. Some of these words can also be considered Saabut - ثابت synonyms. In case you want even more details, you can also consider checking out all of the definitions of the word Saabut - ثابت. If there is a match we also include idioms & quotations that either use this word or its translations in them or use any of the related words in English or Urdu translations. These idioms or quotations can also be taken as a literary example of how to use Saabut - ثابت in a sentence. If you have trouble reading in Urdu we have also provided these meanings in Roman Urdu.

We have tried our level best to provide you as much detail on how to say Saabut - ثابت in English as possible so you could understand its correct Urdu to English translation. We encourage everyone to contribute in adding more meanings to MeaningIn Dictionary by adding English to Urdu translations, Urdu to Roman Urdu transliterations and Urdu to English Translations. This will improve our English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English dictionary, English to Urdu Idioms translation and Urdu to English Idioms translations. Although we have added all of the meanings of Saabut - ثابت with utmost care but there could be human errors in the translation. So if you encounter any problem in our translation service please feel free to correct it at the spot. All you have to do is to click here and submit your correction.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What do you mean by saabut?

Meanings of saabut are consistent, correct, enduring, established, firm, strong, substantial, valid, whole, certified, confirmed, fixed, incorrupt, ingrained, invariant, lasting, one piece, proved, proven, provence, provenience, remaining, solid, sound, stabile, substantiating, substantiation, unbroken, vindicated, provand, provection, provedor, provedore, provedores, provend, provends, provined, provining, steadings, steads and substantiated

Whats the definition of saabut?

Definition of the saabut are

  • marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts
  • the same throughout in structure or composition
  • capable of being reproduced
  • (sometimes followed by with') in agreement or consistent or reliable
  • adjust for
  • patiently bearing continual wrongs or trouble
  • lasting a long time
  • settled securely and unconditionally
  • conforming with accepted standards
  • brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established
  • shown to be valid beyond a reasonable doubt
  • introduced from another region and persisting without cultivation
  • securely fixed in place
  • make taut or tauter
  • become taut or tauter
  • marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable
  • not subject to revision or change
  • not liable to fluctuate or especially to fall
  • (of especially a person's physical features) not shaking or trembling
  • strong and sure
  • unwavering in devotion to friend or vow or cause
  • not soft or yielding to pressure
  • with resolute determination
  • the members of a business organization that owns or operates one or more establishments
  • possessing the tone and resiliency of healthy tissue
  • strong and sure
  • not faint or feeble
  • of verbs not having standard (or regular) inflection
  • having strength or power greater than average or expected
  • freshly made or left
  • having a strong physiological or chemical effect
  • having or wielding force or authority
  • of good quality and condition; solidly built
  • being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content
  • immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with
  • having an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
  • of good quality and condition; solidly built
  • providing abundant nourishment
  • of considerable importance, size, or worth
  • of or relating to the real nature or essential elements of something
  • well grounded in logic or truth or having legal force
  • still legally acceptable
  • an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity
  • all of something including all its component elements or parts
  • including all components without exception; being one unit or constituting the full amount or extent or duration; complete
  • (of siblings) having the same parents
  • exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health
  • acting together as a single undiversified whole
  • to a complete degree or to the full or entire extent ( whole' is often used informally for wholly')
  • not injured or harmed
  • holding appropriate documentation and officially on record as qualified to perform a specified function or practice a specified skill
  • fit to be certified as insane (and treated accordingly)
  • endorsed authoritatively as having met certain requirements
  • having been established or made firm or received the rite of confirmation
  • of persons; not subject to change
  • fixed and unmoving
  • (of a number) having a fixed and unchanging value
  • securely placed or fastened or set
  • incapable of being changed or moved or undone; e.g.
  • free of corruption or immorality
  • not decayed
  • (used especially of ideas or principles) deeply rooted; firmly fixed or held
  • unvarying in nature
  • a feature (quantity or property or function) that remains unchanged when a particular transformation is applied to it
  • unaffected by a designated operation or transformation
  • existing for a long time
  • continuing or enduring without marked change in status or condition or place
  • lasting a long time without change
  • retained; not shed
  • (of clothing) consisting of or fashioned in a single whole piece
  • established beyond doubt
  • established beyond doubt
  • a former province of southeastern France; now administered with Cote d'Azur
  • where something originated or was nurtured in its early existence
  • not used up
  • not soft or yielding to pressure
  • of good quality and condition; solidly built
  • providing abundant nourishment
  • a three-dimensional shape
  • matter that is solid at room temperature and pressure
  • impenetrable for the eye
  • acting together as a single undiversified whole
  • characterized by good substantial quality
  • of one substance or character throughout
  • of the same color throughout
  • of a substantial character and not frivolous or superficial
  • entirely of one substance with no holes inside
  • the state in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress; resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it; and retains a definite size and shape
  • uninterrupted in space; having no gaps or breaks
  • of definite shape and volume; firm; neither liquid nor gaseous
  • having legal efficacy or force
  • (phonetics) an individual sound unit of speech without concern as to whether or not it is a phoneme of some language
  • (of sleep) deep and complete
  • utter with vibrating vocal chords
  • the audible part of a transmitted signal
  • the subjective sensation of hearing something
  • measure the depth of (a body of water) with a sounding line
  • make a certain noise or sound
  • in excellent physical condition
  • exercising or showing good judgment
  • the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause
  • the sudden occurrence of an audible event
  • a large ocean inlet or deep bay
  • a narrow channel of the sea joining two larger bodies of water
  • mechanical vibrations transmitted by an elastic medium
  • appear in a certain way
  • give off a certain sound or sounds
  • cause to sound
  • announce by means of a sound
  • free from moral defect
  • financially secure and safe
  • logically valid
  • complete; thorough
  • in good condition; free from defect or damage or decay
  • vigorous or severe
  • not able or intended to be moved
  • a sculpture having fixed units (usually constructed of sheet metal) and attached to a fixed support
  • (chemistry, physics, biology) resistant to change
  • additional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct
  • the act of validating; finding or testing the truth of something
  • (especially of promises or contracts) not violated or disregarded
  • marked by continuous or uninterrupted extension in space or time or sequence
  • (of farmland) not plowed
  • not subdued or trained for service or use
  • not broken; whole and intact; in one piece
  • freed from any question of guilt

What is the synonym of saabut?

Synonym of word saabut are بااصول, وضع دار, ثابت, مُطابق, یَکساں, با اصول, ہم آہنگ, استوار, یک رنگ, یکساں

What are the idioms related to saabut?

Here are the idioms that are related to the word saabut.

  • A sound mind in a sound body
  • Gold is proved by touch
  • Justice is a firm and continuous desire to render to every one that which is his due
  • Reason is a firm foundation to build upon
  • Solid worth is not sullied by slander